Statistics about Economy & Politics in Italy
- Italy: enterprises with innovation activities 2012-2014 by macro- region
- Number of startups in Italy 2021, by employment indicator
- Number of startups in Italy 2021, by province
- Number of employees within startups in Italy 2018-2020
- Italy: number of crowdfunding platforms 2015, by headquarter location
- Italy: number of crowdfunding platforms 2015, by number of workers
- Italy: distribution of company insolvencies by region 2017
- Italy: SME usage of online tools and platforms 2016-2018
- Startups with the highest financing rounds in Italy 2016-2017
- Italy: educational background of startup founders 2014
- Italy: Business Confidence Indicator of SMEs 2016-2018
- Italy: SMEs employee numbers change previous 6 months 2016-2018
- Italy: SMEs opinion on the state of the economy 2016-2018
- Italy: SMEs outlook on the state of their industries in 6 months 2016-2018
- Italy: SMEs outlook on the state of the economy industries in 6 months 2016-2018
- Italy: SMEs employment, by band 2016-2018
- Italy: total investment in hi-tech startups 2012-2017
- Italy: top 5 cities by number of startups 2017
- Italy: top 5 regions by number of startups 2017
- Italy: SMEs age 2016-2017, by band
- Investment in hi-tech start-ups in Italy 2012-2019, by type of investor
- Italy: professional practices usage of technology in 2015
- Italy: SMEs industry sectors 2018
- Italy: high innovation investments of professional practices in ICT 2015
- Italy: top 10 cities with the highest number of architects 2017
- Italy: startups with the highest turnovers 2015
- Italy: share of coworking spaces as of October 2014, by macro-region
- Italy: share of crowdfunding platforms 2015, by payment option
- Italy: innovative startups benefiting from public instruments 2017
- Italy: share of crowdfunding platforms 2015 by preferred payment gateway
- Italy: requirements to grow the business of crowdfunding platforms 2015
- Number of employees at Gucci 2011-2017
- Italy: certified business incubators 2016, by region
- Investment in hi-tech startups by international players in Italy 2017, by region
- Italy: total turnover generated by hi-tech startups 2012-2015
- Italy: total number of employees of hi-tech startups 2012-2015
- Italy: opinion on needed facilitations for innovative startups 2017
- Italy: financing of investments of firms 2013, by size
- Italy: investment in hi-tech startups 2012-2015, by industry
- Distribution of hi-tech startups in Italy 2012-2016, by investment size
- Women in decision-making bodies in Italy 2013-2019
- Female entrepreneurship in Italy 2000-2020
- Italy: level of trust in Italian firms bought by Chinese investors in 2017
- Italy: opinion on Chinese investors buying Italian firms in 2017
- Italy: number of employees 2013, by enterprise size
- Italy: share of Italian firms with innovation activities 2013, by size
- Italy: number of company insolvencies by region 2017
- Number of innovative start-ups founded in Italy from 2013 to 2014
- Italy: number of women-led start-ups 2013-2018
- Number of people employed in enterprises in Italy 2019, by size class
- Revenue growth rate of enterprises in Italy 2017-2020, by size
- Engineering, architecture, and testing firms in Italy 2018-2019, by legal form
- Number of technical & vocational education providers in Italy 2015-2018
- Number of firms providing office & business support in Italy 2015-2018
- Number of primary education service providers in Italy 2015-2018
- Companies providing social work without accommodation in Italy 2018, by legal form
- Italy: entrepreneurship framework conditions in 2018, by indicator
- Revenue of enterprises in Italy 2018, by size class of people employed
- Italy: YoY percentage change in EBITDA of SMEs 2016-2017
- Italy: reasons for founding a start-up company 2016
- Visa for startups applications approved in Italy 2019, by country of origin
- Value added of the service sector in Italy 2018, by region
- Value added of the industrial sector in Italy 2018, by region
- Italy: number of innovative startups 2018, by industry
- Italy: total personnel costs of selected innovative startups in Milan 2014-2016
- Italy: annual net profit of selected innovative startups in Milan 2014-2016
- ROE of small and medium enterprises in Italy 2016-2020
- Italy: ROE of small and medium enterprises 2017, by degree of international exposure
- Italy: innovative startups in Lombardy 2017, by sector
- Payment terms of accounts of small enterprises in Italy 2020
- Legal and accounting firms in Italy 2015-2019, by legal form
- Italy: activities of head offices and management consultancy activities 2015
- Firms carrying out rental & leasing activities in Italy 2015-2018, by legal form
- Italy: target SMEs for private equity funds 2018, by sector
- Italy: family run business among SMEs 2018, by type and sector
- Italy: family administrations among SMEs 2018, by administration and company size
- Average agreed payment terms of SMEs in Italy 2020, by sector
- Return on equity (ROE) in Italy 2007-2020, by company size
- Number of firms providing veterinary services in Italy 2018, by legal form
- Return on equity (ROE) in Italy 2015-2020, by sector
- Small and medium companies in decline in Italy 2015-2020
- Share of companies in decline in Italy 2015-2020, by size
- Return on assets (ROA) in Italy 2015-2018, by company size
- ROA of small and medium enterprises in Italy 2015-2018
- YoY percentage change in EBITDA of companies in Italy 2015-2018, by size
- Labor costs per unit of value added in Italy 2020, by sector
- YoY growth rate of labor costs in Italy 2015-2018, by size
- Italy: number of innovative startups in Lombardy 2013-2017
- Italy: innovative startups in Milan 2017, by sector
- Italy: start ups in 2015, by number of employees
- Italy: SMEs' investments as a percentage of tangible assets 2007-2017
- Average payment delay of SMEs in Italy 2012- Q2 2019
- Default risk of SMEs in Italy 2016-2020, by risk category
- Default risk of SMEs in Italy 2020, by risk category and sector
- Italy: survival rate of new businesses 2010-2014, by years survived
- Revenue growth rate of SMEs in Italy 2019-2020, by sector
- Italy: survival rate of new businesses after three years 2010-2012, by sector
- Italy: CAGR of SMEs 2007-2015, by level of innovation investment
- YoY percentage change in the number of SMEs in Italy 2008-2019
- Italy: opinion on the advantages of diversity and inclusion policies at work 2016