Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Italy
- ROI of games companies with production value of 10-20 million euros in Italy 2015-17
- Italy: children's ways to influence on parents' buying processes 2016
- Italy: mothers preferences when purchasing toys and games 2017
- Italy: children's influence on parents' buying decisions 2016
- Variation of consumption value of toys in Italy 2014-2022
- Consumption expenditure on toys in Italy 2014-2022
- Italy: distribution of people who buys toys and games 2017, by relationship
- Y-o-y variation of raw materials' costs in the games & toys sector in Italy 2016-2021
- Italy: forecast of toys and games retail value in 2014-2017
- Distribution of exports of the Italian games industry 2019, by area of destination
- Toys and games market revenue in Italy 2019-2029
- ROE of the games & toys industry in Italy 2018-2022
- ROI of the games & toys industry in Italy 2018-2022
- Italy: share of children who buy toys in stores 2016, by age
- Production value of the games & toys sector in Italy 2018-2022
- Italy: mothers decisional criteria when purchasing toys and games 2017
- Italy: market share kids toy industry 2016, by category
- Distribution of imports of the Italian games industry 2019, by area of origin
- Value of exports of the Italian games and toy industry 2019, by destination
- Italy: top 5 toy company market shares in 2014
- Italy: opinion of characteristic of toys and games 2017
- Italy: YoY growth consumption value of the children entertainment industry 2007-2016
- Italy: import share of toy companies in 2014, by region
- Italy: important factors when buying toys in Piedmont 2015
- Italy: YoY change in market value of children's products and services 2017
- Italy: key toys' characteristic considered by dealers in 2015
- Italy: measures against counterfeit toys in Piedmont 2015
- Italy: supply channel of toy companies of Piedmont in 2015
- Italy: sales growth of toys in 2016, by type
- Italy: export share of toy companies in 2014, by region
- Revenue in the Toys & games market in Italy 2019-2029, by segment
- Italy: import value of the toy industry 2013-H1 2015
- Italy: number of seized toys in 2008-2014
- Italy: enterprises in the manufacture of games & toys industry 2010-2020
- Italy: number of specialized games and toys retail stores 2010-2021
- Italy: toy industry export value in 2013-H1 2015
- Italy: toy trading companies in 2014, by region
- Italy: toy producing companies in 2014, by region
- Italy: market value kids industry 2017, by segment
- Firms manufacturing games and toys in Italy 2015-2021, by legal form
- Revenue of the toys and games industry in Italy 2010-2021
- Italy: how can a toy support the mother-child relationship 2017
- Toy market growth in the key countries of the industry 2012-2013
- Italy: value market share of children's products and services 2017, by segment
- Toys purchased per child in major countries of the sector worldwide 2012-2013
- Contribution of Christmas sales to total sales of toys worldwide 2013, by country
- Counterfeits: Negative effects on the value of toy sales in Europe 2012
- Italy: information provided by children toys and games brands 2017
- Toys: European market leaders by sales value 2011
- Annual budget per child on toys worldwide 2012-2013
- Forecast: games and toys manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Specialist game and toy retailers in Italy 2015-2022, by legal form
- Italy: monthly value of toys, games, and sports requisites imports 2018
- Italy: employees in the production of biogas from waste 2007-2030
- Italy: number of biogas plants in 2015, by feedstock
- Volume of bio-ETBE released for consumption 2012-2018
- Italy: thermal energy production from biogas 2012-2017
- First electronic cigarettes usage distribution in Italy 2015, by type
- Italy: employees in biogas production from agriculture 2007-2030
- Share of e-cigarette users in Italy 2013-2023
- Italy: reasons for choosing a certain liquid for e-cigarettes 2015
- Italy: annual production of agricultural biogas 2007-2015
- Italy: production of biodiesel 2005-2017
- Italy: percentage of cigarette and E-cigarette smokers 2015
- Italy: mandatory quota for advanced biofuels 2018-2022
- Italy: preferred distribution channels for e-cigarette 2015
- Italy: health risks of e-cigarettes in Italy 2015
- Import volume of biodiesel Italy 2018, by country of origin
- Italy: regular and occasional e-cigarettes users 2013-2015
- Biofuels consumption in Italy 2030, by type
- Italy: mandatory quota for advanced biomethane 2018-2022
- Key drivers when smoking electronic cigarettes in Italy 2015
- Electronic cigarette users’ distribution in Italy 2015, by nicotine strength
- Italy: consumption of single counting bio-fuels 2018, by raw material
- Solid biofuels and renewable waste capacity in Italy 2008-2018
- Liquid biofuels capacity 2008-2018
- Biofuel production in Italy 2018-2040
- Import volume of bio-ETBE Italy 2018, by country of origin
- Volume of bioethanol released for consumption 2012-2018
- Italy: usage of home treatment devices for tap water 2018, by process
- Italy: consumption volume of bottled sparkling water 2022, by type
- Sales volume of mineral waters in Italy 2022, by packaging type
- Sales volume of water in discounts in Italy 2023, by type
- Sales value of water via retail in Italy 2020, by channel
- Italy: average price of water in retail stores 2023, by type
- Leading countries in producing bottled water in the European Union 2014
- Italy: bottled water 2017, by region
- Share of bottled water consumed in Italy 2022, by macro-region
- Production volume of mineral and aerated water 2012-2018
- Consumption volume of bottled water in Italy 2022, by category
- Mineral water consumption volume in Italy 2016-2019
- Share of bottled water consumed in Italy 2022, by type
- Sales value of water via large-scale retail in Italy 2023, by macro-region
- Italy: drinking water stations 2010-2017
- Italy: share of individuals drinking tap water 2006-2021
- Consumers of mineral water in Italy 2006-2015, by gender
- Market share of the leading eight mineral water brands in Italy 2022
- Italy: brands of packaged mineral waters 2015, by region
- Consumption volume of bottled water in Italy 2018-2022, by type
- Italy: frequency in tap water consumption 2018, by macro-region