Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Italy
- Italy: share of revenue stream of customized shoes 2016
- Italy: forecasts of the revenue of customized shoes 2016-2018
- Geox: capital expenditure 2017-2023
- BasicNet Group: revenues 2018-2023
- Tod's: net profit 2013-2021
- Net sales of Geox 2023, by geographical area
- AEFFE Group: shareholders' equity 2014-2018
- Average price of exported Italian shoes 2019, by destination country
- Number of pair of shoes exported from Italy 2019, by country of destination
- Amount of shoes exported from Italy 2019, by destination area
- Italy: number of footwear manufacturers 2013-2022
- Turnover of the manufacture of leather industry in Italy 2013-2022
- Average price of exported shoes from Italy 2020, by material
- Export value of the Italian shoe industry 2019, by fabric
- Moncler: number of single-brand DOS 2013-2023
- Export volume of Italian shoe industry 2020, by fabric
- Footwear domestic consumption value in Italy 2014-2018
- Number of employees in the footwear sector in Italy 2014-2020
- Moncler: revenue share 2013-2023, by distribution channel
- Number of firms manufacturing footwear in Italy 2015-2022, by legal form
- Export value of Italian shoes industry 2019, by destination area
- Import value of shoes industry in Italy 2019, by fabric
- Imported number of shoes in the Italian shoes industry 2019, by fabric
- AEFFE Group: total sales 2023, by brand
- AEFFE Group: total sales 2023, by geographical area
- AEFFE Group: sales 2023, by distribution channel
- AEFFE Group: sales value in Italy 2014-2023
- AEFFE Group: share of sales 2023, by brand
- AEFFE Group: sales 2023, by distribution channel
- AEFFE Group: EBIT margin 2016-2023
- Salvatore Ferragamo: worldwide revenue share 2023, by product category
- Import value of the shoes industry in Italy 2012-2022
- Number of firms in Italian footwear sector 2014-2021
- Italy: forecasts of customized shoes sales 2016-2018
- Geox number of shareholders 2014-2023
- Tod´s: franchised stores of the Italian fashion company 2017, by area
- Geox total equity 2019 to 2023
- Geox total assets 2019 to 2023
- Geox net cash 2019 to 2023
- Average price of shoes imported in Italy 2020, by country of origin
- Average price of the shoes imported in Italy 2010-2019
- Average price of Italian shoes exported 2019, by destination area
- Average price per pair of shoes in Italy 2019, by type of shoes
- Survey: consumers' knowledge of 'Made in Italy' products in Italy in 2014
- Geox operating profit 2019 to 2023
- Shoe import value from Italy to Japan 2010-2019
- Italy: forecast EBITDA of customized shoes 2016-2018
- Production volume of the Italian shoes industry 2014-2019
- Net financial position of Italian company Geox 2017-2016
- Amount of shoes purchased by families in Italy 2019, by type of shoes
- Net operating working capital of Italian company Geox 2017-2019
- Footwear industry´s production value for domestic consumption in Italy 2014-2018
- Geox employees 2019 to 2023
- Average price of Italian shoes exported 2010-2019
- Survey: elements fostering the sales of 'Made in Italy' products in 2014, by area
- Geox revenue 2019 to 2023
- Geox: number of employees 2023, by geographical area
- Geox gross profit 2019 to 2023
- Export volume of the Italian shoes industry 2010-2019
- Geox net income 2019 to 2023
- Shoes imported in Italy 2019, by country of origin
- Italy: forecast of consumption rate change of shoes 2015-2018
- Shoes import value in Italy 2020, by geographical area
- Geox: worldwide number of single-brand DOS from 2014-2023
- Number of Geox mono-brand stores 2014-2023, by geographical area
- Export value of Italian shoes industry 2010-2021
- Body care product consumption in Italy 2023, by category
- Body hygiene product consumption in Italy 2023, by category
- Face care product consumption in Italy 2023, by category
- Sales value of sun care products in Italy 2021-2023, by distribution channel
- Italy: percentage change in sales value of face creams in pharmacies 2024, by product
- Revenue share of the skin care market in Italy 2020-2029
- Survey: beauty centers' employees’ skin analysis in Italy 2015
- Sales value of face creams in pharmacies in Italy 2018, by product
- Italy: sales value of body care products 2017-2018, by sales channel
- Sales value of deodorants in Italy 2021, by geographical area
- Revenue of the sun protection skin care industry in Italy 2018-2028
- Sales value of women's facial cleansing products in Italy 2020-2021
- Percentage change in face creams sold in pharmacies in Italy 2024, by type
- Average price of women's facial cleansing products in Italy 2020-2021
- Sales value of face care products in pharmacies in Italy 2024, by type
- Annual percentage change in the sales value of sun care products in Italy 2023
- Sales value of anti-cellulite care products in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Sales value of body creams in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Italy: sales value face cream in Q4 2016, by geographical area
- Body care products: consumption in Italy 2023, by channel
- Survey: knowledge of beauty centers' personnel of treatments in Italy 2015
- Annual sales value change of anti-cellulite products in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Survey: knowledge beauty centers' employees’ of products in Italy 2015
- Average price of body creams in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Anti-aging cream consumption value in Italy 2023, by channel
- Face care product consumption in Italy 2023, by channel
- Average price of anti-cellulite care products in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Sales value of sun care products in Italy 2023, by product type
- Percentage change in the sales value of body creams in pharmacies in Italy 2020-2024
- Italy: sales value of body care products 2024, by sales channel
- Body hygiene product consumption in Italy 2023, by channel
- Annual percentage change in sales value of bath and shower foams in Italy 2020-2021
- Sales value of bath and shower foams in Italy 2020-2021, by geographical area
- Italy: sales shares showers gel in 2017, by geographical area