Statistics about Society in Iceland
- Largest islands around Iceland
- Surface area of the Scandinavian countries
- Surface area of the Nordic countries
- Iceland: greenery per inhabitant in the city of Reykjavik 2018
- Migration from Scandinavia to the US 1820-1957
- Total fertility rate of Iceland 1850-2020
- Population of Iceland 1769-2020
- Crude birth rate of Iceland 1850-2020
- Life expectancy in Iceland, 1765-2020
- Infant mortality in Iceland 1955-2020
- Population of Iceland 1769-2020, by gender
- Child mortality in Iceland 1825-2020
- Number of personnel in adult prisons in Iceland 2012-2021, by gender
- Number of professional judges in Iceland 2013-2021
- Number of reported crimes in Iceland 2010-2022
- Number of police officers in Iceland 2011-2021, by gender
- Number of police officers per 1,000 inhabitants in Iceland 2011-2021
- Number of marriages in the Nordic countries 2011-2021
- Population by marital status in Iceland 2013-2023
- Number of divorces in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Divorced population in Iceland 2013-2023
- Married population in Iceland 2013-2023
- Population in Iceland 2023, by marital status
- Average annual income in Iceland 2013-2018, by broad group of country of birth
- Citizenships acquired by EU citizens in Iceland 2013-2019
- Net migration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Number of migrant workers in Iceland 2022, by industry
- Number of long-term residents in Iceland 2019, by citizenship
- Number of refugees in Iceland 2022, by country of origin
- Number of refugees in Iceland 2012-2022
- Fertility rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- Net migration in Iceland 2005-2022, by citizenship
- Migrant unemployment rate in Iceland 2010-2021, by gender
- Immigration to Iceland in 2022, by country
- Number of immigrants to Iceland 2013-2021, by HDI level of country of citizenship
- Immigration to Iceland 2005-2022
- Emigration from Iceland 2022, by country
- Average annual income in Iceland 2008-2018, by broad group of citizenship
- Number of first residence permits in Iceland 2010-2022, by grounds
- At-risk-of-poverty rate in Iceland 2013-2018, by broad group of country of birth
- Number of long-term residents in Iceland 2023, by age
- Annual number of asylum applicants in Iceland 2023, by country of origin
- Icelandic citizens emigrating from Iceland 2022, by country
- Citizenship acquired in Iceland 2013-2022, by age groups
- Number of citizenship acquired in Iceland 2013-2022, by gender
- Number of citizenships acquired in Iceland 2010-2022
- Number of first residence permits in Iceland 2009-2022
- Number of valid residence permits in Iceland 2022, by citizenship
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Iceland 2013-2018, by birthplace
- Annual number of unaccompanied minors applying for asylum in Iceland 2010-2023
- Number of long-term residents in Iceland 2010-2023
- Number of immigrants to Iceland 2010-2022, by age groups
- Number of long-term residents in Iceland 2010-2023, by gender
- Number of valid residence permits in Iceland 2010-2023
- Decisions on asylum applications from children in Iceland 2013-2023
- Number of valid residence permits in Iceland 2010-2023, by gender
- Number of valid resident permits in Iceland 2023, by age
- Number of accepted grants of asylum in Iceland 2010-2023, by status
- Number of immigrants to Iceland from EU countries 2013-2023
- Annual number of asylum applicants in Iceland 2010-2023, by age groups
- Long-term residents among people with residence permits in Iceland 2010-2023
- Annual number of asylum applicants in Iceland 2010-2023, by gender
- Annual number of asylum applicants in Iceland 2010-2023
- Migrant employment rate in Iceland 2009-2021, by gender
- Number of emigrants from Iceland 2005-2022
- Number of emigrants from Iceland 2005-2022, by gender
- Number of immigrants to Iceland 2005-2022, by gender
- Number of asylum applications from children in Iceland 2011-2023
- Early leavers from education and training in Iceland 2011-2023, by country of birth
- Share of employees working temporarily in Iceland 2012-2023, by citizenship
- Immigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- At-risk-of-poverty rate among children in Iceland 2013-2018, by birthplace of parents
- Share of people who own a property in Iceland 2013-2018, by country of birth
- Overcrowding rate in Iceland 2013-2018, by country of birth
- Material and social deprivation rate in Iceland 2014-2018, by country of birth
- Health perceived as bad or very bad in Iceland 2013-2018, by country of birth
- Self-perceived unmet needs of medical examination Iceland 2018, by country of birth
- Share of people with higher education in Iceland 2011-2019, by country of birth
- People with upper secondary education in Iceland 2011-2019, by country of birth
- Number of valid resident permits for children in Iceland 2011-2016
- Number of resident permits granted to children in Iceland 2011-2017
- Emigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- At-risk-of-poverty rate among foreign-born citizens in the Nordic countries 2011-2023
- Employment rate in Iceland 2010-2021, by background
- Foreigners at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the Nordic countries 2010-2023
- Share of traffic offenses in Iceland 2008-2018, by type
- Number of traffic offenses in Iceland 2001-2021
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2023, by gender
- Population of Iceland 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of foreign inhabitants in Iceland 2023, by country
- Forecast of population growth in Iceland 2022-2032
- Population growth in Iceland 2000-2022
- Population in Iceland 2022, by origin
- Population in Iceland 2012-2022, by degree of urbanization
- Population of Iceland 2013-2023, by age
- Forecast of population growth in Iceland 2022-2032, by gender
- Forecast of population growth in Iceland 2022-2032, by age
- Nuclear families in Iceland 2013-2023, by type of family
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2021, by age group
- Degree of urbanization in Nordic countries 2014-2024