Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in France
- France: drone package delivery system market size by platform 2018-2030
- France: price index for storage Q1 2011-Q1 2017
- Transportation and storage : GOS in France 2011-2017
- Bolloré employees 2019 to 2023
- Size of the French contract logistics market 2006-2013
- France: freight transportation by land by means of transport 2015
- Conceded motorway services: variation of the IPST France 2019
- Enterprises offering postal and courier services in France 2014-2018
- Key figures on DHL Express in France 2016
- Situations already arrived to French people in lifts 2015
- Bolloré total assets 2019 to 2023
- Cold storage services: change of production index in France 2016
- Non-container goods services: variation of the IPST France 2016
- Transport organization services: variation of IPST France 2019
- Total surface area of warehouses and logistics platforms in France 2013, by region
- Bolloré net income 2019 to 2023
- Forecast: removal services revenue France 2008-2018
- Transport via pipeline revenue in France 2010-2022
- Transport via pipeline revenue in France 2010-2022
- Contract logistics market: France 2006-2013
- Preferred delivery service convenience options in France in 2015
- Total tonne-kilometres of freight transported in France 2006-2019
- STEF net income 2019 to 2023
- Length of oil pipelines in France from 1990 to 2015
- Total investment in inland transport infrastructure in France 2004-2019
- New contracts of French leasing companies within Europe between 2015 and 2017
- Number of employees of the company Quadient 2017-2022
- STEF operating profit 2019 to 2023
- Forecast: pipeline transport revenue France 2008-2018
- Revenue generated from postal and courier services in France 2014-2025
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by inland waterway in France 2009-2022
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by road in France 2009-2022
- Forecast: warehousing and storage revenue France 2008-2018
- Forecast: cargo handling revenue France 2008-2018
- STEF net cash 2019 to 2023
- Sales revenue of the post and courier activity in France 2010-2020
- STEF revenue 2019 to 2023
- Forecast: revenue warehousing and storage France 2008-2020
- STEF total equity 2019 to 2023
- STEF total assets 2019 to 2023
- Maritime passenger transportation : full-time employees France 2011-2013
- Sea and coastal freight water transport revenue in France 2010-2022
- Maritime ports in France in 2018, by maritime area
- Sea and coastal freight water transport revenue in France 2010-2022
- Vessels using berths in French maritime ports 2018, by type of activities
- Composition of the fishing fleet in France 2014, by type of boat
- Average price of berths France 2018, by maritime area
- Number of recreational boats registered in French maritime waters 2021, by type
- Maritime freight transportation in France: number of firms 2011-2016
- Pleasure boats registered in maritime waters by type in France
- Boat licenses issued to navigate at sea France 2020
- France: price index for freight transportation by sea Q1'2011-Q4' 2018
- Ship freight transportation volume by type in France in 2014
- Investment in sea port infrastructure in France 2008-2019
- Busiest ports for sea travel to France from the United Kingdom (UK) 2020
- Turnover of the maritime and coastal passenger transport in France 2008-2017
- Gross weight of goods in ro-ro units transported to/from Calais 2006-2015
- Forecast: sea and coastal passenger transport revenue France 2008-2018
- Forecast: sea and coastal freight transport revenue France 2008-2018
- Imports of liquid goods to the port of Marseille in France 2021
- Berths in French maritime ports 2018, by maritime area
- Freight traffic in major French seaports 2013-2014
- Turnover of the maritime and coastal freight transport in France 2008-2016
- French boats carrying passengers 2014-2020, by type
- Freight flows in the largest French ports 2013-2014
- Net debt gearing ratio of the company CMA CGM 2013-2017
- Volume of goods processed in seaports in France 2016, by type
- Most important fishing ports in France 2016, by region
- Number of cargo ships in France 2014-2019, by type of boat
- Pleasure boats registered in maritime waters in France 2019, by length
- Production value in the French maritime sector in 2017
- Fleet of maritime services in France 2019, by register
- Transport vessels in France 2019, by place of registration
- Recreational boats registered in French maritime waters 2020, by region
- Leading French fishing ports in France 2016, in value
- Composition of the French transport fleet in 2018, by type of boat
- Forecast: revenue sea and coastal passenger transport France 2008-2020
- Direct employment in the maritime sector in France 2017
- Mobility modes intended to be replaced by autonomous shuttles in 2022
- Revenue in the shared mobility market France 2019-2029
- Taxi and ride-hailing use frequency in 2022
- Europe: leading e-scooter sharing markets by revenue 2023
- Shared mobility vehicle fleet in French cities 2023
- Willingness to use shared autonomous shuttles in 2022
- Revenue in the shared vehicles segment of the shared mobility market France 2018-2028
- Europe: most popular car brands for taxis 2018-2023
- Europe: most popular car models for taxis 2018-2023
- Home-to-office bicycle journeys in France, by department
- France: motorcycle sales by engine size 2021
- Employed people going to work by bike in France in 2017, by city
- Electric bicycles sold in France 2007-2019
- Killed with no helmet on a moped in road accidents France 2010-2015
- France: revenue of the motorcycle retail and repair sector 2015-2021
- Trend of the French to share bikes and motorized two-wheelers 2015, by age
- Use of electric bikes and scooters in the future in France 2018
- Use frequency of motorized two-wheelers in France 2019
- Home to office journeys done by bike in France 2017, by distance
- Newly electric two-wheelers registered in France 2016-2020, by engine size
- Age of the French motorized two-wheelers fleet 2018, by type of vehicle
- Types of vehicle composing the French motorized two-wheelers fleet 2018