Statistics about Sports & Recreation in France
- New skydiving licenses in France 2022, by gender
- Companies spending on sports in France 2008-2012
- National spending on sports in France 2008-2012
- Air sports participation in France 2022, by discipline
- Local authorities spending on sports in France 2008-2012
- New skydiving licenses in France 2022, by type
- Household expenses on sports in France 2009-2017, by product type
- Revenue in the sports & outdoor segment of the e-commerce market France 2017-2027
- Average number of employees of la Française des Jeux 2012-2016
- Revenue of La Française des Jeux in France 2012-2021
- Net result of La Française des Jeux 2014-2016
- Value of sales of La Française des Jeux 2014-2016
- Breakdown of the sports betting of the Française des Jeux by sport 2016
- Gambling: opinion on the main risks for minors in France 2017
- Annual sales evolution of La Française des Jeux by type of game 2015-2016
- Main FDJ scratch games at 0.25 and 0.50 euros in France 2021, by return rate
- Knowledge of the minimum legal age for gambling in France 2017
- Exposure to prevention messages regarding minors and gambling in France 2017
- Distribution of the sales of La Française des Jeux 2016, by type of game
- Leading scratch games at one euro of the FDJ in France 2021, by return rate
- Rate of return to players of scratch games at 5 and 10 euros of the FDJ 2020
- GGR of online betting on horse racing in France 2010-2023
- GGR of online sports betting in France 2011-2023
- Number of active online accounts for horse racing betting in France 2011-2023
- Online betting handle of horse racing in France 2010-2023
- Number of active online sports betting accounts in France 2012-2023
- Age of people playing gambling games for the first time in France 2017
- Average annual expenditure of online sports bettors in France 2012-2023
- Online sports betting handle in France 2010-2023
- Frequency of hiking practice in France 2018, by partner
- Frequency of jogging practice in France 2018, by partner
- Frequency of fitness practice in France in 2018
- Number of sport clubs members in the Parisian region 2017, by type
- Frequency of jogging practice in France in 2018
- Leading sports activities among people aged under 40 years in France 2018
- French Cycling Federation: clubs by region 2018
- Leading sports activities among men in France 2018
- French Basketball Federation: female licenses in France 2018, by age
- Practice of jogging in France 2018, by type of practice
- French Volleyball Federation: female licenses in France 2018, by age
- Number of ski licenses by age in France 2018
- French Equestrian Federation: licenses issued in France 2018, by gender
- French Swimming Federation: male licenses in France 2018, by age
- Practice of hiking in France 2018, by type of practice
- Months during which people who do winter sports go skiing in France 2018, by gender
- People not practicing sports in France 2018, by region
- Most popular sports activities during the summer holidays in France 2020
- Opinion of French people on whether they do more sports on holiday 2019
- Distribution of sports regularly participated in France 2018
- Months during which people who regularly do winter sports go skiing in France 2018
- Ranking of outdoor activities practiced at least once a year by French people 2018
- Leading reasons why French people practice fitness 2017
- Reasons why people engage in physical activity France 2018, by age and gender
- Number of registered golf courses in France 2010-2017
- France: number of employees in the sport industry 2011 to 2020
- France: share of golfers who went on golf holiday abroad 2017, by destination
- Europe: forecasted distribution of golfers in 2020, by age group
- Europe: leading countries in increase of female golfers between 2010 and 2015
- France: leading reasons why people engage in sport or physical activity in 2017
- Sport practices of the French since the beginning of confinement March 2020
- Distribution of French people according to time dedicated to physical activity 2020
- Licenses within the French Boxing Federation 2017, by age group
- Leading sports activities among women aged over 40 years in France 2018
- Licenses issued by the French Swimming Federation (FFN) 2020, by age
- French Gymnastics Federation: clubs by region in France 2017
- Licenses issued by the French Rugby Federation (FFR) 2020, by gender
- French volleyball Federation: male licenses by age in France 2017
- Number of French Athletics Federation's male licenses issued 2017, by age
- French Dance Federation: Clubs by region in France 2017
- Frequency of sports activities among 16-year-olds in France 2003-2015
- French Equestrian Federation: licenses awarded in France 2017, by region
- Attendance of sports venues according to frequency by the French 2016
- French volleyball Federation: licenses awarded by region in France 2017
- French Volleyball Federation: clubs by region in France 2017
- French Swimming Federation: women's licenses by age in France 2017
- Licenses issued by the French Sailing Federation 2020, by gender
- French Golf Federation: licenses awarded by region in France 2017
- Multisports federations: women's licenses by age in France 2017
- Share of French people going running 2018
- Criteria for choosing a fitness center in France 2017
- Sports federations: number of clubs per region in France 2017
- Running races practiced by the French 2016
- Sports federations: male licenses in France 2017, by age
- Young people doing physical activity or sport in France 2015, by gender
- Favorite sports activities among French seniors 2019
- Types of skiing practiced by the French 2016
- Female licenses issued by the French Equestrian Federation (FFE) 2020, by age
- French Golf Federation: licenses issued in France 2018, by age
- Licenses issued by the French Hiking Federation in France 2020, by gender
- Female licenses issued by the French Dance Federation (FFD) 2020, by age group
- Licenses issued by the French Rugby Federation (FFR) 2020, by age group
- French Gymnastics Federation: licenses issued by gender 2017
- Male licenses issued by the French Tennis Federation (FFT) 2020, by age
- Licenses issued by the French Tennis Federation (FFT) 2020, by region
- Clubs of the Sailing Federation in France 2020, by region
- Number of female licenses issued by the French Hiking Federation 2020, by age
- Licenses issued by the French Hiking Federation (FFRandonnée) 2020, by age
- Licenses issued by the French Sailing Federation (FFVoile) 2020, by age
- Licenses issued by the French Swimming Federation 2020, by gender
- Licenses issued by the French soccer federation 2020, by gender