Statistics about Media in France
- Digital Music revenue in France 2018-2027, by segment
- Audio content with highest daily listening time in France 2024, by type
- Forecast: revenue sound recording and music publishing France 2008-2020
- Forecast of Digital Music users by segment in France 2019-2027
- Audio media consumption shares in France 2022
- Ad-funded streaming revenue by type in France 2013-2014
- Forecast: sound recording and music publishing revenue France 2008-2018
- Audio content listening frequency of children in France 2022, by age
- Perks of consuming audio content according to children in France 2022
- Distribution of music genres listened to in France 2016-2018
- Enriched e-books reading penetration in France 2014
- Number of e-book platforms used by digital book readers in France 2014
- Reasons for trying digital books in France in 2014
- E-book format conversion software usage among digital book readers in France 2014
- Most read literary genres in digital form in France 2014
- Digital books: main advantages according to French readers in 2014
- Most popular devices for reading e-books among young people in France 2018
- Digital purchasing and borrowing in France 2024
- Most used media for listening to audiobooks among young French people 2018
- Digital books: average reading session length by device used in France 2014
- E-book access platform usage in France 2014
- Device use for reading e-books among French youth in March 2024
- E-book free or paid acquisitions in France 2014
- Electronic devices used to read digital books in France 2014
- Digital book readers distribution in France 2014, by number of digital books read
- Most read novel genres in digital form in France 2014
- E-book readers: average expenses on selected e-book genres in France 2014
- Penetration rate of audio books among children in France 2017
- Frequency of listening to audio books in France 2017
- Frequency of reading digital books and comics online in France 2018
- Digital books: reasons for illegal consumption in France 2014
- Printed books readers' intention to read digital books in France 2014
- Penetration rate of e-books among French youth in March 2024
- Digital books: frequency of illegal e-books consumption in France 2014
- E-books: most illegally consumed literary genres in France 2014
- Digital book readers: age group distribution by reading consumption in France 2014
- Share of audio book lovers among French youth in March 2024
- Penetration rate of podcasts among French youth in March 2024
- Penetration rate of audio books among French youth in March 2024
- Number of digital and print books read annually in France 2023
- Most used devices for reading e-books among young people in France 2018
- Lawfulness of reading digital and audio books online in France 2023
- Device usage for reading e-books & audiobooks in France 2021
- Criteria of comic books readers regarding comics in France 2020, by age group
- Reading erotic literature in France 2016
- Impact of the lockdown caused by coronavirus on book consumption in France 2020
- Favorite places for reading erotic literature in France 2016
- Favorite activities of French children 2019, by gender
- Percentage of French parents who read 2019
- Percentage of French parents concerned by their kid's reading situation 2019
- Sex of professional and amateur comic book writers in France 2015
- Reading places of erotic novels by gender in France 2016
- Top ten favorite comic books in France 2020
- Book purchases by store brand in France 2024
- Weekly reading time of young people according to their degree of study in France 2016
- Type of books read by men in France 2023
- Main sources of income of comic book authors in France 2015
- Supports for the purchase of erotic books by gender in France 2016
- Percentage of French parents who think that their child likes reading 2019
- The best selling erotic books in France 2013
- Typology of readers distributed by socio-professional category in France 2015
- Publications of Franco-Belgian comic books in the francophone market 2000-2016
- Preferred contemporary foreign authors in France 2016
- Advantages of reading by gender in France 2019
- Future increase of online comics consumption in France 2021
- Parental encouragement for reading in France 2019
- Number of manga volumes sold in France 2012-2023
- Erotic literature sharing by gender in France 2016
- Favorite activities of French children 2019, by socio-professional category
- Marketed production of book translations in France 2009-2019
- Reading frequency of readers in France 2023
- Percentage of French children who likes receiving reading materials as gifts 2019
- Favorite Japanese manga series by age in France 2017
- Favorite time to read according to French children 2019
- Reasons why French people read more books during the lockdowns in France 2020
- Opinion on bookstores during an eventual third lockdown in France 2020
- Printed and digital books reading consumption of digital book readers in France 2014
- Favorite reading type of children in France 2019, by gender
- Preferred distribution channels for purchasing books since lockdown in France 2020
- Number of manga publications in the French-speaking world 2000-2016
- Average number of print books read by the French 2023
- Ranking of comics' print runs in the francophone market by copies 2016
- Role of digital book reading on printed book consumption in France 2014
- Forecast: binding and related services revenue France 2008-2018
- Sales value of self-help books in France 2017-2018, by category
- Favorite reading type of French children 2019, by age
- Favorite types of novels of young readers in France 2018
- Forecast: book publishing revenue France 2008-2018
- Breakdown of paperback novels revenue in France 2016, by book type
- Percentage of French kids who like going to the library 2019
- Book sales in France 2015-2023
- Favorite reading type of French children 2019, by socio-professional category
- Favorite reading type supports of children in France 2019
- Industry revenue of “retail sale of books in specialised stores“ in France 2012-2025
- Number of physical comics titles sold in France 2010-2023
- Favorite reading types of French children according to their parents 2019
- Readers who have bought second-hand books in France 2014-2022
- Annual budget dedicated to second-hand books by French readers 2014-2022
- Share of second-hand books in purchases made by French readers 2014-2022
- Favorite Franco-Belgian comic series by gender France 2017