Statistics about Internet in France
- Trust level French people have in Google and Facebook to ensure data protection 2019
- Perception of GAFAM in France 2019
- Ranking of news apps, by energy consumption level, in France in 2018
- E-shop classification according to CO2 emissions during an average visit France 2019
- Iliad net income 2019 to 2023
- Share of internet and digital footprint of the total French environmental impact 2020
- French views on how digital technologies can help the environment in the future 2020
- Ranking of 100 e-commerce websites, according to their carbon impact in France 2020
- Ways that internet technologies can help the environment according to the French 2020
- Revenue in the internet of things market France 2019-2029
- Messaging apps as a replacement for text messages in Europe 2016
- Messaging apps installed on smartphones in France 2016, by type
- Mobile internet usage reach in France 2020-2029
- Mobile internet users in France 2020-2029
- Smartphone internet browsers penetration by occupation group in France 2019
- Share of people making online phone calls from a computer in France 2012-2016
- Use of mobile phone features in France 2003-2019
- Mobile phone: consulting email by household size in France 2015
- Most used smartphone functions in France 2015
- Smartphone: number of applications downloaded on average per week in France 2016
- Smartphone: ways to discover financial applications in France 2016
- Smartphone holder browser usage in France 2019
- Ownership of mobile phones in France 2005-2023
- Locations of mobile internet usage via smartphone in France 2014 and 2015
- Mobile data traffic consumed on mobile networks in France 2009-2019
- Use of applications among iPhone and Samsung users in France 2014
- Smartphone push notifications: user behavior in France 2013
- Smartphone: number of finance applications installed in France 2016
- Sites or applications visited on smartphone on vacation by the French 2013
- Breakdown of time spent on mobile devices in France 2017, by browser or app use
- Usage of selected mobile phone features in France 2014-2023
- Mobile internet usage penetration in France 2019, by device
- Mobile internet usage reach in France 2014-2029
- Mobile internet usage via smartphone in France 2019, by age
- Mobile internet usage in France 2010-2019, by socio-professional category
- App developers: number of apps produced in the UK, Germany and France in 2014
- Average mobile app company size in the United Kingdom (UK), Germany and France 2014
- App companies with fewers than five employees in the UK, Germany and France 2014
- TikTok: distribution of France audiences 2024, by gender
- Europe: penetration rate change of QR codes form Q2 to Q3 of 2013, by country
- French people's opinion on connected devices to geotag children in France 2020
- Participation in social networks in France 2019, by level of diploma
- Use of smartphone features in France 2011-2016
- Market share of internet browsers used on mobile in France 2024
- Users installing a mobile application in the month by country of the world 2016
- Leading iPhone apps in France 2022, by revenue
- Health and fitness app planned usage reasons in selected countries 2023
- Leading iPhone lifestyle apps by daily active users (DAU) in France 2021
- Preferred locations for scanning QR codes in the EU5 in 2011
- Leading iPhone social media apps in France 2022, by revenue
- France: mobile phone internet user penetration 2014-2017
- Leading Google Play lifestyle apps in France 2021, by daily active users (DAU)
- Number of applications downloaded in the UK, Germany and France 2016
- French people's opinion on connected devices to geotag children in France 2020
- Mobile data consumption volume in France 2008-2017
- App developers: average years of experience in the UK, Germany and France 2014
- Companies collecting client information for marketing purposes in France 2019
- App developers: number of apps involved with in the UK, Germany and France in 2014
- Consumers buying via mobile browser or application worldwide 2016
- Consumers' opinion on the impact of digital on the environment in France 2019
- Share of French people using a mobile phone to access internet 2011-2019
- App downloads per capita in the United Kingdom (UK), Germany and France in 2014
- Share of French ready to use artificial intelligence for banking 2018
- App downloads in the United Kingdom, Germany and France in 2014
- Top finance brands profiles on Instagram in France Q1 2021, by posts and interaction
- Europe: penetration rate of QR codes in selected countries as of September 2013
- France leading iPhone news apps by daily active users (DAU) in France 2022
- France leading iPhone entertainment apps by daily active users (DAU) 2022
- Monthly mobile data consumption volume by SIM card in France 2008-2017
- Leading iPhone music apps by Daily active users (DAU) in France 2022
- Messaging apps usage among individuals in France 2023, by frequency
- France leading iPhone apps by daily active users (DAU) 2022
- Enterprises with a responsive website or a mobile app in France 2019, by sector
- France: most popular video apps 2023, by revenue
- Leading iPhone health & fitness apps by Daily active users (DAU) in France 2022
- Leading iPhone entertainment apps in France 2022, by revenue
- Mobile phone features used in France 2017, by gender
- France: leading video apps used by children 2023
- Share of the increase in time spent on applications in France 2019, by category
- Visit frequency of the banking website among French users 2020
- Leading iPad apps in France 2022, by revenue
- Best websites in the employment and training category in France 2018-2019
- Leading iPhone non-gaming app publishers in France 2022, by revenue
- Geolocation data shared by mobile users in France 2019, by type of data
- France: most popular video apps 2023, by downloads
- Favorite websites for reselling unwanted Christmas gifts in France 2020, by gender
- Leading Google Play health & fitness apps in France 2022 by daily active users (DAU)
- Extra maritial activities of French couples during the confinement in France 2020
- Leading iPad health & fitness apps by Daily active users (DAU) in France 2022
- Leading iPad social media apps by Daily active users (DAU) in France 2022
- Trust in the government on the use of data for the StopCovid app in France May 2020
- Corporate budget devoted to mobile marketing in France in 2018
- Leading Google Play video player apps in France 2021, by daily active users (DAU)
- Trust in the government on the use of data for the StopCovid app in France May 2020
- Main reasons why the French use their bank's mobile apps 2019
- Geolocation usage penetration on mobile phone in France 2016, by age group
- Opinion on the risks of the use of virtual assistants at home France 2018
- France leading Android news and magazine apps by daily active users (DAU) 2022
- France leading Android social media app by Daily active users (DAU) 2022
- France leading Android shopping apps by daily active users (DAU) 2022