Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in France
- French adult female population by BMI 2020
- Number of deaths due to drugs in France 2010, by substance
- French adult male population by BMI 2020
- Share of obese people in France 1997-2020, by age
- Discomfort suffered by excised women living in France 2009
- Attitudes adopted in order to stay in good health in France 2016
- Health attitudes and behavior in France 2016
- Prevalence of obesity in France 2013, by department
- Share of students who have tried drugs in France 2019, by type
- Vision impairments in France 1990-2020, by severity
- Frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables France 2015
- Hearing loss prevalence in select developed countries 2014-2015
- Depression in hearing aid owners/non owners in select developed countries 2014-2015
- People wearing orthodontic appliances in France 2015
- Opinion of French women on the male contraceptive pill in France 2012
- Male contraceptive methods that young French men would be willing to use 2021
- Reasons for anxiety among French students during the year 2018/2019
- Age distribution of eyeglass wearers in France 2016, by age
- Number of blood donors in France 2005-2019
- Opinions of French women on the effects of emergency contraceptives 2015
- Prevalence of obesity among men by age in France 2013
- Share of French people who wake up at night 2018, by number of times
- Ways to relieve stress according to French people 2017
- Drugs: Frequency of online purchase of NPS by sales site France 2014
- Use of contraceptive methods by French women, by age 2010-2013
- Age of first-time blood donors in France 2017
- Images about sophrology among French people 2014
- Share of French people with suicidal thoughts 2010, by age and gender
- Solutions to cope with stress among French students during the year 2018/2019
- Suicide patterns of French people aged 15 to 30 2010
- Blood groups of the French, according to the ABO system
- Rate of voluntary abortions per hundred births in France 2006-2019
- Causes of death of the elderly in France 2015
- Opinion on the suicide rate in France compared to European countries 2013
- Number of blood donations per donor in France 2005-2019
- Blood groups of the French, according to the Rh system
- Leading cosmetic surgeries in France 2021, by monthly search volume
- Belief in the health benefits of acupuncture in France 2018
- Budget spent on alternative medicine treatments in France 2018
- Number of psychiatric patients hospitalized without their consent France 2012-2015
- Occupancy rate in French resuscitation units during the COVID-19 pandemic 2022
- Adverse effect cases of Moderna vaccine against the Covid-19 in France 2021
- Cannabis market size in selected European countries in 2022, by use
- Felt positive effects of alternative medicine treatments in France 2018
- Cannabis market size distribution in selected European countries in 2022, by use type
- HIV prevention: PrEP users in France S1/2016-S1/2021
- HIV prevention: PrEP initiations in France S1 2016-S1 2021
- Acceptance of responsible self-medication in France 2015
- Age distribution of PrEP users in France 2016-2021
- Source of information on not taking antibiotics unnecessarily in France 2016
- Gender distribution of PrEP users in France 2016-2021
- Use of blood products in France 2016
- Factors causing antibiotic resistance according to the French 2017
- Opinion of the French on the effectiveness of drugs against mental illnesses 2014
- Adverse effect cases of AstraZeneca vaccine against the Covid-19 in France 2021
- Osteoporosis treatment prices in France 2013, by type
- Total number of radiotherapy sessions in France 2017
- HIV prevention: PrEP initiations in France 2016-2021, by region
- Reasons for resorting to homeopathy and alternative medicine in France 2018
- Conditions of blood transfusions in France 2016
- Surgical treatment of obesity performed in France 2006-2016, by institution
- Adverse effect cases of BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine against the Covid-19 in France 2021
- Share of French consulting a psychologist 2013
- Trust in science in France 2018
- Opinion on hypnosis in France 2019
- Trust in vaccines in France 2018
- Trust in antidepressants in France 2018
- Opinion on naturopathy in France 2019
- Opinion on sophrology in France 2019
- Opinion on acupuncture in France 2019
- Opinion on homeopathy in France 2019
- Opinion on osteopathy in France 2019
- People willing to receive the blood donation from a gay man in France 2012, by age
- Reasons for consulting a psychologist in France 2013
- Diabetes: hospitalization rate for foot wound by region in France 2013
- Reasons not to consult a psychologist in France 2013
- Opinion on chiropractic in France 2019
- Usefulness of psychotherapy according to the French 2013
- Aesthetic non surgical procedures: use of injectables in France 2019
- Opinion on the effectiveness of psychotherapy France 2014
- Length of hospitalization in psychiatry without consent in France 2012
- Annual frequency of alternative medicine consultations in France 2018
- Adverse effect cases of Janssen vaccine against the Covid-19 in France 2021
- Organ donation: informing loved ones in France 2016
- Methods used to quit smoking in France 2017
- Satisfaction regarding the quality of medical care in France 2016
- Number of dialysis sessions by type of health facility in France 2017
- Conditions of care for schizophrenia in health care France 2011
- Rates of treatment with antidepressants or mood stabilizers by age in France 2017
- People treated with antidepressants or mood regulators by gender France 2017
- Properties of homeopathy according to the French 2018
- Health benefits of meditation according to the French 2018
- Public trust in alternative and complementrary medicine in France 2018
- Alternative medicine coverage in French peoples' complementary health insurance 2019
- Adverse effect cases caused by vaccines against Covid-19 in France 2021
- Belief in the health benefits of homeopathy in France 2018
- Belief in the health benefits of hypnosis in France 2018
- Surgical treatment of obesity performed yearly in France 1997-2016
- Surgical treatment of obesity performed in France 1997-2016, by gender
- Surgical treatment of obesity performed in France 2006-2016, by procedure