Statistics about Economy & Politics in France
- Support of voting rights in local elections for foreigners living in France 1994-2021
- Support for voting rights in local elections for foreigners living in France 2021
- Voting intentions by political party for the European Parliament election France 2024
- Vote transfers to abstention for the French presidential election second round 2022
- Key issues for left-wing and Green voters in the French regional elections 2021
- Credibility of presidential candidates on key campaign issues in France 2022
- Public opinion on Emmanuel Macron's suitability as potential President of France 2016
- Voting behavior of former right-wing voters for the 2022 elections in France 2021
- Former Le Pen voters' electoral behavior for 2022 elections in France 2021, by status
- Voting intentions in first round of presidential election in France 2021-2022
- Young people's perception of the consideration of youth in politics in France 2022
- Presidential election turnout according to French people's political orientation 2021
- Rassemblement National's score in the French presidential election 1988-2021
- Motives of the French who might abstain in the presidential election first round 2022
- Abstention rate for the presidential election first round in France 2022, by age
- Gap between interest and voter turnout in French elections 2015-2021, by age group
- First round results of the presidential elections in Centre-Val de Loire 2022
- Evolution of voting intentions in first round of presidential election in France 2022
- Opinion on the implications of rising abstention in France 2022
- French presidential election results by professional class 2017
- Number of registrations in the electoral lists in France 2014-2018
- Political parties that students sympathize the most with in France in 2016
- French and European abstention rates in European elections 1979-2019
- Most worrying issues regarding France's situation 2021-2024
- French opinion on several proposals to stimulate democracy 2021, by age groups
- Votes for the far right in the presidential elections in France 2022, by region
- Number of votes for Rassemblement National in French presidential election 1995-2022
- Number votes for Eric Zemmour in French presidential election 2022, by region
- Ways young people get information about European elections in France 2024
- Italy: opinion on result of the French presidential election 2017
- Leading policies to adopt for France's political evolution 2021, by party
- Number of MEPs from France elected to the European parliament in 2024, by party
- French presidential election results by education 2017
- Share of French people in favor of remote internet voting and mandatory voting 2021
- French presidential election results by region 2017
- French presidential election results by gender 2017
- French presidential election results by age 2017
- Share of vote for major center-right and left parties in France 1962-2024
- Abstention rate in the presidential election in Seine-Saint-Denis 2022, by city
- Satisfaction of the French with their current regional president 2021
- French women worried about women's rights if Zemmour is elected 2021, by status
- Subscribers to the Twitter accounts of the 2017 French presidential candidates
- Benefits of online voting in France 2021
- Reasons most likely to prevent the French from using online voting 2021
- French views on the place of daily issues in the election campaign 2022, by party
- Political groups people feel closest to in France 2022
- Wish for a cohabitation government following French legislative election 2022, by age
- Abstention rate in municipal elections in France 1959-2021
- Voting intention for nationalist parties in the European elections 2014, by country
- Presidential majority score in the first round of French regional elections 2010-2021
- Levels of optimism of the European Union in selected EU countries in 2016
- Unemployment rate in France 1985-2022, by socio-professional category
- Median annual income of seniors by sex and age in France 2014
- Job offers posted by the Employment Agency in France 2022, by type of contract
- Working population distribution in France 2021, by employment contract
- Monthly outings of the Employment Centre in France Q3 2022, by reason
- Number of employment agencies in France 2024, by region
- Breakdown of teleworking employees in France 2021, by company size
- Most important elements for an effective job offer in France 2016
- Distribution of the Unemployment fund's expenditure in France 2023, by item
- Breakdown of employees working in bakeries and pastry shops France 2015, by region
- Number of jobs on furlough in the UK, France, and Germany 2021
- Number of unemployed people in France Q1 2017-Q1 2023, by age
- Socio-professional categories by gender in France 2018
- Activity rate of people aged 15-64 years in France 2008-2020
- Public opinion on recognition of professional training by companies in France 2019
- Opinion of French people on the level of their retirement pension 2019, by age
- Average duration of first job among young adults in France 2017
- Share of self-employed workers in France 2017, by occupation type
- Public opinion on the usefulness of professional training in France 2019
- Public opinion on sexism faced by women in the job market in France 2013
- Number of vacancies posted by the Employment Agency in France 2018-2022
- Number of days worked per year in France 2011, by socio-professional category
- Professional status of the French under lockdown 2020, by socio-professional category
- Unemployment rate in France Q1 2024, by region
- Opinion on if people work too much or not enough in France 2022
- Pôle emploi staff victim of the aggressiveness of visitors in France 2012-2015
- Pôle Emploi staff on the services given to job seekers and companies in France 2015
- Opinion on participating in a professional training in France 2019
- Type of people who have discriminated others during a job recruitment in France 2013
- Perceived knowledge on professional training in France 2019
- French employees teleworking often 2017, by municipality of residence size
- France: employees in the administrative & support service industry 2012-2021
- Number of employees in the chemical manufacturing industry in France 2010-2021
- Public opinion regarding the El Khomri law in France 2016
- Share of part-time employees in France in 2023, by gender
- Ratio between Pôle emploi advisors and unemployed people in France 2013, by region
- Opinion on the efficiency of training to progress in professional life in France 2019
- Unemployment rate in Lyon in France 2009-2020, by age
- Public opinion on the over-taxation of fixed-term contracts in France 2016
- Contact frequency of teleworkers with their team in France 2020
- Employment rate in France 2015-2022, by migration background
- Number of self-employed persons in France 2008-2018
- Unemployment rate in Bretagne, France 2008-2019, by age
- France: number of employees in the manufacturing industry 2012-2021
- Unemployment rate in French overseas regions 2020, by region and education level
- Underemployment in France in 2012, by migrational background and gender
- Number of working people in France 1975-2021
- Unemployment rate in Bretagne, France 2019, by education level
- Employment variations in France 2007-2017