Statistics about Society in Finland
- Finland: development of theft offences 1950-2022
- Development of crime in Finland 1950-2022
- Recidivism rate of released prisoners 2009-2018, by gender
- Number of prisons in Finland 1975-2022
- Daily average number of default and remand prisoners in Finland 1975-2022
- Daily average number of imprisoned persons in Finland 1975-2022
- Number of prisoners in Finland 2023, by prisoner group
- Recidivism rate of released prisoners in Finland 2009-2018
- Share of sentenced prisoners in Finland, by type of offence 2018
- Number of granted prison leaves in Finland 2013-2023
- Number of criminal offenses in Finland 2012-2022
- Number of d prisoners in Finland 2017, by gender and prison type
- Number of foreign prisoners in Finland 2023, by nationality
- Number of escapes from prisons in Finland 2013-2023
- Number of unauthorized leaves from open prisons in Finland 2013-2023
- Remand prisoners in closed prisons in Finland in the beginning of 2017, by gender
- Recidivism rate of sentenced prisoners 2009-2018, by number of sentences
- Number of unauthorized leaves from rehabilitation institutions in Finland 2013-2023
- Average age at first divorce in Finland 2010-2020, by gender
- Average age of men at first marriage in Finland from 2010-2020
- Average age of women at first marriage in Finland 2010-2020
- Number of divorces in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Same-sex marriages and registered partnerships in Finland 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of marriages in the Nordic countries 2011-2021
- Number of divorces in Finland 2013-2023
- Number of divorces from same-sex marriages in Finland 2013-2023, by gender
- Marital status of population of the Oulu region in Finland 2022
- Number of marriages in Finland 2013-2023
- Number of same-sex marriages and registered partnership in Finland 2013-2023
- Russian border crossings to and from Finland 2022
- Number of Finnish pension recipients living abroad 2008-2018
- Worry about immigrant population growth in Finland 2004-2017
- Fertility rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- Share of expats moving for love into the Nordic countries 2018
- Immigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Net migration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Average age of expats in the Nordic countries 2018
- Immigration from Russia to Finland 2013-2023
- Number of Japanese residents in Finland 2013-2018
- Net migration in Finland 2013-2023
- Emigration from Finland 2013-2023
- Number of asylum applications in Finland 2013-2023
- Immigration from Russia to Finland 2023, by age
- Immigration from Russia to Finland 2013-2023, by gender
- Net migration in Finland 2023, by region
- Number of emigrated PhD-educated individuals from Finland 2005-2015, by country
- Asylum applications of unaccompanied minors in Finland 2012-2022
- Share of expats living in the Nordic countries 2018, by gender
- At-risk-of-poverty rate among foreign-born citizens in the Nordic countries 2011-2023
- Immigration to Finland 2013-2023
- Extent to which immigrants boost innovation in Finland 2017
- Preparedness for the threat of uncontrolled immigration in Finland 2007-2016
- Emigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Number of positive asylum decisions in Finland 2012-2022
- Foreigners at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the Nordic countries 2010-2023
- Number of negative asylum decisions in Finland 2012-2022
- Asylum applications in Finland 2022, by citizenship
- Person-work years of police personnel in Finland 2016, by type of personnel
- Share of people of African descent being stopped by the police in Finland 2015-2016
- Number of police officers in Finland 2012-2022
- Perceptions of discrimination in Finland 2023, by type
- People comfortable working with different groups in Finland 2023, by group
- Perceptions of efforts against discrimination in Finland 2023
- Population density in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Number of adoptions in Finland 2013-2023
- Population in the capital areas in Nordic countries 2014-2024
- Population in the Nordic countries 2024, by age groups
- Proportion of population aged 15 to 64 years in Finland 2018, by region
- Degree of urbanization in Nordic countries 2014-2024
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2023, by gender
- Average age of the population of Finland, by region and gender 2018
- Population of Finland 2013-2023, by language
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2021, by age group
- Population in the Nordic countries 2024, by gender
- Population of the Oulu region in Finland 2023, by gender
- Population in the Nordic countries 2000-2024
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- Population of Finland 2023, by region and language
- Share of population aged under 15 years old in Finland 2022, by region
- Population density of Finland 2023, by region
- Population of the Oulu region in Finland 2022, by age group
- Number of granted citizenships in Finland 2013-2023
- Population of Finland 2023, by region
- Total population of Finland 2023, by region and gender
- Population of Finland 2013-2023, by nationality
- Population of Finland 2023, by gender and region of origin
- Largest cities in Finland 2023
- Population of Finland 1915-2023
- Share of population aged 65 years and older in Finland 2023, by region
- Population of Finland 2013-2023, by region of origin
- Population of Finland 2013-2023, by gender
- Average age of the Finnish population 2023, by region
- Population of Finland 2013-2023, by age
- Population of Finland in 2023, by gender
- Population forecast of Finland 2021-2040
- Population forecast of Finland 2020-2070, by gender
- Average age of the Finnish population 2013-2023
- Population forecast of Finland 2021-2070, by age group
- Population of Finland 2018, by age and origin
- Population of Finland in 2018-2023, by age group