Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Denmark
- Monthly money supply (M1) in Denmark 2018-2020
- Strategy for dealing with FinTech companies among businesses in Nordic countries 2017
- Fintech revenue in Europe 2023, by country
- Utility of blockchain technology among businesses in the Nordics 2017
- Number of fintech users in selected countries in Europe 2023, by segment
- Assets under management of fintech sector in Europe 2023, by country
- Total funding of fintech companies in the Nordic countries 2023
- Regulatory barriers to innovation in FinTech in the Nordics 2017, by area
- Leading fintech companies in Denmark 2019, by turnover
- Leading fintech companies in Denmark 2019, by employees
- Share of MobilePay users in Denmark 2022, by age groups
- Top 10 countries in Europe with highest number of home registered TPPs 2023
- Perceived threat of being lost to standalone FinTech companies in the Nordics 2017
- Fintech transaction value in Europe 2023, by country
- Value of property insurance sector in Denmark 2009-2025
- Value of insurance claims incurred in Denmark 2008-2019
- Combined ratio of Tryg A/S 2023, by business area
- Gross claims paid by Tryg A/S 2014-2023
- Gross premium income of non-life insurance in Denmark 2008-2019
- Gross premium income of Tryg A/S 2023, by market
- Gross claims incurred from non-life insurance in Denmark 2007-2017
- Combined ratio of non-life insurances of Topdanmark A/S 2008-2021
- Loss ratio of insurance companies in Denmark 2017-2018
- Market share of Tryg A/S in Denmark 2008-2019
- Number of employees in insurance companies in Denmark 2008-2019
- Gross loss ratio of non-life insurances of Topdanmark A/S 2008-2021
- Market share of Topdanmark A/S in Denmark 2008-2019
- Number of employees in non-life insurance companies in Denmark 2008-2019
- Claims incurred of non-life insurances of Topdanmark A/S 2008-2021
- Gross expense ratio of non-life insurances of Topdanmark A/S 2008-2021
- Value of non-life reinsurance sector in Denmark 2009-2025
- Denmark insurance market: value of claims and benefits paid 2004-2020
- Value of non-life insurance sector in Denmark 2009-2025
- Gross premiums written of Codan Forsikring A/S 2015-2020
- Gross premiums earned of Codan Forsikring A/S 2012-2020
- Gross claims paid of Codan Forsikring A/S 2015-2020
- Gross claims incurred by Codan Forsikring A/S 2012-2020
- Gross claims ratio of Codan Forsikring A/S 2012-2020
- Gross expense ratio of Codan Forsikring A/S 2012-2020
- Combined ratio of Codan Forsikring A/S 2012-2020
- Largest non-life insurance companies in Denmark Q3 2023, by market share
- Value of non-life insurance sector in Denmark 2009-2025, by type
- European insurance market: total non-life claims paid in Denmark 2014-2020
- Danish insurance market: employee numbers 2004-2019
- Value of life and non-life insurance sector in Denmark 2009-2025
- Non-life insurance premiums in Denmark 2019-2023, by segment
- Market share of Codan Forsikring A/S in Denmark 2008-2018
- Insurances taken out online by type in Denmark 2023
- Total assets of non-life insurance companies in Denmark 2012-2023
- Operating costs of insurance companies in Denmark 2017-2018
- Non-life insurance gross premium income as share of GDP in Denmark 2008-2018
- Number of new ownership insurance agencies in Denmark 2008-2018
- Premiums written by Tryg A/S 2023, by line of business
- Gross premium income of Tryg A/S 2008-2023
- Premiums earned by Topdanmark A/S by type 2008-2021
- Gross premiums earned from non-life insurance in Denmark 2007-2017
- Annual profit of Tryg A/S 2008-2023
- Attitudes towards insurances in Denmark 2024
- Most common insurances by type in Denmark 2024
- Companies on the Danish insurance market 2011-2020
- Gross claims ratio of Tryg A/S 2008-2023
- Gross premium income of non-life insurances in Denmark 2020, by type
- Largest non-life insurance companies in Denmark Q1 2022, by revenue
- Number of companies operating on the non-life insurance market in Denmark 2008-2019
- Combined ratio of Tryg A/S 2008-2023
- Gross claims incurred from non-life insurance in Denmark 2017, by type
- Non-life insurance gross claims incurred as share of GDP in Denmark 2008-2018
- GDP ratio of investment funds financial assets in Denmark 2012-2019
- Occupational pension fund sector number of active members Denmark 2006-2019
- GDP ratio of pension funds financial assets in Denmark 2012-2019
- Number of individuals contributing to pension schemes in Denmark 2008-2018, by type
- Number of sold companies in Denmark 2017-2019
- Total contributions to pension schemes in Denmark 2018, by type
- Contributions to occupational pension schemes in Denmark 2018, by type
- Contributions to personal pension schemes in Denmark 2018, by type
- Outward flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Denmark 2011-2022
- Number of buyout deals in the Nordic countries 2014-2018
- Share of buyout deals in the Nordic countries 2018, by size
- Contributions to occupational pension schemes in Denmark 2008-2018
- Number of completed foreign acquisitions from Danish companies 2009-2018
- Total contributions to pension schemes in Denmark 2008-2018
- Investments of pension funds in Denmark 2006-2021
- Contributions to personal pension schemes in Denmark 2008-2018
- Financial assets of pension funds in Denmark in Q2 2023, by asset type
- AUM of the PFA pension fund in Denmark 2019-2022, by asset type
- Return on investment of Denmark's PFA pension fund, 2018-2022
- Annual returns of Denmark's Danica pension fund 2013-2022
- Largest pension funds in the Nordics 2022, by aum
- Portfolio allocation of PFA Denmark pension fund 2019-2022
- ARPU in the digital remittances segment Denmark 2017-2025
- Life insurance provisions in PFA Pension 2010-2023
- Group term life premium income of PFA Pension 2010-2023
- Life insurance as a share of the insurance market in the Nordic region 2011-2021
- Largest life insurance companies in Denmark 2020-2023, by market share
- Number of life insurance companies in Denmark 2009-2019
- Gross premiums of life insurance at Velliv 2008-2018
- Number of employees in life insurance companies in Denmark 2008-2019
- Life insurance benefits paid at Velliv 2008-2018
- Benefits paid for private life insurance contracts in Denmark 2021, by situation
- Benefits paid for life insurance in Denmark 2020-2021, by contract type