Statistics about Agriculture in Denmark
- Production volume of onions in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of open land lettuces in Denmark 2010-2022
- Production volume of sweet corn in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of spinach in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of asparagus in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of large cucumbers in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of carrots in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of soft wheat in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of open land iceberg lettuce in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of red cabbage in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of greenhouse cucumbers in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of white and pointed cabbage in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of broccoli in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of cauliflower in Denmark 2012-2023
- Monthly value of soya bean exports from Denmark 2017-2018
- Monthly value of soya bean imports into Denmark 2017-2018
- Monthly value of oats exports from Denmark 2017-2018
- Agricultural area used for oats farming Denmark 2009-2019
- Forecast: crop production support activities revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Production volume of greenhouse lettuces in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of beetroot in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of blueberries in Denmark 2012-2023
- Producer prices of maize silage in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of oats in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of barley in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of plums in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of raspberries in Denmark 2012-2023
- Monthly value of oats imports into Denmark 2017-2018
- Production volume of greenhouse tomatoes in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of strawberries in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of sour cherries in Denmark 2011-2023
- Production volume of sweet cherries in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of blackcurrants in Denmark 2015-2023
- Production volume of pears in Denmark 2012-2023
- Production volume of apples in Denmark 2012-2023
- Producer prices of starch potatoes in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of apples in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of strawberries in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of potatoes for consumption in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of pears in Denmark 2011-2023
- Importance of Danish farmers allowing Danes to view food production in Denmark 2018
- Producer prices of plums in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of sour cherries in Denmark 2007-2017
- Producer prices of raspberries in Denmark 2011-2023
- Total number of farms in Denmark 2013-2023
- Monthly value of natural honey exports from Denmark 2018
- Monthly value of natural honey imports into Denmark 2018
- Producer prices of cucumbers in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of conventional carrots in Denmark 2011-2021
- Agricultural land area used for fur animal farming in Denmark 2010-2020
- Share of individuals who have visited a farm in Denmark 2018
- Producer prices of eggs from caged layers in Denmark 2007-2017
- Producer prices of greenhouse lettuce in Denmark 2006-2016
- Producer prices of sweet cherries in Denmark 2009-2019
- Monthly bankruptcies in agriculture, forestry, fishing industry in Denmark 2018-2019
- Producer prices of onions in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of open land lettuce in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of free-range eggs in Denmark 2007-2017
- Producer prices of white cabbage in Denmark 2010-2023
- Settlement price for chinchilla hides in Denmark 2011-2021
- Total agricultural land area used for farming in Denmark 2011-2021
- Producer prices of sugar beet in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of cauliflower in Denmark 2011-2023
- Producer prices of tomatoes in Denmark 2011-2023
- Value of Danish fish landings in 2021, by species
- Volume of capture fishery in Europe 2017
- Volume of Danish fish landings in 2021, by species
- Value of Danish fish landings in 2021, by fishing area
- Value of fish landings by the Danish fishing fleet 2021, by type of vessel
- Value of Danish landings of blue mussels 2011-2021
- Value of Danish fish landings for human consumption 2011-2021
- Value of Danish fish landings for industrial purposes 2011-2021
- Average prices of Danish fish landings 2011-2021, by type of landing
- Volume of herring and mackerel caught by Norwegian and Danish fishing fleet 2012-2015
- Profit of Polar Seafood Denmark 2010-2020
- Value of selected seafood caught by Norway and Denmark 2015, by species
- Number of vessels of the Norwegian and Danish fishing fleet 2012-2015
- Tonnage of the Danish fishing fleet 2008-2018
- Number of employees of the company Atlantic Sapphire 2018-2021
- Fish farming production volume in Norway and Denmark 2012-2015
- Value of selected fish caught by Norway and Denmark 2015, by species
- Volume of selected seafood caught by Norway and Denmark 2015, by species
- Volume of catches made by the Norwegian and Danish fishing fleet 2012-2015
- Value of catches made by the Norwegian and Danish fishing fleet 2012-2015
- Size of the Danish fishing fleet 2008-2018, by number of vessels
- Number of Danish commercial fishermen 2008-2018
- Volume of selected fish caught by Norway and Denmark 2015, by species
- Forecast: freshwater fishing revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Tonnage of the Danish fishing fleet 2018, by type of vessel
- Volume of Danish fish landings for human consumption 2009-2019
- Volume of Danish fish landings for industrial purposes 2011-2019
- Forecast: freshwater aquaculture revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Number of vessels in the Danish fishing fleet 2018, by type of vessel
- Forecast: marine fishing revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Forecast: marine aquaculture revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Forecast: forestry support services revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Forecast: silviculture forestry activities revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Forecast: logging revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Producer prices of Christmas trees in Denmark 2011-2023
- Denmark output of forestry and connected secondary activities 2012-2020