Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Croatia
- Freight and mail transported by air in Croatia 2012-2023
- Air transport revenue in Croatia 2010-2022
- Investment in airport infrastructure in Croatia 2006-2021
- Number of employees in the air transport industry in Croatia 2016-2021
- Croatia: number of enterprises in the air transport industry 2013-2022
- Passengers transported by coach and bus in Croatia 2008-2022
- Number of pick-up and drop-off locations in Croatia 2021, by courier
- Courier, express and parcel (CEP) market volume in Croatia 2015-2024
- Shipping service providers offered by webshops in Croatia 2023
- Stock of registered goods vehicles in Croatia 1993-2020
- Number of commercial vehicles in Croatia, by type in 2016
- Length of inland waterways in use in Croatia from 1990 to 2015
- Freight transported by inland waterways in Croatia 2012-2023
- Total investment in inland transport infrastructure in Croatia 2006-2021
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by road in Croatia 2008-2022
- Croatia: road freight as share of total inland freight transport 2009-2022
- Length of oil pipelines in Croatia from 1990 to 2015
- Coastal shipping transport volume in Croatia 2011-2022
- Total ton-kilometers of freight transported in Croatia 2008-2022
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by inland waterway in Croatia 2008-2022
- Number of vessels in marinas in Croatia 2023, by ship flags
- Europe: most popular car brands for taxis 2018-2023
- Europe: most popular car models for taxis 2018-2023
- Croatia: enterprises manufacturing motorcycles 2012-2021
- Number of passengers in leading airports in Croatia 2013-2018
- Croatia: airport infrastructure maintenance expenditure 2008-2021
- EU: new passenger cars sales in Croatia from 2005-2019
- Passenger car sales by fuel/drive type in Croatia in 2023
- Total passenger road transport in Croatia 2006-2019
- Croatia: share of used cars with odometer fraud by Model Year
- Croatia: number of new passenger car registrations 2000-2018
- Registered passenger cars in Croatia 1990-2021
- Croatia: share of clocked cars among used cars sold online by price range 2023
- Top car makes by volume sales in Croatia in 2023
- Croatia: share of used cars with damage records by Model Year
- Croatia: share of damaged cars among used cars sold online by price range 2023
- Croatia: number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants 1990-2021
- Croatia: average kilometers clocked on used cars with a tampered odometer by MY
- Croatia: used car import breakdown by exporting country 2022
- Volume of Volkswagen passenger cars in Croatia 2020-2029
- Croatia: distribution of used vehicles by body type 2022-2023
- Fuel consumption by European country 2015
- Croatia: number of registered buses and coaches from 1990 to 2021
- Croatia: number of new commercial vehicle registrations from 2014-2021
- Top car models by volume sales in Croatia in 2018
- Passengers transported by rail in Croatia 2009-2022
- Croatia: ton-kilometers of freight transported by rail 2008-2022
- Stock of locomotives and railcars in Croatia 1990-2019
- Investment in rail transport infrastructure in Croatia 2006-2021
- Length of railway lines in use in Croatia from 1990 to 2019
- Transport final consumption expenditure in Croatia in 2021, by type
- Postal and courier activities revenue in Croatia 2010-2022
- Investment in road transport infrastructure in Croatia 2008-2021
- Number of enterprises in the transport industry in Croatia 2017, by sector
- Croatia: modal split of passenger transport on land in 2021
- Croatia: share of GDP invested in inland transport infrastructure 2008-2021
- Croatia: Number of road deaths 2009-2022
- Number of non-fatal road traffic injuries in Croatia 2009-2022
- Combined length of motorways in Croatia 1990-2021
- Croatia: length of road network in 2021 by road type
- Croatia: turnover volume in the transport sector in 2020, by mode
- Road infrastructure maintenance expenditure in Croatia 2008-2021
- Number of employees in the transport industry in Croatia in 2020, by sector