Statistics about Society in Bulgaria
- Share of Bulgarian population living alone 2007-2016
- Number of accepted grants of asylum in Bulgaria from 2008-2016
- Accepted asylum applicants in Bulgaria from Q1 2014 to Q1 2019
- Foreign-born population of Bulgaria 2011-2017
- Bulgaria: share of population with severe material deprivation 2007-2017
- PISA score of Bulgaria 2006-2022, by category
- Bulgaria: pupil to teacher ratio 2003-2012
- Bulgaria: public expenditure on education 2003-2011
- Bulgaria: expected years of education over lifetime 2013-2015
- Bulgaria: adults with upper secondary or tertiary education attainment 2007-2016
- Share of internet users engaging in online learning activities in Bulgaria 2015-2022
- Forecast: primary education revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: educational support services revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: tertiary education revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Bulgaria: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012
- Forecast: post-secondary non-tertiary education revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: general secondary education revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Bulgaria: outflow of university students to other European countries 2005-2012
- Area covered by forest in Bulgaria 2008-2021
- Area covered by forest in Bulgaria 2008-2021
- Number of days with precipitation in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2018
- Eastern European trade with Germany as a share of total trade 1933-1939, by country
- Change in agricultural output in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1970-1989
- Soviet Union and Eastern Europe balance of payments 1970-1990
- Net indebtedness of Central and Eastern Europe 1970-1990
- Annual change in net material product in the USSR and Eastern Bloc 1970-1990
- Annual change in net material product in select COMECON countries 1970-1990
- Total fertility rate of Bulgaria 1875-2020
- Population of Bulgaria 1800 to 2020
- Bulgaria balance of payments 1970-1990
- Composition of the Soviet Union's foreign trade 1976, by sector
- Crude birth rate of Bulgaria 1875-2020
- Change in the rural population of Eastern Europe 1950-1973, by country
- Child mortality in Bulgaria 1800-2020
- Change in agricultural output in Bulgaria 1970-1990
- Gross national product (GNP) composition of Bulgaria by sector 1939-1967
- Infant mortality in Bulgaria 1895-2020
- Inter-COMECON trade as a share of total trade by country 1971-1975
- Life expectancy in Bulgaria 1800-2020
- Population of Bulgaria by gender 1881-2020
- Incarceration rate in Bulgaria 2008-2021
- International migration balance in Bulgaria 2007-2023
- Forecasted age of population in Bulgaria 2015-2035
- Forecast: religious organizations revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: biotechnology R&D revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: social science and humanities R&D revenue Bulgaria 2008-2018
- Forecast: intellectual property lease revenue Bulgaria 2009-2018