Statistics about Economy & Politics in Europe
- Trade balance of goods of Faroe Islands 2017
- Export of goods to Faroe Islands 2017
- EU-China Relations: public opinion on Chinese economic presence in Europe 2023
- Largest cities on Faroe Islands in 2024
- Most important export partners for Faroe Islands in 2017
- International Trade of the EU: share of exports by currency invoiced 2010-2022
- EU: annual trade balance of goods 2002-2023
- International Trade of the EU: world goods imports share by product group 2002-2023
- EU: goods trade balance with rest of world by member state 2023
- EU external imports by currency 2010-2022
- International Trade of the EU: transport methods used for extra-EU exports 2000-2023
- International Trade of the EU: external trade balance of the EU by product 2002-2023
- EU share of world exports and imports 2002-2023
- International Trade of the EU: world goods exports share by product group 2002-2023
- EU: export/import ratio by product groups 2023
- EU services imports by product group 2013-2021
- EU International Trade: share of intra- and extra-EU exports in total 2002-2023
- EU Internal Trade: share of services trade 2010-2021, by product group
- EU Internal Trade: value of services traded 2010-2022, by product group
- EU Internal Trade: services trade balance 2022, by member state
- EU Internal Trade Balance: trade balance for goods and services 2021, by member state
- International Trade of the EU: largest goods import partners by trade share 2002-2023
- EU International Trade: intra- and extra-EU exports 2002-2023
- EU International Trade: intra- and extra-EU imports 2002-2023
- EU Internal Trade: share of goods traded 2002-2023, by product class
- EU International Trade: total world goods exports 2002-2022, by product category
- EU International Trade: goods trade balance 2002-2023
- EU International Trade: share of goods imports from largest trade partners 1988-2023
- EU International Trade: total world goods imports 2002-2023, by product category
- EU International Trade: goods trade balance with all countries 2023, by member state
- EU International Trade: share of intra- and extra-EU imports in total 2002-2023
- EU International Trade: intra- and extra- EU services exports 2010-2022
- EU Internal Trade: services imports 2017-2022, by member states
- EU Internal Trade: minerals, fuels, and related materials trade balance 2023
- EU Internal Trade: trade balance in raw materials 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods exports 1999-2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: monthly exports from the five largest EU exporters 1999-2024
- EU Internal Trade: monthly imports for select EU member states 1999-2024
- EU Internal Trade: monthly exports from select EU member states 1999-2024
- EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods trade 2002-2023, by product category
- EU Internal Trade: food, drinks and tobacco trade balances 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: monthly imports for the five biggest EU importers 1999-2024
- EU internal trade: share of intra-EU goods exports 2002-2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: commodities and other trade 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: internal balance of trade 2023, by member state
- EU internal trade: share of intra-EU goods imports 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: goods trade within the EU 1999-2022, by weight
- EU Internal Trade: trade balance for manufactured goods 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: machinery and transport equipment trade 2023, by member state
- EU Internal Trade: services exports 2013-2022, by member states
- EU Internal Trade: chemicals & related products trade 2023, by member state
- EU internal trade: balance of trade in goods 2021-2023, by member state
- EU International Trade: share of goods exports to largest trade partners 1988-2023
- EU International Trade: services balance of trade 2022, by member states
- EU International Trade: intra- and extra- EU services imports 2010-2022
- Share of EU exports by trading partner 2002-2023
- Terms of trade for EU & Eurozone 1995-2022
- EU: regional trade agreements (RTAs) from 1994 to 2024
- EU services exports to the rest of world by product group 2013-2021
- EU: transport methods used for extra-EU imports 2000-2023
- International Trade of the EU: share of extra-EU imports by member state 2002-2023
- EU: share of extra-EU exports by member state 2002-2023
- Total value of Extra-EU trade, exports, imports, and trade balance in goods 2023
- EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods imports 1999-2023, by member state
- EU Enlargement: goods exports from EU to candidate countries 2002-2022
- EU enlargement: goods imports from candidate countries to the EU 2002-2022
- Real GDP growth forecast in Europe 2023-2029, by country
- EU gross domestic product (GDP) and domestic material consumption (DMC) 2000-2021
- Emissions of greenhouse gases in the European Union 2008-2021, by economic activity
- EU Enlargement: unemployment rate of potential future European Union members 2022
- Inflation rate in the European Union by sector 2019-2023
- Ease of doing business index score in European countries 2020
- GDP per capita adjusted for PPP in Eurasia 2010-2029, by country
- Eastern Neighborhood & Central Asia GDP growth 2019-2025
- Implicit taxation rate on consumption in European Union countries 2022
- Share of total tax revenue in the EU by type of tax 1995-2021
- Development of nominal and real wages in the Eurozone 2000-2023
- EU Enlargement: gross domestic product per capita of potential future EU members 2022
- GDP per capita adjusted for PPP in Eurasia 2024, by country
- Quarterly GDP growth in European countries Q3 2023
- Potential annual impact on GDP if Russia shuts-off energy supply to Europe 2022
- Forecasted HICP inflation rate in the Eurozone by consumption category 2023-2026
- Government debt as a percentage of GDP for the largest European economies 1950-2022
- EU Enlargement: annual inflation rate for potential future EU members 2022
- Inequality in Europe: wealth distribution in European countries 2019
- Inequality in Europe: shares of total wealth owned by different percentiles 1995-2021
- EU Enlargement: government debt as a percentage of GDP for candidates 2000-2021
- National debt to GDP in Eurasia 2024, by country
- GDP in Eurasia 2024, by country
- Labor cost per hour for the manufacturing industry in European countries 2020
- Forecasts for the inflation rate of the Eurozone 2024-2026 by different institutions
- Inflation rate in Europe in October 2024, by country
- Top statutory income tax rates in Europe 2024
- Real GDP growth rates in Europe 2024
- Innovation score in intellectual assets in European countries 2022
- Inflation rate for clothing and footwear in the EU 1997-2023
- Innovation score in use of information technologies in European countries 2022
- Innovation score in digitalization in European countries 2022
- Inflation rate for alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics in the EU 1997-2023
- Innovation score in finance and support in European countries 2022