Statistics about Society in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Number of days with precipitation in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 2018
- Gross national product (GNP) composition of Yugoslavia by sector 1950-1967
- Annual change in Yugoslavia's GDP 1970-1990
- Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1818-2020
- Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by gender 1950-2020
- Crude birth rate of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1850-2020
- Population of Austria: Bosnia and Herzegovina 1879-1910
- Fertility rate of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1850-2020
- Infant mortality in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1955-2020
- Child mortality in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1895-2020
- Life expectancy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1900-2020
- Bosnia: turnover of the scientific research & development industry 2018-2022
- Production value of scientific research & development in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013-2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: personnel costs of scientific research & development 2013-2021