Statistics about Media in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Personnel costs of the information & communication sector in Bosnia 2014-2022
- Turnover of the publishing activities sector in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2014-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of employees in the publishing activities industry 2021
- Personnel costs of the publishing activities sector in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013-2021
- Average cinema ticket price in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009-2018
- Documentary film production in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010-2018, by film origin
- Feature film production in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010-2018
- Cinema screens in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009-2018
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: turnover of the printing & reproduction of media industry 2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: printing & reproduction of media industry personnel costs 2021
- Personnel costs of the construction industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2014-2021
- Most popular political news sources in the Western Balkans 2024, by territory
- Printing & reproduction of recorded media: number of employees in Bosnia 2013-2021
- Production value printing and reproduction of recorded media in Bosnia 2013-2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of enterprises printing newspapers 2013-2021
- TV channels available in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019, by transmission type
- Number of employees in information & communication industry in Bosnia 2017-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: leading eSports players in 2023, by earnings
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: leading eSports players in 2017, by earnings
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: leading eSports players in 2016, by earnings