Statistics about Chemicals & Resources in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Personnel costs of the chemical manufacturing industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of chemicals & chemical products manufacturers 2014-2022
- Turnover of the chemicals manufacturing industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2014-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of explosives manufacturers 2013-2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: personnel costs of the mining of coal & lignite industry 2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: turnover of the mining of coal and lignite industry 2014-2022
- Bosnia: number of employees in the mining of coal and lignite industry 2017-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: mining and quarrying sector employees 2013-2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of enterprises mining coal and lignite 2017-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of enterprises in mining and quarrying industry 2014-2022
- Mining and quarrying sector: production value in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013-2021
- Natural gas prices for households in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2015-2022
- Rubber products manufacturing: production value in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013-2021
- Bosnia: enterprises in the manufacture of plastics products industry 2014-2022
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of rubber products manufacturers 2014-2022
- Personnel costs of the paper manufacturing industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013-2021
- Number of employees in the paper manufacturing industry in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2021
- Bosnia-Herzegovina: number of paper & paper products manufacturers 2014-2022
- Production value of the manufacture of paper and paper products in Bosnia 2013-2021