Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Belgium
- Freight and mail transported by air in Belgium 2012-2023
- Air freight transshipment volume in the Benelux 2013-2014, by airport
- Forecast: freight air transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Overseas commercial flights at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2015-2018
- Total number of outbound flights from Luik-Bierset Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of outbound flights from airports in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of outbound flights from Ostende-Bruges Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total assets of Brussels Airport 2013-2019
- Total number of outbound flights from Charleroi Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of outbound flights from Antwerpen-Deurne Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of inbound flights to Antwerpen-Deurne Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of inbound flights to Luik-Bierset Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Top overseas passenger flight destinations Brussels Airport 2015-2018, by flights
- Total number of inbound flights to Charleroi Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Total number of inbound flights to Ostende-Bruges Airport in Belgium 2007-2020
- Belgium: number of enterprises in the air transport industry 2014-2022
- Commercial passengers at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2009-2021
- Cargo flights at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2007-2021
- Cargo transported at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2007-2021
- Passenger flights at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2007-2021
- Total number of inbound flights to airports in Belgium 2007-2020
- Share of commercial flight departures in Belgium in 2017, by aviation segment
- Top European passenger flight destinations Brussels Airport Belgium 2018, by flights
- Forecast: incidental air transport service activities revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- intra-European commercial flights at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2015-2017
- Forecast: air transport equipment rent and lease revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Overseas commercial passengers at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2007-2017
- Aircraft movements at Brussels Airport 2007-2021
- Revenue of Brussels Airport 2013-2020
- Investment in airport infrastructure in Belgium 2004-2017
- Distribution of flights at Brussels Airport in Belgium 2017, by type
- Forecast: Bicycle sales value in Belgium 2015-2029
- Belgium: annual bus ridership in Brussels 2010-2020
- Passengers transported by coach and bus in Belgium 2006-2016
- Distribution of postal and parcel industry revenue in Belgium by type 2015-2020
- Volume of parcel and express services in Belgium 2010-2020
- Courier, express and parcel (CEP) market volume in Belgium and Luxembourg 2014-2021
- Distribution of volume of parcel and express services in Belgium by destination 2020
- Number of parcel shops and points in Belgium by company 2021
- Revenue of parcel and express services in Belgium 2010-2020
- Distribution of parcel pickup locations after missed home deliveries in Belgium 2016
- Number of parcel pickup points in Belgium 2016, by type
- Number of pick-up and drop-off locations in Belgium 2022, by courier
- Forecast: truck rent and lease revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Number of electric trucks and vans in use in Belgium 2007-2020
- Number of electric buses in use in Belgium 2007-2020
- Number of trucks on the road in Belgium 2006-2019
- Number of hybrid buses in use in Belgium 2014-2020
- Number of electric agricultural tractors in use in Belgium 2007-2020
- Number of buses on the road in Belgium 2006-2019
- Number of registered goods vehicles in Belgium 1990-2019
- Number of heavy commercial vehicles in Belgium 2018, by weight
- Commercial vehicle registrations in Belgium by weight 2009-2020
- Heavy commercial vehicle new registrations by brand in Belgium 2020
- Number of hybrid trucks and vans in use in Belgium 2014-2020
- Freight transported by inland waterways in Belgium 2012-2023
- Inland waterways freight transport in Belgium 2010-2018
- Length of inland waterways in use in Belgium from 1990 to 2016
- Investment in inland waterway transport infrastructure in Belgium 2004-2019
- Forecast: inland freight water transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Forecast: inland passenger water transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Total investment in inland transport infrastructure in Belgium 2004-2017
- Length of oil pipelines in Belgium 1990-2019
- Belgium: road freight as share of total inland freight transport 2009-2022
- Total tonne-kilometres of freight transported in Belgium 2006-2011
- Forecast: removal services revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Forecast: pipeline transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by road in Belgium 2008-2021
- Forecast: cargo handling revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Leading transport and logistic companies in Belgium by turnover 2020
- Ton-kilometers of freight transported by inland waterway in Belgium 2008-2022
- Forecast: warehousing and storage revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Volume cargo loaded and unloaded on ships in Belgium 2008-2018
- Number of departed ships in Belgium 2008-2018
- Number of arriving ships in Belgium 2008-2018
- Investment in sea port infrastructure in Belgium 2004-2019
- Sea passenger movements between Belgium and the United Kingdom (UK) 2003-2017
- Forecast: sea and coastal passenger transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Volume of dry bulk cargo processed by Port of Antwerp-Bruges (Belgium) 2008-2022
- Volume of liquid bulk cargo processed by Port of Antwerp-Bruges (Belgium) 2008-2022
- Forecast: sea and coastal freight transport revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Gross weight of goods in ro-ro units transported to/from Zeebrugge 2006-2015
- Europe: leading e-scooter sharing markets by revenue 2023
- Europe: most popular car brands for taxis 2018-2023
- Replacement for various means of transport by e-scooters in Brussels (Belgium) 2019
- Europe: most popular car models for taxis 2018-2023
- Forecast: E-bike market growth in Europe by country 2024-2025
- Bicycle and e-bike sales volume in Belgium 2019-2020
- Number of registered speed pedelecs in Flanders Belgium 2017-2020
- Forecast: motorcycle sales, maintenance and repair revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Share of bicycle sales in Belgium 2019, by type
- Number of registered electric motorcycles in Flanders Belgium 2017-2020
- Electric moped sales in key European markets 2023
- Belgian moped sales 2019-2023
- Motorcycle sales in Belgium 2019, by brand
- Volume of motorcycle sales in Belgium 2007-2020
- Number of registered electric mopeds in Flanders Belgium 2017-2020, by speed
- Belgium: number of registered motorcycles from 2014-2017
- Moped sales in key European markets 2023 and 2024
- Total number of air passengers departing Luik-Bierset Airport Belgium 2007-2020