Statistics about Society in Belgium
- Total number of students enrolled in universities Flanders 2016-2023
- Distribution of students in Flanders 2018-2019, by type of education
- Total number of students enrolled in college in Flanders 2016-2020
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Flemish education staff in Belgium 2015-2016, by gender and education level
- Forecast: tertiary education revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Forecast: post-secondary non-tertiary education revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- German community education staff in Belgium 2015, by age
- Forecast: primary education revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Total number of students enrolled in higher education in Belgium 2016-2023
- Flemish education applications top ten countries of origin in Belgium 2021
- Distribution of the Flemish education budget Belgium 2022, by educational level
- Total number of students enrolled in higher education in Flanders 2018-2019, by type
- Subsidized or financed boarding schools and boarders in Flemish education 2015-2022
- Belgium: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012
- Flemish education budget per year in Belgium 2010-2022
- Flemish educational institutions in Belgium 2021/'22, by education level
- Share of people agreeing Belgian education offers equal opportunities 2016-17, by age
- Value of granted Flemish school and study allowances, by educational level 2015-2016
- Flemish education budget per year in Belgium 2010-2022, by educational level
- German community education staff in Belgium 2015, by level of education
- Number of cases of online banking fraud in Belgium 2006-2019
- Distribution of card fraud value in Belgium 2016, by transaction channel
- Frequency of payment card or online banking fraud Belgium 2018
- Level of concern over payment card or online banking fraud in Belgium 2018
- Number of ice days in Belgium 2006-2016
- Number of heat days in Belgium 2006-2016
- Number of rain days in Belgium 2006-2016
- Share of area covered by forest in Belgium 2010-2022
- Area covered by forest in Belgium 2009-2022
- Number of summer days in Belgium from 2009 to 2019
- The biggest cities and municipalities in Belgium in 2022
- Forest area as share of total land area in Belgium 2006-2016
- Willingness to adjust transport for environmental reasons Dutch-speaking Belgium 2019
- Forest area as share of total land area in the Benelux 2016, by country
- Number of Natura 2000 sites in Belgium 2011-2021
- Perceived impact of environmental issues on daily life in Belgium in 2014
- Hours of sunlight in Belgium 2008-2019
- Annual rainfall in Belgium 2006-2016
- Readiness of consumers to pay more for polluting products Dutch-speaking Belgium 2019
- Number of frost days in Belgium 2006-2016
- Belgium: greenery per inhabitant in the city of Brussels 2018
- Willingness to adjust lives for environmental reasons in Dutch-speaking Belgium 2019
- Belgium: greenery per inhabitant in the city of Antwerp 2018
- Concern about air quality in Dutch-speaking Belgium 2019
- Most important environmental issues in Belgium 2019
- Life expectancy in Belgium, 1800-2020
- Smallpox deaths during the Franco-Prussian War
- Infant mortality in Belgium 1835-2020
- Smallpox death rate in selected European countries 1851-1900
- Treaty of Versailles: livestock reparations from Germany to France and Belgium
- Crude birth rate of Belgium 1800-2020
- Migration from Northwestern Europe to the US 1820-1957
- Population of northwest Europe's largest cities 1500-1800
- Child mortality in Belgium 1800-2020
- Total fertility rate of Belgium 1800-2020
- Population of Belgium 1800-2020
- Population of Belgium by gender 1846-2020
- Treaty of Versailles: coal reparations from Germany to Belgium, France and Italy
- Change in GDP in select Western European countries in the First World War 1913-1919
- Smallpox death rate in select European countries during the Great Pandemic 1870-1875
- Share of total deaths due to smallpox by age during the Great Pandemic of 1870-1875
- Incarceration rate Belgium 2010-2022
- Average duration of marriages in Belgium 2008 to 2022
- Marriage rate Benelux 2010-2021, by country
- Number of marriages in Belgium 2007-2022
- Number of same-sex marriages in Belgium 2014-2022
- Number of divorces in Belgium 2007-2022
- Belgian population by marital status 2023
- Divorce rate Benelux 1970-2022, by country
- Emigration in Belgium 1992-2021, by gender
- Forecast immigration in Belgium 2021-2070
- Migration balance in Belgium 2010-2022
- Migration flow in Belgium 2010-2022
- Immigration in Belgium 1992-2021, by gender
- Forecast emigration in Belgium 2021-2070
- Migration balance in Belgium 1992-2021, by gender
- Net migration rate in Belgium 1950-2021
- Number of Japanese residents in Brussels 2013-2018
- Migration balance in Belgium 2010-2022, by region
- Number of Japanese residents in Belgium 2013-2021
- Forecast migration balance in Belgium 2021-2070
- Net migration rate in the Benelux 2021
- Number of French nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Number of Moroccan nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Population of Belgium 2009-2023, by age
- Population of Brussels 1992-2023, by sex
- Population of Brussels 1992-2023, by age group
- Population of Brussels 1992-2023, by nationality
- Population of Brussels 1992-2023
- Number of Polish nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Belgian population in 2023, by age group
- Nationality changes in Belgium 2010-2022
- Number of Portuguese nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Growth in the Belgian population 2010-2025
- Foreign population of Belgium in 2020, by origin
- Population of Brussels 2023, by age group
- Number of Dutch nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Number of German nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023
- Number of Spanish nationals resident in Belgium 1992-2023