Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Belgium
- Opinion: length of time you should take antibiotics Belgium 2018
- Average BMI in Belgium from 1997-2018, by educational level
- Appropriate level to tackle antibiotic resistance in Belgium 2018
- How respondents obtained antibiotics in Belgium 2018
- Distribution of population by BMI in Belgium 1997-2018
- Distrubution of population by BMI index in Belgium 2018
- Share of people who recently got tested for HIV in Belgium 2008-2018
- Main diagnoses assessed in Flemish mental health centers in Belgium 2018
- Waiting time first appointment in mental health center Flanders (Belgium) 2013-2018
- Population covered by public or private health insurance in Belgium 2005-2022
- Waiting time for an appointment in mental health center in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Main complaints that led to a mental health consultation in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Frequency of fruit or vegetable juice consumption in Belgium 2018
- Frequency of vegetable consumption in Belgium 2018
- Frequency of fruit consumption in Belgium 2018
- Share of people content with their current weight in Belgium 2018
- Use of the contraceptive pill by women in Belgium 2018, by age
- Use of condoms in Belgians with multiple sexual partners 2018, by region
- Average BMI in Belgium in 2014, by gender
- Per capita consumption of alcohol in Belgium 2014-2029
- Internal displacements from weather-related disasters in Belgium 2018-2023, by type
- Internal displacements of people from weather-related disasters in Belgium 2018-2023
- Public trust in institutions to handle the COVID-19 crisis in Belgium 2020
- Public trust in COVID-19 information sources in Belgium 2020
- Share of people in Belgium who had sex before the age of 15 2018, by education
- Share of people in Belgium who had sex before the age of 15 2018, by region
- Share of people in Belgium who had two or more sexual partners 2018, by region
- Belgian population who had multiple sex partners and used a condom in 2018, by age
- Use of condoms in Belgians with multiple sexual partners 2018, by education level
- Use of the contraceptive pill by women in Belgium 2018, by education level
- Belgians who had two or more sexual partners 2018, by age
- Use of a contraceptive method by women in Belgium in 2018, by age
- Use of a contraceptive method by women in Belgium in 2018, by education
- Use of contraceptive methods by women in Belgium 2001-2018
- Contraceptive methods used by women in Belgium 2018, by method
- Use of the pill by women in Belgium as contraceptive method 2001-2018
- Use of the IUD as contraceptive method by women in Belgium 2001-2018
- Use of the IUD as contraceptive method by women in Belgium 2018, by age group
- Use of the IUD as contraceptive method by women in Belgium 2018, by region
- Use of the IUD as contraceptive method by women in Belgium 2018, by education level
- Use of the contraceptive pill by women in Belgium 2018, by region
- Use of a contraceptive method by women in Belgium in 2018, by region
- Regional cannabis use in Belgium 2001-2018
- Cannabis use in Belgium 2001-2018
- Share of births to teenage mothers in Belgium 1980-2022
- Share of people who have tried a diet to lose weight in Belgium 2018
- Infant mortality rate in Belgium 1980-2018
- Knee replacement procedures conducted in Belgium 2010-2020
- Cataract surgeries conducted in Belgium 2009-2019
- Hip replacement procedures carried out in Belgium 2010-2020
- Caesarean sections conducted in Belgium 2010-2020
- Confirmed coronavirus cases in Belgium 2022, by age
- COVID-19 deaths in Belgium as of March 2022, by age
- Crude birth rate in Belgium 2008-2022
- Neonatal mortality rate in Belgium 1980-2014
- Organ transplantation activity per million population in Belgium 2021-2023, by organ
- Number of potential victims of excision in Belgium 2007-2016
- Wearer penetration of contact lens in Belgium and Luxembourg 2015, by type of lens
- Distribution of the population in Belgium in 2014, by BMI
- Average BMI in Belgium in 2014, by age
- Number of girls and women victim or at risk of FGM in Belgium 2007-2016
- Number of victims of excision in Belgium 2016, by age
- Opinions on the personal state of health in Belgium 2018
- Per capita consumption of alcohol in Belgium 2004-2014
- Number of girls and women victim or at risk of FGM in Belgium, by region
- Opinions on personal sleeping habits in Belgium 2018
- Happiness level of people in Belgium 2019
- Cannabis use in Belgium 2018, by age group
- Adults aged over 64 years with a disabily in Wallonia 2018, by diagnosis
- Cannabis use in Belgium 2018, by educational level
- Monthly cannabis use in Belgium 2001-2018
- Regional monthly cannabis use in Belgium 2001-2018
- People with disabilities in Wallonia 2018, by age
- People with a disability in Wallonia 2018, by gender and age
- People with a disability in Wallonia 2018, by allowance
- Disabled people in Wallonia 2018, by autonomy level
- People over 64 years with a disability in Wallonia 2018, by autonomy level
- Disabled adults in Wallonia 2018, by main diagnosis
- Share of people smoking in Belgium 2013-2019
- Share of people feeling happy in Belgium 2011-2019
- Weekly death toll in Belgium 2018-2020
- Weekly deaths in Belgium during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020
- Share of comorbidities of hospitalized patients infected by COVID-19 in Belgium 2020
- Excess deaths in Brussels (Belgium) during the coronavirus pandemic 2020
- Excess deaths in Flanders (Belgium) during the coronavirus pandemic 2020
- COVID-19 contamination sources of hospital patients in Belgium 2020
- Excess deaths in Wallonia (Belgium) during the coronavirus pandemic 2020
- Number of patients active on organ transplant waiting list in Belgium 2021-2023
- Greatest sources of happiness of people in Belgium 2019
- Average BMI in Belgium in 2014, by region