Statistics about Economy & Politics in Belgium
- Consumer confidence index in Belgium 2018-2023
- World import share of Belgium 2007-2017
- Consumer forecasts of the economic situation in Belgium 2018-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) hotels, restaurants and bars Belgium 2019-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) housing, water and energy in Belgium 2019-2023
- Gross Domestic Product in Belgium 2018, by economic sector
- Harmonized consumer price index in Belgium 2010-2023
- Monthly rate of inflation in Belgium 2018-2023
- Rate of inflation hotels, restaurants and bars in Belgium 2018-2023
- Rate of inflation for transport services and goods in Belgium 2018-2023
- Rate of inflation housing, water and energy in Belgium 2018-2023
- Rate of inflation food and non-alcoholic beverages in Belgium 2018-2023
- Average personal income tax in the Benelux region 2022, by country
- World export share of the Benelux 2018, by country
- Turnover of the manufacturing industry in Belgium 2013-2022
- Household savings ratio in the Benelux region 2017-2022
- Brexit influence on GDP change forecast in Belgium 2017
- Short-term economic growth predictions from different sources in Belgium 2020
- Tax wedge in the Benelux region 2022, by country
- Health index in Belgium 2018-2023
- Expected output loss in Belgium if the US adopts import tariffs 2017, by tariff
- Private consumption change forecast in Belgium 2016-2023
- Public consumption change forecast in Belgium 2016-2023
- Export change forecast in Belgium 2016-2023
- World export share of Belgium 2007-2017
- Monthly Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) in Belgium 2014-2023
- Consumer confidence indicator in Belgium in 2018-2023, by region
- Annual change of the unit labor costs in Belgium 2018-2023
- Public opinion of employment situation in the Benelux countries 2019
- Public opinion about globalization in the Benelux countries 2022
- Public opinion about liberalization in the Benelux countries 2016
- Distribution of fresh veal purchase volume in Belgium 2018, by purchase channel
- Public opinion about trade unions in the Benelux countries 2016
- Public opinions about entrepreneurship in Belgium in 2016
- Public opinion on economic impact of globalization in Belgium in 2022
- Public opinion of protectionism in Belgium in 2016
- Share of people agreeing gender equality is a long way in Belgium in 2016-17, by age
- Commuters in Belgium 2021, by region
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) food and beverages Belgium 2019-2023
- Expert survey on the economic outlook for selected countries 2019, by quarter
- Rate of inflation for furniture and household appliances in Belgium 2018-2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) change in Belgium 2020-2022
- Education sector consumer price index (CPI) in Belgium 2018-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) health sector Belgium 2019-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) furnishings & appliances in Belgium 2019-2023
- Forecast percentage change of GDP in the Brussels Capital Region (Belgium) 2020-2027
- Value added loss in case of Brexit in the Benelux 2019, by country
- GDP change forecast in Belgium 2016-2023
- Public opinion of the economic situation in the Benelux countries 2023
- Real GDP growth in the Benelux 2021, by country
- Share of Belgian population with severe material deprivation 2008-2022
- Harrmonized consumer price index for clothes and footwear in Belgium 2019-2023
- Public opinion of free trade in Belgium in 2022
- Appraisal on the financial situation of households in Belgium 2018-2023
- Evaluation Belgian population of the economic situation in Belgium 2023
- Percentage change of the labor productivity in Wallonia (Belgium) 2020-2027
- Percentage change gross added value of the industrial sector in Belgium 2020-2027
- Percentage change domestic employment in Wallonia (Belgium) 2020-2027
- World import share of the Benelux 2020, by country
- Gross national saving as share of GDP forecast in Belgium 2018-2023
- Consumers who would spend helicopter money in the Benelux 2016, by country
- Percentage change gross value added volume in Flanders (Belgium) 2020-2027
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) alcohol and tobacco in Belgium 2019-2023
- Innovation scores in France 2022, by category
- Forecasted losses from WTO tariffs UK in Belgium 2019, by export sector
- Appraisal of the moment's favorability to save money in Belgium 2018-2023
- Gross domestic product distribution Belgium 2019
- Rate of inflation communication goods and services in Belgium 2018-2023
- Rate of inflation health services and goods in Belgium 2018-2023
- Trend in financial situation of households consumer attitude in Belgium 2018-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) communication sector in Belgium 2019-2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Belgium 2007-2019, by region
- Rate of inflation in Belgium 2019-2024
- Innovation scores in Croatia 2021, by category
- Appraisal whether actual moment is favorable for major purchases Belgium 2018-2023
- Harmonized consumer price index (HICP) education in Belgium 2019-2023
- Share of people agreeing wealth inequality is growing in Belgium 2016-2017, by age
- Economic situation appraisal in Belgium 2018-2023
- Impact of helicopter money on household expenditure in Belgium 2018
- Innovation score in Belgium 2014-2021
- Innovation scores in Belgium 2021, by category
- Concerns about electronic voting in Belgium 2020
- Political parties voters can imagine voting for in the future in Belgium 2018
- Politicians Dutch-speak voters cannot imagine voting for in Belgium 2018
- Belgian federal elections voting intention survey 2019
- Seat projection of the national parliament Belgium 2023
- Chamber of Representatives election results Belgium 2019, number of seats, by party
- Share of young people being able to be happy without a vote in Belgium 2017, by age
- Belgian federal elections voting intention survey 2018
- Belgian regional elections: French-speaking Brussels Parliament 2019, votes by party
- Belgian regional elections: Walloon Parliament election results 2019, votes by party
- Chamber of Representatives Federal election results Belgium 2019, votes, by party
- Higher probability of voting through remote voting in the Benelux region 2020
- Flemish federal elections voting intention survey in Belgium 2016-2019
- Concerns about elections in Belgium 2020
- Number of MEPs from Belgium elected to the European parliament in 2019, by party
- Senate election results in the Belgian federal election 2019, senators, by party
- Belgian regional elections: Walloon Parliament election results 2019, seats by party
- Belgian regional elections: Parliament Brussels-Capital Region 2019, seats by party
- Belgian regional elections: Parliament German-speaking Community 2019, seats by party