Statistics about Energy & Environment in Venezuela
- Cost of climate change-related disasters in Venezuela 1990-2020
- Internal displacements of people from weather disasters in Venezuela 2008-2023
- Population affected by climate change-related disasters in Venezuela 1993-2023
- Number of climate change-related disasters in Venezuela 1993-2023
- Death toll from climate change-related disasters in Venezuela 1993-2023
- Share of Venezuelan households with steady electricity supply 2021, by state
- Venezuela: public opinion on electricity supply quality 2021
- Electricity generation in Venezuela 2010-2023
- Quarterly household electricity prices in Venezuela 2021-2023
- Renewables share of electricity generation in Venezuela 2010-2022
- Power production breakdown in Venezuela 2022, by source
- CO₂ emissions from flaring in Venezuela 2013-2023
- Venezuela: deaths from ambient PM air pollution 2000-2017
- Venezuela: deaths from household air pollution 2000-2017
- Deaths in Venezuela from air pollution 2000-2021
- Agriculture GHG emissions in Venezuela 2014, by source
- Venezuela: exposure to solid fuel air pollution 2010-2017
- CO₂ emissions from fossil fuel and industrial purposes in Colombia 1990-2023
- Per capita CO₂ emissions in Venezuela 2015-2023
- GHG emissions from wildfires in Venezuela 2001-2022
- Venezuela: deaths from ambient ozone pollution 2000-2017
- Venezuela: PM air pollution concentration 2000-2017
- Primary energy consumption in Venezuela 2023, by source
- Venezuela's energy dependency 2004-2013
- Primary energy consumption in Venezuela 2009-2021
- Venezuela: households using gas to cook 2021
- Number of wildfires in Venezuela 2013-2023
- Wildfire annual growth in Venezuela 2014-2023
- Share of renewables in primary energy supply in Venezuela 2010-2022
- Forecast renewable market value in Venezuela 2020-2030
- Hydropower consumption in Venezuela 2009-2023
- Renewable energy production in Venezuela 2011-2022
- Renewable energy capacity in Venezuela 2010-2023
- Share of households with safe sanitation services in Venezuela 2021, by state
- Share of Venezuelan households with safe drinking water 2020, by state
- Mean temperature variation in Venezuela 1961-2022