Statistics about Agriculture in Uruguay
- Uruguay: share of employment in agriculture 2013-2022
- Uruguay: agriculture's value added per worker to GDP 2013-2022
- Uruguay: agriculture's value added to GDP 2014-2023
- Uruguay: leading agricultural exports 2019, by volume
- Uruguay: agricultural sector's share of GDP 2013-2023
- Uruguay: apple production volume 2011-2016
- Uruguay: citrus fruit cultivated area 2018, by type
- Uruguay: sugar cane production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: quince production volume 2011-2016
- Uruguay: oranges production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: table grapes production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: potato production volume 2009-2018
- Uruguay: malting barley cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: pomelo production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: nectarine production volume 2011-2016
- Uruguay: oats production volume 2010-2019
- Uruguay: rice cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: corn production 2011-2019
- Uruguay: crop production volume of soybean 2016-2026
- Uruguay: soybean production 2011-2020
- Uruguay: production of wheat 2011-2019
- Uruguay: crop yield of soybean 2016-2026
- Uruguay: production of selected grains 2018-2019
- Uruguay: harvesting area of soybean 2016-2026
- Uruguay: wine grapes production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: rice production 2011-2019
- Uruguay: sorghum cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: crop yield of rice 2016-2026
- Uruguay: sunflower oilseed consumption volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: centrifugal sugar production volume 2010-2019
- Uruguay: wheat cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: potato cultivated area 2009-2018
- Uruguay: soybean meal production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: harvesting area of rice 2016-2026
- Uruguay: barley production volume 2011-2019
- Uruguay: soybean cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: wheat imports volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: sugar cane cultivated area 2010-2018
- Uruguay: corn cultivated area 2010-2019
- Uruguay: wood pulp exports value 2008-2018
- Uruguay: organic farmland area 2016-2018
- Uruguay: roundwood production volume 2010-2018
- Uruguay: forestry sector companies number 2016, by size
- Uruguay: swine meat production volume 2010-2019
- Uruguay: imports value of live poultry 2012-2023
- Uruguay: imports value of live swine 2013-2023
- Uruguay: imports value of live horses and related animals 2012-2023
- Uruguay: exports value of live horses & related animals 2012-2023
- Uruguay: beef production volume 2010-2023
- Uruguay: cattle production volume 2010-2024