Statistics about Economy & Politics in Peru
- Peru: gross internal and external public debt 2016-2021
- Gross public debt in Peru Q2 2020-Q4 2023
- General government primary net lending of Peru 2007-2029
- Total reserves as a percentage of the total external debt in Peru 2000-2022
- Tax revenue as a share of GDP of Peru 1999-2021
- General government revenue of Peru 2007-2029
- General government structural balance as share of the GDP of Peru 2007-2029
- Peru: foreign debt as share of GDP 2002-2023
- Gross national savings of Peru 2007-2029
- Ratio of government revenue to gross domestic product (GDP) in Peru 2007-2029
- Annual change of the general government primary net lending of Peru 2007-2029
- Total reserves in Peru 2001-2023
- General government expenditure of Peru 2007-2029
- General government structural balance of Peru 2007-2029
- Current account balance as a share of the GDP of Peru 2007-2029
- Government expenditure on primary education in Peru 1996-2019
- Government expenditure on tertiary education in Peru 1973-2019
- General government net debt as share of the GDP of Peru 2007-2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to GDP in Peru 2007-2029
- Perception on household income in relation to expenses in Peru 2024
- Gini coefficient income distribution inequality Peru 2000-2022
- Peru: main reasons for saving money as of 2016
- Average monthly income in Peru 2011-2021
- Peru: wealth inequality based on income concentration 2012-2022
- Peru: richest people 2023, by wealth
- General government net debt of Peru 2007-2029
- Current account balance in Peru 2007-2029
- Peru: most used methods of payment as of 2016, by category
- Government expenditure on secondary education in Peru 1996-2019
- Government expenditure on education as a share of GDP of Peru 2001-2023
- EU-Peru trade: main exported and imported products 2018
- Inflation rate of main goods and services in Peru June 2024
- Gini coefficient for urban areas in Peru 2001-2023
- Gini coefficient for rural areas in Peru 2001-2023
- Gross national income in Peru 2022-2029
- Annual average consumer price index in Peru 2007-2029
- Extreme poverty share in rural areas in Peru 2011-2022
- Extreme poverty share in Peru 2011-2023
- Poverty share in Peru 2022, by geographical domain
- Peru: annual CPI changes by month 2019-2024
- Annual GDP of Lima Peru 2007-2022
- Poverty rate in Lima, Peru 2012-2022
- Annual GDP of Lima Peru, by industry 2022
- Average monthly income in Peru 2011-2021, by activity
- Total amount of investments in Peru 2018-2025
- Peru: annual CPI changes by segment 2024
- Gross national income per capita in Peru 2022-2029
- Annual change in exports of trade goods and services from Peru 2007-2029
- Average monthly income in Peru 2011-2021, by gender
- Annual change in imports of trade goods and services from Peru 2007-2029
- Average monthly income in Peru 2021, by department
- Share of people with at least one unsatisfied need in Peru 2023, by department
- Peru: food consumer price index
- Poverty share in Peru 2011-2023
- Number of military personnel in Peru 1998-2020
- Peru: military expenditure as percentage of GDP 2007-2023
- Expenditure on military as a share of GDP of Peru 2000-2022
- Peru: value of military spending 2020-2023
- Armed forces as a share of the labor force in Peru 1998-2020
- Public opinion on the military coup usage approval
- Most frequent corruption and economic crimes in Peru 2021
- Peru: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Peru 2029
- Peru's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Peru 2029
- Unemployment rate in Peru 2023
- Total population of Peru 2029
- Death rate in Peru 2022
- Literacy rate in Peru 2020
- Largest cities in Peru in 2022
- Most important export partners for Peru in 2022
- National debt of Peru 2029
- Age structure in Peru 2022
- Population growth in Peru 2023
- National debt of Peru in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Fertility rate in Peru 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Peru 2022
- Inflation rate in Peru 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Peru 2029
- Most important import partners of Peru 2022
- Youth unemployment rate in Peru in 2023
- Life expectancy at birth in Peru 2022, by gender
- Urbanization in Peru 2023
- Infant mortality rate in Peru 2022
- Crude birth rate in Peru 2012-2022
- Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Peru 2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Peru 2029
- Median age of the population in Peru 2020
- Import of goods to Peru 2023
- Mortality rate in Peru 2022, by gender
- Trade balance of goods of Peru 2023
- Export of goods to Peru 2023
- Export of commodities from Peru 2022
- Employment by economic sector in Peru 2022
- Labor force participation rate in Peru 2022
- Poverty headcount ratio in Peru 2022
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Peru 2022
- Approval rates of Peruvian presidents 2004-2024
- Peru: opinion on importance of having human rights laws 2018
- Population with little trust in institutions in Peru 1996-2023