Statistics about Construction in Peru
- Revenue forecast in the heating and cooling hardware store market Latin America 2023
- Global forecast of revenue per capita of heating and cooling market 2023, by country
- Annual change of construction material costs in Lima (Peru) 2006-2023
- Peru: share of roofing materials in private residential units 2019
- Peru: share of floor materials in private residential units 2019
- Peru: share of exterior wall materials in private residential units 2019
- Peru: annual change of the construction production index 2015-2023
- Peru: construction industry GDP 2000-2022
- Peru: GVA of the construction industry 2022, by region
- Opinion on the quality of major and local road network worldwide 2024, by country
- Opinion on the quality of rail infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Opinion on the quality of airport infrastructure globally 2023, by country