Statistics about Economy & Politics in Nicaragua
- Trade balance of goods of Nicaragua 2023
- Export of commodities from Nicaragua 2022
- National debt of Nicaragua in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Most important import partners of Nicaragua 2022
- Most important export partners for Nicaragua in 2022
- Nicaragua: public opinion on groups involved in corruption 2020
- Public health care spending per capita in the public sector in Nicaragua 2017-2025
- Revenue from grants of the public sector in Nicaragua 2012-2019
- Revenue from income and capital taxes of the public sector in Nicaragua 2012-2019
- Revenue from taxes on goods and services of the public sector in Nicaragua 2012-2019
- Revenue from other taxes of the public sector in Nicaragua 2012-2019
- Nicaragua: opinion on severity of corruption 2015-2018
- Nicaragua: positive perception of the United States 2013-2018
- Nicaragua: support for democracy 2008-2020
- Global expression report (GxR) metric score in Nicaragua 2023
- Approval rates of Nicaraguan presidents 2004-2018
- Nicaragua: GPI 2014-2024
- Population with little trust in institutions in Nicaragua 1996-2020
- People favoring democracy in Nicaragua 1996-2020
- Population stating their income as insufficient in Nicaragua 1996-2020
- People who consider income distribution is unfair in Nicaragua 1997-2020