Statistics about Society in Haiti
- Infant mortality rate per every 1,000 newborns in Haiti 2000-2022
- Estimated corruption control score in Haiti 2000-2023
- Registered kidnapping cases count in Haiti 2023
- Haiti: corruption perception index 2012-2023
- Number of teachers in Haiti 2023, by region
- Lower secondary school age population in Haiti 1998-2020
- Share of households in Haiti 2023, by level of education
- Share of children who did not attend school regularly in Haiti 2023-2024, by region
- Barriers to learning for young people in Haiti 2024, by reason
- Share of Haitian schools 2023, by school type
- Number of plant species under threat in Haiti 2023, by category
- Number of species under threat in Haiti 2023, by type
- Number of animal species under threat in Haiti 2023, by category
- Estimated number of deaths in the Haitian Revolution 1790-1804
- Gender ratio of slaves in St Domingue (Haiti) by ethnic origin 1721-1797
- Gender ratio of slaves in British and French shipping and colonial records 1715-1813
- Number of slaves imported into Haiti in 1788
- Caribbean sugar output by country 1750-1988
- Number of slaves imported into Haiti per vessel in 1788
- Global sugar production by area of origin 1456-1894
- Estimated population of Haiti by ethnicity and slave status 1789
- Valuation of properties (including slaves) on Haitian plantations 1791
- Quantity of select products exported in Haiti 1789-1826
- Weekly migratory movements at the Dominican Republic–Haiti border February 2021
- Migration rate in Haiti 2005-2027
- Migratory movements in the Dominican Republic–Haiti border February 2021, by type
- Total refugee population in Haiti 2001-2023
- Number of police officers in Haiti 2020-202023
- Haiti: population density 2008-2021
- Total population in Haiti 2010-2023, by age group
- Haiti: total population 2023, by age & gender
- Haiti: total population 2008-2023, by gender
- Annual number of Haitians in need 2016-2024
- Households in Haiti 2024, by housing type
- Number of Haitians in need 2024, by necessity
- Share of households living in overcrowded housing in Haiti 2023
- Share of households where the house can withstand Haiti's adverse climate risks 2023
- Share of households one hour away from a grocery store in Haiti 2023, by region
- Share of households living in unfit spaces in Haiti 2023, by deprivation
- Household distance to the nearest grocery store in Haiti 2023, by walking time
- Share of population unable to afford to eat healthy in Haiti, 2017-2022
- Haiti: food insecurity prevalence 2020-2023, by severity
- Haiti: undernourishment prevalence 2004-2023
- Share of people with severe food insecurity in Haiti 2024, by region
- Lack of access to food and livelihood by household in Haiti 2023, by reason
- Haiti: industry & innovation development goal performance 2019, by indicator
- Money laundering and terrorist financing risk in Haiti 2015-2024
- Children victims of gang violence count in Haiti 2023
- Haiti: number of homicides 2010-2023
- Haiti: intentional homicide rate 2010-2023
- Haiti: number of homicides 2021-2023, by gender of the victim