Statistics about Economy & Politics in Colombia
- Monthly Business Confidence Index in Colombia 2020-2021
- Colombia: activity rate of early entrepreneurship 2013-2023
- Colombia: early-stage entrepreneurship rate 2019, by industry
- Colombia: number of startups 2024, by city
- Colombia: STIA investment by manufacturing enterprises in 2016, by sector
- Colombia: STIA investment by manufacturing enterprises 2015-2016, by size
- Colombia: ease of doing business 2019, by category
- Leading startups for attracting investments in Colombia 2022
- Colombia: ownership distribution of start-ups that failed by gender 2017
- Monthly Commercial Confidence Index in Colombia's productive sector 2020-2023
- Colombia: engagement in early-stage startups by gender 2023
- Colombia: distribution of start-ups that failed by business type 2017
- Colombia: start-up owners distribution in 2016, by education and gender
- Colombia: foreign language knowledge of start-up owners in Colombia 2016
- Colombia: start-up owners perception of public funding for innovation 2016
- Colombia: start-ups leading innovation aspects 2016
- European patent applications from Colombia 2006-2020
- Largest Colombian companies 2023, by revenue
- Colombia: early-stage entrepreneurship rate 2023, by age
- Leading cities for startups in Colombia 2024, by total score
- Annual change in Sectorial Confidence Index in Colombia's productive sector 2021-2023
- Distribution of startups based in Colombia as of 2023, by business model
- Total FDI stock from China in Colombia 2013-2023
- Annual FDI flows from China to Colombia 2013-2023
- Monthly Sectorial Confidence Index in Colombia's productive sector 2020-2023
- Colombia: most reputable corporate leaders 2021
- Share of Colombians who intend to start a business 2012-2023
- Entrepreneurial activity rate in Colombia 2021-2023, by gender
- Colombia: companies with the highest CAGR 2018-2021
- Export of goods from Colombia 2023
- Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Colombia 2022
- Trade balance of goods of Colombia 2023
- Median age of the population in Colombia 2020
- Youth unemployment rate in Colombia in 2023
- Labor force participation rate in Colombia 2022
- Export of commodities from Colombia 2022
- Total population of Colombia 2029
- Crude birth rate in Colombia 2012-2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Colombia 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Colombia 2029
- Literacy rate in Colombia 2020
- Import of goods to Colombia 2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Colombia 2029
- Life expectancy at birth in Colombia 2022, by gender
- Colombia's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Colombia: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Death rate in Colombia 2022
- Urbanization in Colombia 2023
- Unemployment rate in Colombia 2023
- Age structure in Colombia 2012-2022
- Population growth in Colombia 2023
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Colombia 2022
- Employment by economic sector in Colombia 2022
- Mortality rate in Colombia 2022, by gender
- Poverty headcount ratio in Colombia 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Colombia 2022
- Inflation rate in Colombia 2029
- Fertility rate in Colombia 2022
- National debt of Colombia in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- National debt of Colombia 2029
- Most important import partners of Colombia 2022
- Most important export partner countries for Colombia 2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Colombia 2029
- Infant mortality rate in Colombia 2022
- Colombia: manufacturing sector's added value to real GDP 2013-2023
- Colombia: home office among SMEs during COVID-19 2020
- Colombia: tax revenue as share of GDP 2014-2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Colombia 2007-2029
- Average inflation rate in Colombia 2007-2029
- Colombia: gross national income per capita 2013-2023
- Colombia: base interest rate 2010-2018
- Foreign debt in Colombia 2006-2020
- Anti-government protests in Colombia and its effect on GPD 2021
- Colombia: adult population distribution 2023, by wealth
- Colombia: funding sources of SMEs during COVID-19 2020
- Colombia: measures applied by SMEs during COVID-19 2020
- Colombia: estimated recovery time of SMEs after COVID-19 2020
- Budget balance in Colombia 2007-2029
- Total population of Colombia 2007-2029
- Ratio of national debt to gross domestic product (GDP) of Colombia 2007-2029
- National debt of Colombia 2007-2029
- Colombia: social mobility index by area 2020
- Colombia: competitiveness index 2008-2019
- Annual inflation rate of end of period consumer prices of Colombia 2007-2029
- Colombia: economic expectations for the next year 2018
- Labor market gender gap index in Colombia 2024, by area
- Gross domestic product (GDP) by fiscal year in Colombia 2007-2029
- Colombia: consumer confidence index 2021
- Share in the global GDP adjusted for PPP in Colombia 2007-2029
- Colombia: manufacturing sector as share of GDP 2013-2023
- Colombia: willingness to buy durable goods 2021, by major city
- Colombia: Foreign Direct Investment 2006-2020
- Colombia: Big Mac index 2010-2024
- Colombia: sentiment among SMEs towards the COVID-19 2020
- Public opinion on the pension system in Colombia 2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (in PPP dollars) in Colombia 2007-2029
- Exports of manufactured products as a share of total exports in Colombia 2001-2023
- Annual value of outgoing personal remittances in Colombia 2000-2023
- Public opinion on whether the country's economy is rigged in Latin America by country
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (in constant prices) in Colombia 2007-2029