Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in Chile
- Main wireless operators in Chile 2023, by market share
- Chile: Telefónica revenue 2016-2019
- Number of pay TV subscriptions in Chile from 2006-2023, by type
- Chile: preference for facial recognition systems 2018
- Revenue in the smart home market in Chile 2018-2028
- Software market revenue in Chile 2019-2029, by segment
- Revenue in the software market in Chile 2017-2029
- Chile: digital competitiveness ranking 2023, by factor
- Chile: digital competitiveness ranking score 2017-2023
- Funding of AI companies in Chile in 2022
- E-commerce software market share in Chile 2024
- Chile: flat screen TV penetration 2011-2017
- Revenue forecast for the eServices market by segment in Chile until 2028
- Penetration rate forecast for the Online Food Delivery market in Chile until 2028
- Opinion on the quality of digital infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Chile: leading telecom brands on Twitter 2019
- Digital Quality of Life Index in Chile 2023, by segment
- ARPU forecast for the eServices market by segment in Chile until 2028
- VTR net income 2015-2019
- Entel revenue 2017-2023
- Forecast: satellite telecommunications revenue Chile 2009-2018
- Forecast: wireless telecommunications revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Forecast: wired telecommunications revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Forecast: fiber optic cables manufacturing revenue Chile 2010-2018
- VTR revenue 2016-2021
- Chile: 4G network download & upload speed 2020, by provider
- VTR number of subscribers 2016-2021
- Trust in telecom companies in Chile 2015-2021
- VTR/Cabletica: revenue 2017-2020
- Chile: most used devices to access the internet 2019, by age group
- Chile: import value of telephone sets 2014-2018
- Revenue in the communication services market in Chile 2017-2029
- Number of users of digital fitness & well-being in Chile 2020-2029