Statistics about Society in Chile
- Chile: life expectancy at birth 2006-2016, by gender
- Infant mortality rate per every 1,000 newborns in Chile 2000-2022
- Number of births in Chile in 2022 by gender
- Share of newborns in Chile in 2022 by age group of the mother
- Share of newborns in Chile in 2022 by region
- Share of deaths in Chile 2022, by age group
- Share of deaths in Chile 2022, by region
- Number of newborns in Lima 2015-2021
- Chile: annual birth rate 2010-2022
- Annual change in the number of criminal complaints Chile 2013-2022
- Criminal complaints in Chile 2020-2022
- Chile: corruption perception index 2012-2023
- Chile: number of human rights violations complaints 2019-2020, by type
- Chile: number of human rights violations victims 2019-2020, by gender and age
- Chile: number of human rights violations complaints 2019-2020, by region
- Number of thefts reported in Chile 2005-2023
- Criminal arrests in Chile 2020-2022
- Estimated corruption control score in Chile 2000-2023
- Annual change in the number of arrests Chile 2013-2022
- Household victimization rate in Chile 2022, by region
- Number of homicides in Chile 2023 by month
- Femicides in Chile 2022, by relationship with the perpetrator
- Number of reported cases of sexual crimes in Chile 2010-2023
- Number of reported domestic violence cases in Chile 2005-2023
- Share of people that feel crime increased in Chile from 2012 to 2022
- Share of people that think crime increased in Chile 2022, by region
- Number of femicides in Chile 2022, by place
- Criminal victims in Chile 2021-2022
- Percentage distribution of reported crimes in Chile 2022, by category of crime
- Criminal complaints in Chile by category of crime 2022
- Percentage distribution of prison population in Chile 2022, by gender
- Number of prisoners in Chile 2021-2022
- Number of crimes under investigation in Chile 2020-2022
- Percentage distribution of victims in Chile 2022, by gender
- Percentage distribution of arrests Chile in 2022, by gender
- Number of cases of threats reported in Chile 2005-2023
- Number of femicides in Chile 2023, by region
- Number of femicides in Chile 2023, by region
- Victimization rate in Chile 1996-2023
- Population who is afraid of being a crime victim in Chile 2007-2023
- Number of femicides in Chile 2023, by age group of the victim
- Share of people that think crime increased in Chile 2013-2023
- Chile: estimated population in 2017, by region
- Chile: number of inhabitants 2018, by age
- Chile: number of households 2017, by region
- Gender gap index in Chile 2014-2024
- Attitude toward homosexual couples' rights to get marry and adopt a child Chile 2021
- Chile: estimated population in 2010-2050, by gender
- Gender gap index in Chile 2024, by area
- Chile: undernourishment prevalence 2004-2018
- Chile: food insecurity prevalence 2018-2023, by severity
- Chile: number of households 2017, by area
- Tertiary enrollment ratio in Chile 2013-2022
- Freshman retention rate in undergraduate degrees Chile 2017-2021, by gender
- Education coverage in Chile 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of obtained undergraduate degrees in Chile 2018-2022, by gender
- Literacy rate of people ages 15 years and over in Chile 1982-2022
- Share of pupils who reach last grade of primary in Chile 1970-2020
- Chile: students affected by COVID-19 measures 2020, by level
- Pass rate in undergraduate programs in Chile 2022
- Chile: student enrollment in master's programs in 2013-2019
- Chile: enrollment in higher education, by gender 2013-2020
- Chile: number of exchange students in 2015-2018
- Women aged 20-29 who have completed upper secondary school in selected countries 2019
- Chile: enrollment of postgraduate students, by gender 2013-2019
- Chile: enrollment in higher education by degree type & gender 2018
- Adult literacy rate in Chile 1982-2022
- Chile: postgraduate enrollment Chile 2013-2019
- Most popular undergraduate degrees for freshmen in Chile 2024
- Chile: number of international students in 2015-2018
- Undergraduate enrollment in Chile 2013-2024
- Enrollment of undergraduate students in Chile 2013-2024, by gender
- Chile: postgraduate enrollment by level Chile 2019
- Lower secondary school age population in Chile 1998-2020
- Number of enrolled undergraduate students Chile 2024, by region
- Number of enrolled undergraduate students in Chile 2024, by area of knowledge
- Chile: student enrollment in doctoral programs in 2013-2019
- Number of enrolled students in undergraduate programs Chile 2024, by group age
- Number of children not enrolled in primary education in Chile 2009-2022
- Share of children not enrolled in primary education in Chile 2009-2022
- Youth literacy rate in Chile 2000-2022
- Chile: higher education spending as share of GDP 2005-2016
- Chile: number of university graduates 2010-2014, by study area
- Chile: foreign student enrollment in higher education in 2016, by country
- Number of book titles in academic libraries Chile 2018, by type of institution
- Book titles in academic libraries in Chile 2018, by type of institution
- Number of book titles in professional institutes' libraries in Chile 2005-2018
- Chile: leading universities 2025, by academic reputation
- Forecast: primary education revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Forecast: post-secondary non-tertiary education revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Chile: foreign student enrollment in higher education by region 2019
- Book titles in university libraries Chile 2005-2018
- Forecast: general secondary education revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Forecast: tertiary education revenue Chile 2008-2018
- Chile: regular foreign students in higher education institutions in 2019
- Chile: enrollment in higher education by gender & institution 2019
- Chile: student enrollment in private universities 2013-2021
- Chile: foreign exchange students in higher education in 2016, by origin
- Sttudent enrollment in undergraduate programs in Chile 2024, by institution