Statistics about Energy & Environment in Central and South America
- Labor productivity loss due to climate change in South America 2030-2100, by country
- Extent covered by permanent snow and glaciers in South America 1992-2020
- Electricity consumption in Latin America 1990-2023
- South American smart grid market size outlook: by component 2012-2015
- Flexible ac transmission systems power in South America 2017-2021, by main country
- Projected electricity generation market value in Latin America 2021-2031
- Latin America: change in electricity demand due to COVID-19, by selected country
- Electricity access penetration in Central America 2020, by country
- Electrification technology costs in Central America 2018-2050, by sector
- Electricity transmission and distribution revenue in South America 2019-2030
- Electricity transmission revenue in South America 2021-2030, by cable type
- Electricity transmission & distribution revenue in South America 2021-2030, by sector
- ISA's revenue 2014-2021
- Electricity production in Central America 2022, by country
- Electricity generation in South & Central America 2023, by source
- Industry electricity prices in Central and South America July 2024, by country
- Carbon dioxide emissions in Latin America by sector
- Road transportation carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2018, by region
- South America: greenhouse gases contributions to global warming 2001-2021
- Total carbon dioxide emissions by sector: OECD Americas
- Cities with the worst air quality in South America 2018
- Central America: impact of COVID-19 in energy consumption 2019-2020, by sector
- Share of cooking technologies in Central America 2018, by type
- Xignux: net sales 2019, by segment and region
- Chemistry split of the lithium-ion batteries projects in Americas 2022
- Xignux: net sales 2014-2019, by segment
- Primary energy consumption in Central & South America 2009-2023
- Hydrogen storage tanks market value in Latin America 2021-2031
- Energy storage systems market size in Latin America 2021-2031
- Xignux: EBITDA 2014-2019
- Xignux's sales revenue 2014-2022
- Global primary energy consumption projection by country 2022-2050
- Xignux: number of employees 2019, by segment
- Latin America's primary energy supply share by source 2013
- Xignux's net profit 2014-2022
- South America: key figures on the Amazon 2021
- South America: forest area net change 1990-2020
- North and South America's renewable energy generation 2015, by select country
- Oil consumption in Central and South America 2010-2023
- Natural gas: consumption in Central and South America 2035
- Economic losses caused by floods in South America 2030-2100, by country
- Number of wildfires in South America 2024, by country
- Key figures on Amazon wildfires 2020
- South and Central American nuclear energy consumption
- Number of countries by nuclear power status in the American continent 204
- Share of planned hydropower capacity in South America 2022-2037, by country
- Hydropower generation in South America 2023, by country
- Total installed hydropower capacity in South America 2023, by country
- Share of renewables in electricity mix in Central America 2022, by country
- North American and the Caribbean new wind investments 2005-2016
- Central and South America - renewable energy consumption 1998-2011
- Market value of solar energy systems in Latin America 2021-2030
- Biofuel production in South America 2016-2022, by country
- Central & South America: hydropower consumption 2009-2019
- Share of energy consumed from renewables in South America 1990-2019
- Number of jobs in the liquid biofuels sector in South America 2021, by country
- Hydrogen ecosystem units in the Americas 2033, by country
- Wind and solar electricity generation share in South America 2022, by country
- Hydrogen production projects in the Americas 2033, by country
- Latin American and the Caribbean - composition of municipal waste 2025
- Share of e-waste formally collected in the Americas 2022, by sub region
- South America: water treatment equipment sales 2016-2026
- Mean temperature variation in South America 1961-2022