Statistics about Economy & Politics in Central and South America
- Early-stage entrepreneurial activity in the Americas 2023, by country
- Central America: startup ecosystem score 2021, by category
- Foreign taxable income for U.S. corporations on the Cayman Islands 1992 - 2010
- Business tax rate for Central America and the Caribbean 2004-2012
- Business tax rate for South American countries in 2012, by tax
- Gender distribution of early-stage entrepreneurs in the Americas 2023, by country
- Latin America: female engagement in early-stage startups by industry 2022
- Latin America: engagement in early-stage startups by gender 2022
- Latin America: female engagement in early-stage startups by market 2022
- Business tax rate for Central American and Caribbean countries in 2012, by tax
- Business tax rate for South America 2004-2012
- Number of startups in Central America 2024, by country
- Number of startups in Central America 2024, by type
- Latin America: female engagement in early-stage startups by employees 2022
- Time spent in recession in selected American countries 1950-2019
- Unemployment rate in Central America by country 2023
- General government revenue in Central America 2023
- Recipients of net official development assistance in Central and South America 2022
- National debt in Central America 2023
- General government expenditure in Central America 2023
- Ratio of government revenue to GDP in Central America by country 2023
- Income per capita by country in South America 2023
- Wealth in Latin America: UHNW (super rich) population in 2013, by country
- Wealth in Latin America: UHNW population's total wealth by country 2013
- Import of goods to Barbados 2023
- Trade balance of goods of Barbados 2023
- Export of goods to Barbados 2023
- Most important export partners for Barbados in 2022
- Most important import partners of Barbados 2022
- Employment by economic sector in Barbados 2022
- Fertility rate in Barbados 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Barbados 2022
- Age structure in Barbados 2022
- National debt of Samoa 2029
- National debt of Barbados in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- National debt of Barbados 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Barbados 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Bhutan 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Barbados 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Barbados 2029
- Inflation rate in Barbados 2029
- Total population of Barbados 2029
- Barbados budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Barbados 2029
- Unemployment rate in Barbados 2023
- Population growth in Barbados 2023
- Urbanization in Barbados 2023
- Foreign trade between the EU and Mercosur 2020, by sector
- Foreign trade between the EU and Mercosur 2008-2023
- Total trade between the EU and Mercosur 2010-2023
- EU-Andean Community trade: main exported and imported products 2018
- EU and Mercosur: foreign trade balance 2010-2023
- Latin America & Caribbean: cities with the highest cost of living index 2024
- Share in the global GDP adjusted for PPP in Central America by country 2023
- Gross domestic product per capita (in PPP dollars) in Central America 2023
- Total investment as a share of the GDP in Central America by country 2023
- Gross domestic product of Central America 2023
- Average inflation rate in Central America by country 2023
- Ratio of national debt to gross domestic product of Central America 2023
- Real GDP growth forecast in Americas 2023-2029, by country
- Conflicts in the Americas by intensity 2005-2022
- Life expectancy at birth in the Association of Caribbean States 2022
- Share of economic sectors in GDP in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2022
- Most important export partners for Dominica in 2022
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Dominica 2022
- Most important import partners of Dominica 2022
- Import of goods to Dominica 2023
- Most important import partners of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2022
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Dominica 2029
- Population growth in Dominica 2023
- Population growth in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Unemployment rate in St. Lucia 2023
- Life expectancy at birth in Aruba 2022, by gender
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- National debt of Dominica in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Dominica's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Total population of Dominica 2029
- National debt of Dominica 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Dominica 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Dominica 2029
- The Bahamas' budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Unemployment rate in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Urbanization in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Life expectancy at birth in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Dominica 2029
- Urbanization in Dominica 2023
- Youth unemployment rate in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2023
- Infant mortality rate in Dominica 2022
- Bahamas: infant mortality rate 2022
- Trade balance of goods of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Import of goods to St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Export of goods to St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2023
- Total population of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2029
- Trade balance of goods of Dominica 2023
- Export of goods to Dominica 2023
- Median age of the population in Barbados 2020
- Median age of the population in Guadeloupe 2020
- Inflation rate in Dominica 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2029