Statistics about Society in New Zealand
- Population of New Zealand 1820-2020
- Crude birth rate of New Zealand 1850-2020
- Total fertility rate of New Zealand 1855-2020
- Infant mortality in New Zealand 1865-2020
- Migration from Oceania to the US 1870-1957
- Life expectancy in New Zealand, 1870-2020
- Child mortality in New Zealand 1850-2020
- Crime victim number New Zealand 2023, by police district
- Female court convictions New Zealand FY 2024 by leading offense
- Male court convictions New Zealand FY 2019 by leading offence
- Adult court convictions New Zealand FY 2024 by leading region
- Crime victim number New Zealand 2023, by type of crime
- Court convictions New Zealand FY 2010-2024 by gender
- Number of overseas resident civil unions in New Zealand 2005-2019
- Median age at divorce for males in New Zealand 1996-2019
- Median age at divorce for females in New Zealand 1996-2019
- Number of opposite-sex couple civil unions New Zealand 2005-2018
- Number of New Zealand resident civil unions in New Zealand 2005-2019
- Mean number of children per divorce in New Zealand 1999-2018
- Number of resident civil unions of same-sex couples New Zealand 2005-2019
- Number of same-sex couple civil unions registered New Zealand 2005-2018
- Number of children involved in divorces in New Zealand 1999-2019
- Number of marriages registered in New Zealand 2013-2018
- Number of civil unions registered New Zealand 2005-2019
- Number of overseas resident civil unions of opposite-sex couples NZ 2005-2019
- Median duration of marriages and civil unions in New Zealand 1996-2018
- Median age of females at first marriage in New Zealand 1980-2023
- Number of resident civil unions of opposite-sex couples New Zealand 2005-2019
- Number of overseas resident civil unions of same-sex couples New Zealand 2005-2019
- Number of divorces involving children in New Zealand 1999-2018
- Number of overseas resident same-sex couple marriages in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Marriage and civil union rate in New Zealand 1983-2018
- Number of overseas resident marriages in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Number of same-sex couple marriages and civil unions in New Zealand 2019 by region
- Number of same-sex couple marriages registered in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Number of overseas resident opposite-sex couple marriages in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Number of opposite-sex couple resident marriages in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Number of same-sex couple marriages of residents New Zealand 2013-2018
- Number of marriages of residents in New Zealand 2013-2019
- Number of opposite-sex couple marriages and civil unions New Zealand 2019 by region
- Divorce number New Zealand 2009-2018
- Median age of mothers at the birth of their child in New Zealand 1980-2018
- Number of remarriages in New Zealand 1983-2019
- Number of marriages and civil unions in New Zealand 2019 by region
- Divorce rate in New Zealand 1983-2019
- Number of marriages and civil unions in New Zealand 1983-2018
- Median age of males at first marriage in New Zealand 1980-2018
- Immigrant population of New Zealand in 2019 by leading country of origin
- Immigrant stock New Zealand 2019, by age
- Share of female expats in Oceania 2017 by country
- Forecast of net migration in New Zealand 2018-2038 by ethnicity
- Number of Japanese residents in New Zealand 2013-2018
- Number of Japanese residents in Auckland 2013-2018
- Number of visitor visas granted New Zealand FY 2013-2022
- International arrivals to New Zealand FY 2022, by selected visa type
- Monthly number of working holiday scheme visa holder arrivals New Zealand 2022
- Number of student visas granted New Zealand FY 2013-2022
- Number of work visas granted New Zealand FY 2013-2022
- People in Auckland City, New Zealand who have confidence in police FY 2019
- People believing police are responsive to community's needs New Zealand FY 2014-2019
- People who have confidence in police New Zealand FY 2019 by district
- People who trust police New Zealand 2021, by gender
- Belief police are responsive to communities' needs New Zealand FY 2019 by district
- Perceived and actual share of immigrants in New Zealand 2018
- Distribution of Indian population in New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Forecast of the median age of the population New Zealand 2038, by ethnicity
- Female population of New Zealand 1991-2023
- Male population of New Zealand 1991-2019
- Forecast of natural increase in population New Zealand 2018-2038 by ethnicity
- Perceived and actual share of population over 65 years by 2050 in New Zealand 2018
- Median age of the European population New Zealand 2013-2038
- Median age of the Chinese population New Zealand 2013-2038
- Median age of the Pacific population New Zealand 2013-2038
- Distribution of Chinese population in New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Samoan population forecast of New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Distribution of Māori population in New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Indian population forecast of New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Distribution of Asian population in New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Chinese population forecast of New Zealand 2013-2038 by age group
- Population growth rate forecast of New Zealand 2018-2038 by ethnicity
- Total population of female Māori residents in New Zealand 2018 by age group
- Female population of Māori residents in New Zealand 1991-2023
- Median age of Māori residents in New Zealand 2000-2016
- Distribution of homeless population in Auckland, New Zealand 2018, by gender
- Concern for child poverty New Zealand 2018
- Number of children living in benefit-dependent households New Zealand 2013-2018
- Distribution of homeless population Auckland New Zealand 2018 by age group
- Distribution of population in temporary homes Auckland New Zealand 2018 by age group
- Distribution of homeless population Auckland New Zealand 2018 by ethnicity
- Distribution of homeless population Auckland New Zealand 2018 district
- Share of children living in benefit-dependent households New Zealand 2013-2018
- Distribution of population in temporary homes Auckland New Zealand 2018 by ethnicity
- Share of theft crime offenders New Zealand 2019 by ethnicity
- Theft victim number New Zealand 2016-2023
- Burglary victim number New Zealand 2023, by police district
- Share of theft crime victims New Zealand 2023, by ethnicity
- Theft victim number New Zealand 2023, by police district
- Number of people who are religious by selected religion New Zealand 2018
- Number of people who are not religious New Zealand 2001-2018
- Perceived and actual share of Muslim population in New Zealand 2018