Statistics about Construction in New Zealand
- Forecast: electrical installation revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Percentage change in new dwellings Wellington New Zealand 2014-2019
- Building work value New Zealand 2019 by building category
- Net income/loss after significant items of Fletcher Building H1 FY 2020-2024
- Fletcher Building Limited's total equity FY 2015-2024
- Global use of software in construction firms 2019
- Forecast: site preparation revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Downer Group revenue from contracts New Zealand FY 2019-2024, by sector
- Civil construction workers' confidence in the construction industry NZ 2024
- Fletcher Building Limited's total liabilities FY 2015-2024
- Fletcher Building Limited's operating revenue FY 2015-2024
- Fletcher Building Limited's total assets FY 2015-2024
- Fletcher Building Limited's EBIT FY 2015-2024
- GDP goods-producing industries New Zealand 2017-2024
- Reasons for housing build and renovation delays New Zealand 2022
- Forecast: demolition revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Forecast: test drilling and boring revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Construction jobs New Zealand 2023, by sector
- Amount of ready-mixed concrete produced Auckland, New Zealand 2018-2023
- Number of enterprises in construction New Zealand 2014-2023, by sector
- Number of enterprises in construction New Zealand 2014-2023
- GDP construction industry New Zealand 2018-2023
- Global use of software in construction firms to address concerns 2019
- Change in amount of ready-mixed concrete produced New Zealand 2018-2024
- Change in amount of ready mixed concrete produced Auckland, New Zealand 2018-2023
- Leading barriers to construction industry growth New Zealand 2023
- Construction services jobs New Zealand 2014-2023
- Issues expected to have a positive impact on the construction industry NZ 2023
- Revenue of Fulton Hogan FY 2015-2023
- McConnell Dowell's revenue from construction contracts FY 2024, by business segment
- Percentage change of non-building construction New Zealand 2014-2019
- Total assets of Fulton Hogan FY 2015-2023
- Heavy construction employees New Zealand 2018 by region
- EBITDA of Fulton Hogan FY 2015-2023
- Revenue share of McConnell Dowell business segments FY 2024
- Heavy construction industry jobs New Zealand 2014-2023
- Forecast: water project construction revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Forecast: utility project construction revenue New Zealand 2009-2018
- Forecast: fluids utility project construction revenue New Zealand 2009-2018
- Forecast: road and motorway construction revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Forecast: bridge and tunnel construction revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Forecast: surface and underground railway construction revenue New Zealand 2008-2018
- Number of infrastructure projects starts New Zealand 2023, by type
- Opinion on the quality of rail infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Opinion on the quality of airport infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Value of infrastructure projects starts New Zealand 2023, by type
- Non-building construction consents value New Zealand 2017-2023
- Total liabilities of Fulton Hogan FY 2015-2019
- Infrastructure investment as a share of GDP New Zealand 1976-2023
- Value share of infrastructure projects starts New Zealand 2023, by type
- Share of infrastructure projects starts New Zealand 2023, by type
- Opinion on the quality of major and local road network worldwide 2024, by country