Statistics about Media in Australia
- Number of readers in Australia 2019, by magazine
- Online newspaper readership in Australia 2021
- Printed newspaper readership in Australia 2021
- Total audience of News Corp newspapers Australia 2023
- Newspaper readership in New South Wales Australia 2021
- Newspaper readership in Victoria Australia 2021
- Selected print magazines average four weekly readership in Australia 2020
- Female journalist share Australia 2019 by news article topic
- Female sources used in news articles Australia 2019 by leading news site
- Digital newspaper advertising market Australia 2013-2022
- Male journalist share Australia 2019 by news article topic
- Digital newspaper circulation spending Australia 2013-2022
- Male written opinion article share Australia 2019 by leading news site
- Male sources used in news articles Australia 2019 by leading news site
- Newspaper reader numbers of digital and print editions in Australia 2021
- Print magazine readership Australia 2017 and 2018
- Digital magazine readership in Australia 2017-2019
- Print newspaper advertising market Australia 2013-2022
- Total magazine readership Australia 2017 and 2018
- Print newspaper circulation spending Australia 2015-2025
- Total newspaper advertising market Australia 2015-2024
- Number of readers of leading newspapers in Western Australia 2022
- Forecast: newspaper publishing revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Forecast: journal and periodical publishing revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Value of the consumer magazine market in Australia 2013-2022
- Forecast: pre-press and pre-media services revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Number of readers of most read print magazines Australia 2020
- Forecast: newspaper printing revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Number of readers of leading newspapers in South Australia 2022
- Number of readers of leading newspapers in Queensland in Australia 2022
- Number of readers of leading newspapers in Victoria in Australia 2022
- Food and entertainment print magazine readership Australia 2012-2017
- Number of readers of leading newspapers in New South Wales in Australia 2022
- Total paid news subscribers to News Corp newspapers Australia 2023
- Women's fashion print magazine readership Australia 2012-2017
- Digital social games versus online gambling in selected countries worldwide 2014
- Mean in-game spending in selected countries worldwide 2014
- In-game expenditure value in selected countries worldwide 2014
- Gamers spending money during social gaming in select countries 2014
- Frequency of online gambling Australia 2021
- Gaming: in-game use of social media worldwide 2014
- Adults participating in online gambling Australia 2017-2021
- Podcast listening locations in Australia in 2023
- Services used most often to listen to podcasts in Australia in 2023
- Share of weekly podcast listeners in Australia 2017-2023
- Services used to listen to podcasts in Australia in 2023
- Number of podcast episodes listened to weekly in Australia in 2023
- Share of monthly podcast listeners in Australia in 2023, by age group
- Share of listeners to podcasts with a video component in Australia in 2023
- Share of monthly podcast listeners in Australia 2017-2023
- Top 10 podcast publishers in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly listeners
- Top 10 podcast publishers in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly downloads
- Top 10 Australian-made podcasts in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly downloads
- Frequency of listening to podcasts in Australia in 2023
- Top 10 podcasts in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly downloads
- Top 10 podcasts in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly listeners
- Top 10 Australian-made podcasts in Australia 2023-2024, by monthly listeners
- Share of weekly podcast listeners in Australia in 2023, by age group
- Average number of community radio studios in Australia 2021, by station type
- Community radio listeners who are disabled in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Number of community radio listeners in Australia 2021, by state or territory
- Community radio listeners education level in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Share of people listening to AM/FM radio stations Australia 2018 by age
- Community radio broadcast facilities in Australia 2021, by type
- Permanent community radio broadcasting licenses Australia 2021, by state or territory
- Temporary community radio broadcasting licenses Australia 2021, by state or territory
- Community radio listeners age distribution in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Radio ownership at home and in car in Australia 2017-2021
- Community radio listeners occupation in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Preferred radio content by genre in Australia 2023
- Forecast: radio broadcasting revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Share of number of radios owned in homes in Australia 2019
- Community radio listener share by time of day in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Value of the radio market in Australia 2013-2022
- Time spent listening to radio daily across Australia 2017 by age group
- Radio listenship in Australia 2017-2023
- Number of radio listeners by gender in Australia 2023
- Opinion on the value of community radio in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Community radio listeners income level in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Community radio listeners marital status in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Reasons for listening to community radio in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Community radio listener numbers by time of day in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Share of people thinking that radio is important Australia 2016 by employment status
- Community radio listeners who identify as LGBTQ in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Reasons for audience to listen to radio in Australia 2023
- Radio listeners by time of day in Australia 2023
- Community radio average weekly listening time in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Community radio listeners employment status in Adelaide in Australia 2019
- Community radio listeners household sizes in Adelaide Australia 2019
- Average number of hours of community radio listened to per week in Australia 2023
- Time spent listening to radio on a weekday Australia 2016 by employment status
- Radio consumption by Internet users in different countries of the world 2015
- Number of radio listeners by age group in Australia 2023
- Number of radio listeners by station type in Australia 2023
- Distribution of time spent listening to audio across Australia 2019 by platform
- K-drama popularity Australia 2023
- Daily television viewing in regional areas in Australia 2007-2017
- Value of the free-to-air TV market in Australia 2013-2022
- Number of TV households Australia 2009-2019
- Pay or subscription TV services in Australia 2019