Statistics about Internet in Australia
- Top ten spirits brands on YouTube in Australia 2020, by total uploaded video views
- Using social media communications while playing games in selected countries 2014
- Ad blocking software usage in Australia 2017 by generation
- Time of day social media is used in Australia 2018
- Frequency of using social networking sites in Australia 2018, by age
- Opinion on virtual and personal interaction, by gender in selected countries 2015
- Most talked about products/topics online in Australia 2024
- Most used messenger by brand in Australia 2024
- Social media usage Australia 2019 by brand
- Top ten TV channels on YouTube Australia 2020 by total uploaded video views
- Disagreement with social media ban due to platforms being news sources Australia 2019
- Average yearly growth of Instagram topics in Australia 2024
- Most popular Instagram accounts in Australia 2024
- Share of Instagram influencers in Australia 2024, by category
- Mobile users' access methods for social networking sites Australia 2018, by age group
- Frequency of using social networking sites in Australia 2018, by gender
- Tablet use to access social media sites Australia 2011-2018
- Top ten entertainment profiles on Twitter in Australia 2020, by number of followers
- Share of consumers who are aware of selected social media brand Australia 2017
- Social media users generational comparison in Australia 2020, by platform
- Time of day social media is used in Australia 2018, by age group
- Share of Facebook users in Australia 2018, by frequency of use
- LinkedIn advertising audience Australia 2021, by seniority
- Consumer attitudes towards social media ads Australia 2018
- Agreement that social media is the best source of news in Australia 2019
- Average frequency of using Facebook Australia 2016 by age group
- Locations where social media is used Australia 2018
- Small and medium businesses with social media presence Australia 2016, by state
- Trust in government to shut down social media during a crisis in Australia 2019
- Share of consumers reading online reviews or blogs Australia 2011-2018 by gender
- Time of day social media is used in Queensland, Australia 2018
- Average number of Snapchat contacts Australia 2018, by age group
- Devices used to access social networking sites Australia 2018, by age group
- Frequency of using social networking sites in Queensland, Australia 2018
- Frequency of using social networking sites in New South Wales, Australia 2018
- Top ten brands on Twitter in Australia 2020, by number of followers
- Frequency small and medium businesses update social media Australia 2012-2018
- Average number of LinkedIn contacts Australia 2018, by age group
- Social media usage as primary news source in Australia 2017 by generation
- Top ten wine brands on YouTube in Australia 2020, by total uploaded video views
- Australia daily reach of leading social platforms 2015
- Time of day social media is used in Western Australia 2018
- Share of consumers who listen to podcasts in Australia 2018 by type and age
- Top ten sports profiles on Twitter in Australia 2020, by number of followers
- Time of day social media is used in Victoria, Australia 2018
- Support for cutting off social media after a terrorist attack in Australia 2019
- Locations where social media is used Australia 2018 by gender
- Average number of friends or contacts on social networking sites Australia 2018
- Top ten magazine channels on YouTube Australia 2020 by total uploaded video views
- Skype usage in Australia 2017 by generation
- Leading reasons for unfollowing brands on social media Australia 2020
- Devices used to access social networking sites Australia 2018, by age group
- Number of members in Facebook job groups in Australia 2018 by region
- Top ten online show channels on YouTube Australia 2020 by total uploaded video views
- Devices used to access social media Australia 2018
- Time of day social media is used in Australia 2018, by gender
- Top ten fashion brands on YouTube in Australia 2020, by total uploaded video views
- Time of day social media is used in South Australia 2018
- Share of Instagram users in Australia 2018, by frequency of use
- Trust in social media companies to ensure factual content in crisis Australia 2019
- Share of Snapchat users in Australia 2018, by frequency of use
- Share of LinkedIn users in Australia 2018, by frequency of use
- Average frequency of using social networking sites Australia 2018
- Top ten services profiles on Twitter in Australia 2020, by number of followers
- Most used social media platforms by type in Australia 2023
- WeChat usage in Australia 2017 by generation
- Share of Pinterest users in Australia 2016, by frequency of use
- Share of consumers who use Snapchat in Australia 2018 by purpose and age
- Leading community groups on Facebook from Australia 2017, by number of fans
- Drivers of online recommendations in Australia 2023
- Social media usage Australia 2018 by age
- Daily usage of social networks Australia 2014-2018
- Top ten soft drinks brands on YouTube in Australia 2020 by total uploaded video views
- Mobile users' access methods for social networking sites Australia 2018, by gender
- Top four daily news channels on YouTube Australia 2020 by total uploaded video views
- Share of consumers reading online reviews or blogs Australia 2011-2018
- Agreement that social media bans are ineffective in Australia 2019
- Respondents' views on the likelihood of using less social media in Australia 2020
- Facebook post engagement rates in Australia 2021, by post type
- Australia: number of Facebook users 2015-2022
- Frequency of using social networking sites in Australia 2018
- Reasons for not using social networking sites 2018
- Social media presence of leading coffee franchises Australia 2023, by platform
- Ownership of own social media account among children in Australia 2020, by age group
- Share of job vacancies advertised by employers on social media Australia 2012-2017
- Consumer reasons for following businesses and brands on social media Australia 2020
- Top ten auto brands on Twitter in Australia 2020, by number of followers
- Social network usage by frequency in Australia 2023
- Reasons for using social networking sites Australia 2018 by gender
- Share of consumers who follow politics online Australia 2018 by political orientation
- Australia social media user penetration 2015-2022
- Most often used social media brands Australia 2019
- Share of consumers reading online reviews or blogs Australia 2018 by age
- Social media usage of people aged 12 to 24 years Australia 2018 by type
- Share of social media research leading to online purchase Australia 2012-2018
- Leading online safety information teenagers willing to access in Australia 2020
- Australia: purchase channels after online research 2014
- Australia: pre-purchase online research 2014/15
- Share of internet users that watch online videos in Australia 2018 by frequency
- Australia: internet usage during purchase process 2014