Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Australia
- Proportion of carbohydrate available from AUSNUT food groups in Australia FY 2021
- Average daily vegetable intake per capita in Australia FY 2020, by food subgroup
- Average daily serves of oils per capita in Australia FY 2020, by food subgroup
- Average daily intake of oils per capita in Australia FY 2020, by food subgroup
- Share of children meeting fruit and vegetable recommendation in Australia 2021
- Rate of alcohol-induced deaths in Australia 2017 by state
- Share of children consuming sweetened drinks in Australia 2021, by frequency
- Average daily vitamin intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by type
- Average daily mineral intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by type
- Average daily macronutrient intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by type
- Penetration rate of My Health Record in Australia 2022, by healthcare provider
- Total revenue of Starpharma FY 2018-2021
- Revenue of Mayne Pharma 2014-2021
- Government mental health-related expenditure Australia FY 1993-2021
- Rate of treatment for alcohol usage in Australia FY 2017 by state and remoteness
- Number of drug-induced deaths Australia 2021, by drug type
- Number of drug-induced deaths Australia 2012-2021
- Distribution of My Health Record users in Australia 2019, by age and gender
- Average daily discretionary serves per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food group
- Usage of Cannabis products in Australia 2024
- Government expenditure on mental health services Australia FY 1993-2021
- Prevalence of health conditions in Australia 2024
- Reported EBITDA of Mayne Pharma 2014-2021
- Number of My Health Record users in Australia 2024, by state
- Share of Australians with complete or partial blindness FY 2021, by age group
- Share of adults meeting fruit and vegetable guidelines Australia 2021, by gender
- Share of Australians with complete or partial deafness FY 2021, by age group
- Share of complaints received by the AHRC regarding the DDA Australia FY 2014-2020
- Number of complaints received by the AHRC regarding the DDA Australia FY 2014-2020
- Number of employees of the company Csl 2017-2021
- Number of organ donor registrations Australia FY 2023 by type
- Recurrent expenditure on mental health services Australia FY 1993-2021
- Mental health services expenditure per capita Australia FY 2021, by state/territory
- Government expenditure on mental health services Australia FY 2021, by service type
- Average daily fruit intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food subgroup
- Average daily food intake of food per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food group
- Average daily grain intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food subgroup
- Medicare expenditure on mental health services Australia FY 2022, by provider
- Medicare per capita expenditure mental health services Australia FY 2022, by provider
- Average daily dairy intake per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food subgroup
- Average daily serves of cereals per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food subgroup
- Share of people below physical activity guidelines in Australia FY 2021, by age
- Binge drinking in Australia 2021, by age group
- Average daily serves of meat per capita in Australia FY 2021, by food subgroup
- Medicare per capita expenditure mental health Australia FY 2022, by remoteness area
- Expenditure on mental health services Australia FY 2021, by target population
- Expenditure on mental health medications Australia FY 2022, by type of medication
- Average daily serves of dairy per capita in Australia FY 2021, by type
- Average number of patients seen per work week by doctors in selected countries 2022
- Willingness to organ donation in Australia 2018
- Number of GPs in Australia 2019, by state and territory
- Perceived barriers of innovation by GPs Australia 2024
- Change in healthcare quality post COVID-19, according to doctors worlwide 2022
- Number of GPs in Australia 2019, by remoteness
- Share of GPs recommending apps to their patients Australia 2018 by frequency
- Share of visits to a GP in Australia FY 2018, by age
- Share of doctors satisfied with practicing in 2022, by selected country
- Share of GPs using telehealth in Australia 2024
- Frequency of visits to dentists or dental surgeons Australia 2018
- Frequency of visits to physical or occupational therapists Australia 2018
- Frequency of visits to audiologists or hearing specialists Australia 2018
- Share of physicians working in practices offering weekly out-of-hours access 2022
- Frequency of visits to mental health professionals Australia 2018
- Frequency of women visiting obstetricians or gynecologists Australia 2018
- Frequency of visits to dentists or optometrists or ophthalmologists Australia 2018
- Breakdown of GPs in Australia 2020, by workplace
- Frequency of visits to primary care physicians Australia 2018
- Most important health professions in Australia 2021
- Breakdown of GPs who hired other health professionals Australia 2020, by profession
- Rate of burnout among physicians in selected countries 2022
- Frequency of visits to alternative professionals Australia 2018
- Attitudes towards blood donation in Australia 2018
- Share of physicians working in practices offering weekend access 2022
- Number of residential respite providers in Australia FY 2021, by state
- Distribution of HCPs in Australia FY 2021, by provider type
- Leading sources of help and support for elder abuse victims Australia 2020
- Distribution of aged care HCP providers in Australia 2014-2019, by organization type
- Distribution of HCPs in Australia FY 2021, by package level
- Number of informal caregivers in Australia 2020, by gender and type
- Number of people in a Home Care Package in Australia FY 2017-2021
- Days of high and low care residential respite provided in Australia FY 2021, by state
- Non-government spending on public hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- Government spending on public hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- State and Territory government spending on public hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- Number of specialized mental healthcare facilities Australia FY 2019, by type
- Number of beds in private mental health hospitals Australia FY 2009-2019
- Non-government spending on private hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- Number of private hospitals in Australia by state and territory FY 2017
- Number of private mental health hospitals Australia FY 2009-2019
- Government spending on private hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- State and Territory government spend on private hospitals in Australia FY 2013-2022
- Number of public sector mental health hospital beds Australia FY 2008-2019
- Total revenue of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- NPAT of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- Total assets of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- Net assets of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- Total liabilities of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- Operating cash flow of Ramsay Health Care FY 2019-2023
- Number of employees of the company Ramsay Health Care 2017-2021
- Forecast: hospitals revenue Australia 2008-2018