Statistics about Agriculture in Australia
- Global market share of hemp industrial applications in 2018, by country
- Underlying EBITDA of GrainCorp FY 2018-2022
- French agri-food exports to Asian and Oceanian countries in 2018
- Value of agriculture livestock exports New South Wales, Australia FY 2022, by region
- Total AgriFoodTech investment Australia 2022, by category
- Total assets of GrainCorp FY 2018-2023
- Net profit of GrainCorp FY 2018-2023
- Production value of the primary industry sector QLD, Australia FY 2023, by sector
- Value of the primary industry sector QLD, Australia FY 2018-2024
- Number of dairy farms in Western Australia, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Value of food and fiber exports from Victoria, Australia FY 2023, by commodity group
- Value of agricultural exports from QLD, Australia FY 2014-2022
- Number of dairy farms in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Number of dairy farms in Tasmania, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Agriculture industry gross value added Australia 2014-2024
- Revenue Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Leading agricultural companies in Australia 2024, by market cap
- EBITDA Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Total assets Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Total liabilities Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Market capitalization Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Operating cash flow Ridley FY 2018-2022
- EPS Ridley FY 2018-2022
- Innovation expenditure in agriculture Australia 2014/2015
- Income from business innovation in the agricultural sector Australia 2014/2015
- Value of agricultural exports from Australia FY 2024, by leading destination
- Volume of dairy exports from Australia FY 2023, by leading destination
- Distribution of milk utilization Australia 2023
- Number of dairy farms in Queensland, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Number of dairy farms in Victoria, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Number of dairy farms in NSW, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Export value of leading agricultural commodities produced in Australia FY 2024
- Revenue of GrainCorp FY 2018-2023
- Number of dairy farms in South Australia, Australia FY 2014-2023
- Number of threatened fauna species Australia 2024, by category
- Volume of water used on farms in Australia 2021, by region
- Forestry and fishing industry gross value added Australia 2012-2023
- Price per kilogram of wool Eastern Australia 2019-2024
- Agricultural water sources in South Australia, Australia FY 2021
- Number of threatened flora species Australia 2024, by category
- Sources used for agricultural water Australia FY 2021
- Wheat crop production Australia FY 2015-2025
- Wheat production volume in New South Wales Australia FY 2011-2025
- Barley production volume in New South Wales Australia FY 2011-2025
- Canola crop production Australia FY 2015-2025
- Canola production volume in New South Wales Australia FY 2011-2025
- Gross value of wheat production Australia FY 2017-2022
- Barley crop production Australia FY 2015-2025
- Area for summer crop production Australia FY 2024-2025 by crop
- Chickpea production volume in New South Wales Australia FY 2011-2025
- Faba beans production volume in New South Wales, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Field peas production volume in New South Wales Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of oats in Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production value of broadacre crops in WA, Australia FY 2021, by type
- Area for winter crop production WA, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of barley in South Australia FY 2011-2025
- Vegetable production volume Australia FY 2023, by leading product
- Production value of vegetables Australia FY 2023, by leading product
- Nut production volume Australia FY 2023, by type
- Fresh horticultural import volume Australia FY 2023 by state
- Fresh horticultural export value Australia FY 2023 by state
- Value of sugars, molasses, and honey exports from Australia 2014-2023
- Hop production from Hop Products Australia 2015 to 2020
- Production volume of wheat in South Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of wheat in WA, Australia FY 2016-2022
- Production volume of barley in Queensland, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of wheat in Queensland, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of winter crops Australia FY 2024, by crop
- Production volume of corn maize Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production volume of rice in Australia FY 2011-2025
- Production value of nuts Australia FY 2023, by product
- Fresh horticultural exports from Australia FY 2023 by state
- Production volume of grain sorghum in Australia FY 2011-2025
- Area for winter crop production in Australia FY 2024-2025, by state
- Local value of oats sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Area for winter crop production SA, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Almond production volume in Australia 2015-2024
- Local value of lentils sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Forecast: crop production support activities revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Local value of lupin sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Local value of chickpeas sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Fruit production volume Australia FY 2023, by leading product
- Export volume of almonds from Australia 2015-2024
- Almond area planted in Australia 2014-2023
- Local value of canola sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Production volume of barley sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Production volume of selected crops for fermentation Australia FY 2020
- Production volume of selected crops for fermentation Australia FY 2017-2020
- Total wine production Australia FY 2014-2023
- Avocados exported from Australia 2023, by destination
- Potatoes export value from Australia 2014-2023
- Dry pea production worldwide 2012-2016
- Local value of wheat sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Production volume of wheat sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Value of agriculture crop exports from New South Wales, Australia FY 2022, by region
- Production volume of oats sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Local value of barley sold in Australia FY 2023, by state
- Aroma hop acreage Australia 2016-2023
- Winter crop production Queensland, Australia FY 2011-2025
- Area for summer crop production Australia FY 2011-2025