Statistics about Retail & Trade in United Arab Emirates
- Consumer expenditure on sugar and confectionery UAE 2018-2030
- Market value of bakeries in the UAE 2010-2015
- Edible grocery sales forecast for Poundstretcher in the UAE from 2012 to 2020
- Value of beauty sales in the United Arab Emirates in 2015 and 2020
- Export value of Chinese food products to the UAE 2012-2022
- Export share in Dubai 2017, by category
- Animal product export value in the UAE by product 2018
- Plant product export value in the UAE by product 2018
- Processed food export value in the UAE by product 2018
- Precious metal, stone and pearl export value to Canada from the UAE 2013-2015
- Share of re-exports of the UAE 2020, by country
- Volume of Australian lamb meat exports to the Middle East by country 2017
- Share of exports from UAE by major markets 2016
- China's share in exports of GCC countries 2021, by country
- Top export markets of food and beverages in Dubai 2017
- Share of exports of the UAE 2020, by country
- Export trade value in the GCC 2010-2015
- Trends in exports of SMEs in UAE 2020
- Non-oil export value in the UAE, by major country or region UAE 2020
- Value of exports from Israel to the United Arab Emirates 2019-2022
- Share of re-exports of the UAE 2019, by commodity
- Share of retail fashion growth contribution UAE 2023, by sector performance
- Share of consumer spending on fashion sector UAE 2023
- Share of retail fashion growth UAE 2022-2023, by sector
- Apparel retail sales value UAE 2014-2023
- Design market in the UAE by segment 2014
- Value of design market in the UAE 2010-2019
- Consumer spending growth in fashion UAE Q1 2021-Q4 2022
- Consumer expenditure on food UAE 2018-2030
- Value of annual per capita spending on food in UAE 2014-2023
- Value of annual per capita spending on all foods and drinks in the UAE 2018, by type
- Value of annual per capita spending on food and non-alcoholic drinks in UAE 2014-2023
- Value of annual per capita spending on alcoholic beverages in the UAE 2014-2022
- CAGR of fresh food UAE 2015-2020 by category
- Value of annual per capita spending on all foods and drinks in the UAE 2014-2023
- Retail sales value of packaged food in UAE 2015-2020
- Value of annual per capita spending on non-alcoholic beverages in the UAE 2014-2023
- Sales value retail foodservice sector United Arab Emirates 2018-2022 by outlet
- Annual sales growth rate of fruit and vegetable juices in Dubai 2017-2018
- UAE's food retail market size 2011-2015
- Domestic non--alcoholic beverages sales share in Dubai 2018, by category
- Annual sales growth rate of sugar and sugar products in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of baked goods in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of bread, rice and cereals in Dubai 2017-2020
- Opinion on food and beverages performance pre COVID-19 UAE 2019, by change
- Opinion on food and beverages performance pre COVID-19 UAE 2019, by outlook
- Sales value workplace foodservice sector United Arab Emirates 2018-2022 by outlet
- Annual sales growth rate of fish and fish products in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of meat and poultry in Dubai 2017-2020
- Foreign trade profile of food and beverages in Dubai 2018, by category
- Annual sales growth rate of fresh vegetables in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of fresh and preserved fruit in Dubai 2017-2020
- Dine-in versus take-away sales value UAE 2018-2022
- CAGR of annual per capita spending on all foods and drinks in the UAE 2018, by type
- Number of chained retail outlets foodservice sector UAE 2015-2018 by type
- Respondents from UAE preference for grocery shopping during Ramadan 2022
- Hardee's year-on-year growth UAE Q1 2023-Q4 2023
- Annual sales growth rate of oils and fats in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of mineral or spring waters in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of carbonated drinks in Dubai 2017-2020
- Annual sales growth rate of pasta products in Dubai 2017-2020
- Number of Starbucks stores MENA Q3 2023-Q3 2024
- Household food consumption share in MENA 2019, by selected country
- Annual sales growth rate of soft drinks in Dubai 2017-2020
- YoY change in food and beverage inflation UAE 2019-2023
- Share of food and beverage import dependency UAE 2018-2022
- Grocery sales in UAE by infrastructure 2014
- Krispy Kreme year-on-year growth UAE Q1 2023-Q4 2023
- Sales of food and non-alcoholic beverages in domestic consumption in Dubai 2018
- Consumer expenditure on oils and fats UAE 2018-2030
- Domestic food sales share in Dubai 2018, by category
- Annual sales growth rate of coffee, tea and other hot drinks in Dubai 2017-2020
- Respondents from MENA preference for grocery shopping during Ramadan 2024
- Import value in the UAE 2005-2020
- Import value in the UAE by major country 2020
- Share of arms imports UAE 2000-2019, by supplier country
- Import value of fresh produce in United Arab Emirates 2014-2016
- Value of imports from the United Arab Emirates to Israel 2019-2022
- Value of USA arms agreements UAE 1970-2017
- Value of USA arms deliveries UAE 1970-2017
- Value of GCC imports to Turkey by country 2016
- Import value of fresh produce into the United Arab Emirates 2015 by country of origin
- China's share in imports of GCC countries 2021, by country
- Aircraft and spacecraft import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Processed food import value in the UAE by product 2018
- Oilseeds import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Electrical machinery and equipment import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Machinery and mechanical appliances import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Precious metals, stones and pearls imports from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Pharmaceutical products import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Vegetables import value from Canada to the UAE 2013-2015
- Animal product import value in the UAE by product 2018
- Animal and vegetable fats, oils and waxes trade value in the UAE 2018
- Processed food re-export value in the UAE by product 2018
- Foreign trade value in the UAE by flow 2020
- Value of Turkish FDI into the GCC 2004-2016
- Non-oil export value in the UAE 2005-2020
- Foreign trade value UAE 2005-2020
- Value of GCC FDI into the Turkey by country 2015
- Agrochemical product trade value in the UAE 2017