Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in United Arab Emirates
- Number of patients in Abu Dhabi In the UAE 2022, by region
- Value of investments in the healthcare sector by SWF of the GCC 2005-2015
- Public medical services performed in Dubai by service 2015
- Digital tools user growth post COVID-19 UAE 2020, by tool
- Digital health market in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates 2022, by type
- Average revenue per digital health user UAE 2019-2029
- Number of digital health users UAE 2019-2029
- Familiarity with medical and health products UAE 2022, by type
- Usage of digital health products UAE 2022, by type
- Reasons to use digital health products Saudi Arabia and UAE 2022, by reason
- Non-user interest in trying medical and health products UAE 2022, by type
- Market share of top digital health brands UAE 2023, by brand
- Number of health engagements completed via mobile application UAE 2023, by type
- Share of total deaths due to tobacco use GCC 2017, by country
- Cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths in the UAE 2022
- Cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in UAE 2022
- Risk of developing cancer before the age of 75 years in UAE 2020, by gender
- Daily increase of COVID-19 cases in UAE 2020
- Risk of dying from cancer before the age of 75 years in the UAE 2020, by gender
- Share of fatalities in the UAE 2019, by major cause
- Number of 5-year cancer prevalence cases population the UAE 2020, by gender
- Number of 5-year cancer prevalence cases in the general population UAE 2020, by type
- Number of deaths caused by cancer in the general population of UAE by gender 2020
- Number of new cancer cases in the general population of the UAE 2020, by gender
- Number of new cancer cases among the male population in the UAE 2020, by type
- Number of new cancer cases among the female population in UAE 2020, by type
- Number of new cancer cases in the general population of UAE 2020, by type
- Share of infections in Abu Dhabi UAE 2022, by disease
- Number of deaths caused by cancer in the population of UAE 2020, by type
- Share of total deaths due to high cholesterol by GCC country 2017
- Share of total deaths due to high blood pressure by GCC country 2017
- Share of total deaths due to dietary risk by GCC country 2017
- Share of total deaths due to high BMI by GCC country 2017
- Share of total deaths due to high fasting glucose levels by GCC country 2017
- Employers' preventive measures for COVID-19 in GCC 2020
- Total number of nurses in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2010-2019
- Total number of other technicians in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2010-2019
- Distribution of registered top causes of death in Dubai 2018, by type
- Distribution of employees in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2019, by category
- Distribution of manpower in hospitals and PHC in Dubai 2018, by category
- Distribution of registered causes of death among children in Dubai 2018 by type
- Capital expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2014-2019
- Number of non national patients with infectious diseases in Dubai 2018, by age
- Number of patients due to infectious diseases in Dubai 2018, by age
- Staff expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2014-2019
- Number of medical tourists from UAE to South Korea 2009-2023
- Operating expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2014-2019
- Distribution of expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2019, by type
- Total expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2014-2019
- Total number of pharmacists in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2010-2019
- Number of hospital visits per inhabitant in Dubai 2012-2018
- Total number of dentists in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2010-2019
- Number of hospital daily visits per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Total number of dispensers in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2008-2018
- Employees in engineering and catering services and stores in DHA 2008-2018
- Number of doctors in Dubai 2018, by designation
- Total number of employees in DHA 2008-2018
- Project expenditures of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2014-2019
- Number of physicians per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Number of nurses per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Number of dentists per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Rate of annual hospital discharges per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Number of hospital beds per thousand inhabitants in Dubai 2012-2019
- Number of physicians per bed in Dubai 2012-2019
- Total number of employees in the Dubai Health Authority in Dubai 2010-2019
- Number of nurses per bed in Dubai 2012-2019
- Distribution of dental treatments in Dubai 2018, by speciality
- Number of administrators and clerk in Dubai Health Authority in Dubai 2008-2018
- Total number of physicians in Dubai Health Authority (DHA) 2010-2019
- Expenditures on healthcare in the UAE by type 2017
- Number of health engagements via website UAE 2023, by type
- Expenditures on inpatient healthcare in the UAE 2017-2022
- Expenditures on healthcare in the UAE 2011-2027
- Expenditures on outpatient healthcare in the UAE 2017-2022
- Total number of healthcare workers UAE 2013-2017
- Number of male and female healthcare professionals UAE 2022, by occupation
- Density of healthcare professionals UAE 2022, by type
- Health professionals Abu Dhabi UAE 2022, by region
- Health professionals Abu Dhabi UAE 2022, by occupation
- Number of healthcare professionals UAE 2022, by type
- Public medical service employees in Dubai 2020, by profession
- Key figures of health indicators in Abu Dhabi UAE 2022
- Health worker density UAE 2022, by emirate
- Number of private sector hospital beds in Abu Dhabi in the UAE 2011-2021
- Number of private sector United Arab Emirate hospitals 2007-2017
- Number of public sector hospital beds in Dubai in the UAE 2011-2021
- Distribution of hospital beds UAE 2013-2017 by sector
- Number of private sector hospital beds in Dubai in the UAE 2011-2021
- Number of public hospital beds in UAE 2021, by emirate
- Annual addition of hospital beds in the GCC 2011-2020
- Density rate of hospital beds in the GCC 2020, by country
- Density rate of physicians in the GCC 2020, by country
- Number of hospital beds in the GCC 2011-2020
- Density rate of nurses in the GCC 2020, by country
- United Arab Emirate hospitals in 2012, by region
- Number of private hospital beds in UAE 2021, by emirate
- Number of public sector hospital beds in Abu Dhabi in the UAE 2011-2021
- Number of hospital beds in the UAE 2010-2021
- Share of hospital beds in the GCC 2019, by sector
- Number of Hospitals in the GCC 2018, by country