Statistics about Finance & Insurance in United Arab Emirates
- Distribution of bank assets in the UAE by type 2017
- Net assets of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Dividend payout ratio of the top ten local banks UAE 2021-2022
- Net interest margin of the top ten local banks UAE 2021-2022
- Return on equity of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Return on assets of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Capital adequacy ratio of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Cost-income ratio of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Net provision charge on loans and advances of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Net profit of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Total assets of the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Risk conversion of seven banks UAE 2022
- Return on equity in the UAE 2021-2022, by key commercial bank
- Cost-to-income ratio in the UAE 2021-2022, by leading commercial bank
- Non-performing loans rate in the banking sector GCC 2014-2018 by country
- Share of Islamic banking in GCC by country 2016
- Total assets in the UAE 2021, by key commercial bank
- Asset value of foreign commercial banks in GCC by country 2017
- Distribution of bank liabilities in the UAE by type 2017
- Distribution of bank assets in GCC by type 2017
- Asset value of Islamic banks in GCC in 2017 by country
- Coverage ratios on loans at the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Total loans subject to ECL at the top ten local banks UAE 2020-2022
- Penetration rate of online banking in the GCC by country 2016
- Cost adequacy ratio of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Cost-to-income ratio of banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Share of total assets of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Market share of net advances of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Share of customer deposit market share at local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Net interest margin of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Return on assets of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Return on equity of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Cost to income of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Cost of risk of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Net interest margin of banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Loan to deposit ratio of banks GCC Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Investments by the Islamic banking sector UAE 2018-2022, by type
- Capital adequacy ratio of Islamic banks UAE 2018-2022
- Liquid assets ratio of Islamic banks UAE 2018-2022
- Net non-performing financing ratio of Islamic banks UAE 2018-2022
- Loan to deposit ratio of banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Total bank revenues UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023, by income type
- Value of customer deposits at banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Value of net loans at banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Total assets of banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023, by bank type
- Cost to fund of banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Share of Millennials' bank agent contacts in the UAE by channel 2015
- Deposits in Islamic banking institutions UAE 2018-2022, by sector
- Growth of Islamic finances Masraf Al Rayan 2019, by product
- Growth rate of public sector deposits at banks in the UAE 2011-2016
- Share of total assets in the banking sector GCC 2018 by country
- Net interest margin in the banking sector GCC 2018
- Growth of Islamic finances Qatar Islamic Bank 2019, by product
- Growth rate of bank deposit in the UAE 2011-2016
- Non-performing loan ratios in the UAE by key commercial bank 2018
- Penetration rate of bank branch and call centers in the GCC by country 2016
- Growth of Islamic finances Kuwait Finance House 2020, by product
- Growth of Islamic finances Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 2020, by product
- Growth of Islamic finances Alinma Bank 2020, by product
- Growth of Islamic finances Al Rajhi Bank 2020, by product
- Value of Islamic finances Qatar Islamic Bank 2019, by product
- Yield on credit rate in the banking sector GCC 2018 by country
- Value of Islamic finances Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 2020, by product
- Value of Islamic finances Masraf Al Rayan Bank 2019, by product
- Value of Islamic finances Alinma Bank 2020, by product
- Share of total assets in the banking sector GCC 2018 by bank type
- NPL-Gross loan ratio in the banking sector GCC 2014-2018 by country
- Value of total assets in the banking sector GCC 2018
- Penetration rate of mobile banking in the GCC by country 2016
- Value of Islamic finances Kuwait Finance House 2020, by product
- Value of Islamic finances Al Rajhi Bank 2020, by product
- Financing extended by Islamic banking UAE 2018-2022, by sector
- Cost of funds rate in the banking sector GCC 2018 by country
- Total Islamic banking assets UAE 2018-2022
- Deposit surplus and deficit of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Customer deposits at local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Total assets of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- Net advances of local banks UAE Q2 2022-Q2 2023
- YTD returns of equity indices by market GCC 2019
- Liquidity ratio of the UAE by key commercial bank 2016
- Growth rate of private sector deposits at banks in the UAE 2011-2016
- Distribution of bank liabilities in GCC by type 2017
- Number of conventional and sukuk bond issuances by central banks of the GCC 2012-2016
- Growth rate of bank deposit in the GCC by country 2016
- Share of branch banking preference in the GCC 2016, by country
- Value of financial institution assets in GCC 2017
- Asset share of Islamic banks in GCC in 2020 by country
- MTD returns of equity indices by market GCC 2019
- Central bank interest rates UAE 2021-2023
- Share of Islamic bank deposits Worldwide in 2020 by country
- Growth of Islamic bank deposits GCC 2020, by bank
- Share of Islamic bank financing Worldwide in 2020 by country
- Yield on credit at banks UAE Q3 2021-Q3 2023
- Value of domestic IPOs in the United Arab Emirates 2014-2022
- Value of cross-border M&A transactions in the UAE 2014-2022
- Number of closed M&A transactions in GCC Q3 2018 by country
- Total number of green and sustainability sukuk issuance in GCC 2018-2022, by country
- Number of domestic M&A transactions in the UAE 2014-2020
- Total value of green and sustainability sukuk issuance in GCC 2018-2022, by country
- Venture capital access index score for start-ups in the UAE 2012-2016