Statistics about Energy & Environment in Thailand
- Number of oil spill cases at sea Thailand 2019-2023
- Leading causes of air pollution among respondents in Thailand 2023
- Cities with highest air quality Thailand 2024
- Cities with highest air pollution Thailand 2024
- Annual cumulative rainfall Thailand 2018-Q1 2020
- Concern level on carbon emissions and climate change Thailand 2023
- Leading environmental concerns in Thailand 2023
- Number of red tide cases Thailand 2019-2023
- Population weighted PM air pollution exposure in Thailand 1990-2019
- Power consumption in Thailand 2022, by sector
- Electricity consumption of the commercial sector Thailand 2013-2022
- Electricity consumption of the agriculture sector Thailand 2013-2022
- Average monthly electricity consumption value per household Thailand 2014-2023
- Electricity consumption of the transportation sector Thailand 2013-2022
- Electricity consumption per capita Thailand 2011-2023
- Power production breakdown in Thailand 2023, by source
- Electricity consumption of the industrial sector Thailand 2013-2022
- Electricity consumption of the residential sector Thailand 2013-2022
- Power generation capacity from hydroelectricity Thailand 2017-2023
- Electricity production Thailand 2023, by source of fuel
- Electricity generated from renewables in Thailand 2005-2014
- Total electricity consumption of economic sectors Thailand 2013-2022
- PM2.5 levels in northern Thailand 2020-2023
- Methane (CH4) emissions from agriculture in Thailand 2005-2014
- Noise levels in general areas in upcountry regions Thailand 2012-2023
- Noise levels in roadside areas in upcountry regions Thailand 2012-2023
- PM2.5 levels in BMR Thailand 2023
- Population-weighted ozone pollution Thailand 1990-2019
- Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture in Thailand 2005-2014
- CO2 emissions per capita Thailand 2011-2021
- CO2 emissions from energy consumption Thailand 2023, by sector
- CO2 emissions Thailand 2023, by energy type
- Noise levels in general areas BMR Thailand 2012-2023
- Opinion on who is responsible for air pollution in Thailand 2023
- Noise levels in roadsides BMR Thailand 2012-2023
- Carbon dioxide emissions from energy Thailand 2013-2023
- CO2 emissions from petroleum products in transportation Thailand 2014-2023
- CO2 emissions from natural gas in transportation Thailand 2014-2023
- Per capita primary energy consumption Thailand 2013-2023
- Commercial energy use Thailand 2017-2023
- Power generation capacity from natural gas Thailand 2017- 2023
- Number of new energy businesses Thailand 2018-2019
- Share of petroleum imports Thailand 2016-2023
- Share of energy imports Thailand 2016-2023
- Commercial energy production Thailand 2017-2023
- LPG sales Thailand 2012-2023
- Commercial energy net imports Thailand 2017-2023
- Revenue of energy businesses Thailand 2017-2018
- Energy sales of Metropolitan Electricity Authority Thailand 2023, by tariff group
- Commercial energy consumption Thailand 2023, by source
- Balance of energy trade Thailand 2016-2023
- Commercial energy net imports Thailand 2022, by source
- Power generation capacity from coal and lignite Thailand 2017-2023
- Energy sales Thailand 2022, by type of fuel
- Net profit of energy businesses Thailand 2017-2018
- Power generation capacity from diesel Thailand 2017-2023
- Revenue of leading energy companies Thailand 2024
- Power generation capacity Thailand 2023, by type
- Gasohol sales Thailand 2022, by type
- Fuel oil sales Thailand 2012-2022
- Commercial energy production Thailand 2023, by source
- Butane sales Thailand 2012-2022
- Share of crude oil procurement Thailand 2023, by source
- Propane sales Thailand 2011-2020
- Natural gas consumption Thailand 2023, by sector
- Coal and lignite consumption Thailand 2023, by sector
- Import and export value of energy Thailand 2023
- Power capacity generated from fuel oil Thailand 2017-2023
- Hydroelectricity consumption Thailand 2013-2023
- LPG, propane and butane demand Thailand 2023, by usage
- Oil production Thailand 2013-2023
- Oil consumption in Thailand 2013-2023
- Natural gas production Thailand 2013-2023
- Coal consumption Thailand 2013-2023
- Natural gas consumption Thailand 2013-2023
- Petroleum refinery material intake volume Thailand 2012-2023
- Renewable energy use Thailand 2013-2023
- Primary energy use Thailand 2013-2023
- Fossil fuel subsidies in Thailand 2015-2017
- Leading opinions about sustainable consumption Thailand 2020
- Industrial dangerous substances imports Thailand 2015-2023
- National budget for managing environment Thailand 2023, by type of pollution
- Reasons for not adopting sustainable consumption habits Thailand 2023
- Average monthly energy consumption value per household Thailand 2023, by type
- Agricultural dangerous substances imports Thailand 2016-2023
- Number of environmental pollution complaints Thailand 2016-2023
- Share of pollution sources Thailand 2023
- Share of pollution complaints Thailand 2023, by type
- Oil product supply Thailand 2012-2023
- Average monthly energy consumption value per household Thailand 2023, by region
- LPG demand Thailand 2012-2023
- Average monthly petroleum products consumption value per household Thailand 2014-2023
- Average monthly energy consumption value per household Thailand 2014-2023
- Coal production Thailand 2013-2023
- GDP from electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply Thailand 2012-2022
- Revenue of green ammonia market in Thailand 2019-2030
- Volume of green ammonia market in Thailand 2019-2030
- Energy consumption of renewable energy in the manufacturing sector Thailand 2011-2022
- Renewable energy - share of energy consumed in Thailand 1990-2016
- Energy consumption of petroleum in the manufacturing sector Thailand 2011-2022