Statistics about Economy & Politics in Thailand
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Expenditure of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Digital Economy and Society Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Energy Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Interior Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Defense Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Justice Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Labor Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Culture Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of the MHESI Thailand FY 2019-2024
- Government expenses Thailand FY 2024, by type
- Government spending across sectors Thailand 2024
- Budget for Ministry of Public Health Thailand 2013-2024
- Government expenses on health Thailand 2011-2021
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Finance Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget expenditure of the Office of Prime Minister Thailand FY 2019-2024
- Government defense expenditure as a share of GDP Thailand 2010-2021
- Proportion of national budget for investment Thailand 2019-2025
- Value of national budget for personnel Thailand 2018-2025
- Value of national budget for operation Thailand 2018-2025
- Value of national budget for subsidy Thailand 2018-2025
- Value of national budget Thailand 2025, by category
- Proportion of national budget for personnel Thailand 2019-2025
- Proportion of national budget Thailand 2025, by category
- Proportion of national budget for operation Thailand 2019-2025
- Proportion of national budget for subsidy Thailand 2019-2025
- General public services department budget appropriation Thailand FY 2024, by function
- Inbound FDI as share of GDP Thailand 2014-2023
- Taxes on international trade as share of revenue Thailand 2013-2022
- Total revenue estimates of the Revenue Department Thailand FY 2019-2024
- Total revenue estimates of the Excise Department Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Total revenue estimates of the Customs Department Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Budget appropriation of national defense department by function Thailand FY2024
- Budget appropriation of public and order safety department Thailand 2024, by function
- Environmental department budget appropriation Thailand FY 2024, by function
- Annual government spending on defense Thailand 2010-2021
- Budget appropriation of economic affairs department Thailand FY 2024, by function
- Central government revenue as share of GDP Thailand 2018-2023
- Government loans Thailand 2011-2023
- Government promissory notes as debt securities Thailand 2011-2023
- Government bonds as debt securities Thailand 2011-2023
- Budget expenditure of Ministry of Transport Thailand FY 2016-2024
- Non-tax revenue of Pattaya City collected by local authorities Thailand 2014-2021
- Current account as share of GDP Thailand Q1 2019-Q3 2020
- Financial account as share of GDP Thailand Q1 2019-Q3 2020
- Imports of goods as share of GDP Thailand Q1 2019-Q3 2020
- Exports of goods as share of GDP Thailand Q1 2019-Q3 2020
- Tax revenue of Pattaya City collected by local authorities Thailand 2014-2021
- Expectations of workers from the new government Thailand 2019
- Government expenditure Thailand FY 2024, by type
- Export value of main goods Thailand 2023
- Import value of main goods Thailand 2023
- Government final consumption expenditure on healthcare Thailand 2011-2022
- Growth rate of Thai economy Thailand 2015-2018
- Growth rate of private consumption Thailand 2015-2018
- GDP component breakdown in Thailand 2019
- Value of household consumption on healthcare Thailand 2011-2023
- Thai Union Group PCL's sales share 2023, by category
- Thai Union Group PCL's sales share distribution 2023, by channel
- Growth of government expenditure Thailand FY 2024 by type
- Energy drink market growth rate Thailand 2015-2023
- NOB budget Thailand FY 2013-2024
- Household monthly income Thailand 2023, by source of income
- Tax revenue of Pattaya City collected by the government Thailand 2014-2021
- Revenue of Pattaya City collected by local authorities Thailand Q1 2021 by type
- Current GNI Thailand 2014-2023
- Expenditure of NOB on government officers Thailand FY 2017-2022
- Average monthly income per household Thailand 2023, by region
- Tax revenue from local authorities in Bangkok Thailand 2014-2021
- Non-tax revenue from local authorities in Bangkok Thailand 2014-2021
- Tax revenue of Bangkok collected by the government Thailand 2014-2021
- Total revenue of Bangkok Thailand 2014-2021
- Average monthly income per household Thailand 2009-2023
- Growth rate of private consumption expenditure Thailand 2021-2024
- Average monthly expenditure per household Thailand 2014-2023
- Average monthly expenditure per household Thailand 2023, by region
- Changes in consumption habits due to inflation 2023
- Share of average monthly income in households Thailand 2022
- Main source of income of elderly Thailand 2021
- Adequacy of income of elderly Thailand, by region 2021
- Annual growth of GNI per capita Thailand 2011-2019
- Annual growth of GNI Thailand 2011-2019
- Cash remittances sent by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Thailand 2014-2023
- Thai Union Group PCL's sales share 2023, by region
- Value of B2C e-commerce per capita in Southeast Asia 2014-2015, by country
- Average monthly expenditure per household Phuket, Thailand 2012-2022
- Monthly household expenditure Thailand 2023, by type
- Value of household consumption on housing facilities Thailand 2011-2022
- Value of household consumption on education Thailand 2011-2022
- Governmefinal consumption expenditure on final government spending Thailand 2011-2022
- Government final consumption expenditure on social protection Thailand 2011-2022
- Government final consumption expenditure on education Thailand 2011-2022
- Value of household debt Thailand 2013-2023
- Government final consumption expenditure on cultural activities Thailand 2011-2022
- Government final consumption expenditure on housing Thailand 2011-2022
- Private governmenconsumption expenditure on environment protection Thailand 2011-2022
- Value of household expenditure on food and non-alcoholic drinks Thailand 2010-2023
- GNI per capita Thailand 2011-2022
- Value of household consumption on transportation Thailand 2011-2022
- Government final consumption expenditure on economic issues Thailand 2011-2022