Statistics about Energy & Environment in Taiwan
- Monthly per capita electricity consumption in Taiwan 2008-2014
- Taipower's operating revenue 2017-2020
- Electricity consumption in Taiwan 2012, by sector
- Electricity generation in Taiwan 2009-2012, by source
- Electricity consumption in Taiwan 2009-2012, by use
- Annual electricity production from hydropower in Taiwan 2008-2021, by type
- Mainland China investment in electricity and gas supply sector in Taiwan 2009-2020
- Taiwanese public trust in the government's guarantee of stable power supply 2019
- Power production breakdown in Taiwan 2022, by source
- Annual installed power capacity in Taiwan 2010-2021, by company
- Taipower's annual installed power capacity 2010-2021, by energy type
- Taipower's annual electricity production 2010-2021, by energy type
- Annual electricity production in Taiwan 2010-2021, by company
- Total assets of Taipower 2017-2019
- Annual electricity consumption per capita in Taiwan 2012-2022
- Electricity generation in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Transport energy use-related CO2 emission volume in Taiwan 1990-2021
- Waste processing CO2 emission volume in Taiwan 2007-2018
- Share of air quality station days in Taiwan 2020, by air quality index
- Teenagers' understanding of the source of air pollution in Taiwan 2019
- Number of air quality station days in Taiwan 2023, by air quality index
- Greenhouse gas emission volume in Taiwan 1990-2021
- Greenhouse gas emission volume in Taiwan 2021, by type
- Agricultural sector's energy use-related CO2 emission volume in Taiwan 2007-2021
- Energy consumption in Taiwan 2015-2023
- Energy demand in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Energy imports to Taiwan 2017-2023, by type
- Energy supply import volume in Taiwan 2009-2023
- Energy supply in Taiwan 2010-2023, by origin
- Energy consumption in Taiwan 2023, by sector
- Energy supply in Taiwan 2014-2022
- Annual electricity generation from wind power in Taiwan 2010-2021
- Annual electricity generation value from cogeneration Taiwan 2010-2020
- Annual electricity production value from thermal power Taiwan 2010-2020
- Annual electricity production from cogeneration in Taiwan 2010-2021
- Annual electricity generation from thermal power Taiwan 2008-2020
- Breakdown of energy supply in Taiwan 2012, by source
- Domestic energy supply in Taiwan 2020-2023, by energy source
- Taiwanese public opinion on whether it is too early to abolish nuclear power 2019
- Taiwanese public approval of nuclear energy generation 2019
- Number of nuclear reactors in Taiwan 2023, by status
- Preference of Taiwanese for nuclear energy as back-up power supply 2019
- Annual electricity generation from nuclear power Taiwan 2013-2023
- Share of nuclear in electricity generation in Taiwan 2009-2022
- Annual electricity production value from hydropower Taiwan 2010-2020
- Wind energy capacity in Taiwan 2009-2021
- Solar energy production in Taiwan 2008-2021
- Renewable energy production in Taiwan 2009-2022
- Renewable energy capacity in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Onshore wind energy production in Taiwan 2009-2020
- Preference of Taiwanese for green electricity at a higher price 2019
- Bioenergy production in Taiwan 2009-2020
- Domestic hydroelectricity sales value in Taiwan 2010-2021
- Annual electricity generation value from wind power Taiwan 2010-2020
- Hydropower capacity in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Annual hydro electric power sales value Taiwan 2010-2020
- Breakdown of renewable energy supply in Taiwan 2010-2020, by type
- Solar energy capacity in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Bioenergy capacity in Taiwan 2012-2023
- Renewable energy share in Taiwan's electricity mix 2010-2021
- Onshore wind energy capacity in Taiwan 2010-2023
- Annual tap water production value Taiwan 2010-2020
- Daily per capita domestic water consumption in Taiwan 2011-2022