Statistics about Economy & Politics in South Korea
- Living necessities including rent CPI South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for cigarettes in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for desktop computers in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for motorcycles in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of vacuum cleaners in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of washing machines in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of persimmons in South Korea 2011-2023
- CPI South Korea 2024, by item
- PPI of chestnuts in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for photosensitive semiconductor devices in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for semiconductor testing instruments in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for semiconductor assembling equipment in South Korea 2015-2023
- PPI of potatoes in South Korea 2011-2022
- PPI growth rate South Korea 2012-2023
- PPI of ginseng in South Korea 2011-2022
- Annual food price inflation rate South Korea 1986-2023
- Non-alcoholic beverages CPI South Korea 2014-2023
- PPI for large trucks South Korea 2011-2022
- Quarterly GDP growth South Korea Q1 1996-Q3 2024
- Regional domestic product per capita of Busan, South Korea 2022
- PPI for silicon wafers in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of cucumbers in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of pork in South Korea 2011-2022
- GDP South Korea 2023, by industry
- GDP from utilities South Korea Q1 2019-Q3 2023
- Regional domestic product per capita of provinces South Korea 2022, by province
- PPI of crabs in South Korea 2011-2022
- PPI for laptops in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for passenger car engines in South Korea 2011-2022
- GDP from agriculture, forestry and fishing South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for digital cameras in South Korea 2008-2014
- GDP from the manufacturing sector in South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from wholesale and retail, restaurants and hotels sector South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from the transportation sector South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for system semiconductors in South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from the finance and insurance sector South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from the real estate sector South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from the cultural and other service sector South Korea 2011-2023
- Footwear CPI South Korea 2013-2022
- Share of GDP South Korea 2023, by economic activity
- EPI of manufacturing goods South Korea 2011-2023
- Tobacco CPI South Korea 2013-2022
- Social security rate in South Korea 2015-2021
- Index of all industry production South Korea 2011-2023
- Economically active youth population South Korea 2008-2023
- Economically active women South Korea 2010-2023
- FDI inflows to South Korea 2023, by country
- Rent (monthly rent & lump-sum housing lease) CPI South Korea 2011-2023
- Quarterly nominal GDP growth rate South Korea 2018-2022
- PPI of fresh squid in South Korea 2010-2022
- Trade as share of GDP South Korea 1970-2022
- PPI for DRAM in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of kimchi in South Korea 2011-2023
- GDP from the public, defense and social security sector South Korea 2014-2023
- Value of FDI inflows to South Korea 1996-2023, by industry
- Value of FDI outflows from South Korea 2018-2023
- PPI of LNG in South Korea 2010-2021
- Employment rate of youth South Korea 2012-2023
- CPI for housing, water, and electricity South Korea 1985-2023
- Annual inflation rate South Korea 2023, by province
- PPI of recreational vehicles in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for medium sized trucks South Korea 2011-2022
- GDP from the construction sector South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI for LEDs in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of strawberries in South Korea 2012-2023
- PPI for bus and truck tires South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of watermelon in South Korea 2014-2023
- PPI of cabbage lettuce in South Korea 2011-2023
- Gross regional product of provinces South Korea 2022, by province
- FDI outflow from South Korea Q1 2024, by recipient
- Monthly food price inflation rate South Korea 2022-2024
- PPI of shellfish in South Korea 2011-2022
- GDP from the mining and quarrying sector South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of spinach in South Korea 2011-2022
- Gross regional product of Busan, South Korea 2011-2022
- PPI of mandarin oranges in South Korea 2014-2023
- Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) South Korea 2022, by province
- PPI for flash memory in South Korea 2011-2023
- PPI of bell peppers in South Korea 2013-2022
- Economically active men South Korea 2012-2022
- GDP and manufacturing growth rate South Korea 1954-2023
- GDP distribution South Korea 1953-2023, by economic sector
- FDI outflow from South Korea Q1 2024, by industry
- Mandatory military service duration of Army and Marine Corps South Korea 1953-2018
- Compensation for conscripted soldiers in South Korea 2024, by rank
- Military personnel deployed overseas from South Korea 2015-2023
- Mandatory military service duration of Navy South Korea 1953-2018
- South Koreans deployed on UN peacekeeping operations 2000-2023
- Value of national defense assets South Korea 2014-2021
- Soldiers' monthly wages growth rate South Korea 2013-2024
- Asylum applicants in total South Korea 1994-2017, by nationality
- Number of North Korean defectors in South Korea 1998-2024
- Inter-Korean relations major issues according to South Korean experts 2018
- Military expenditure as share of GDP South Korea 2003-2022
- Monthly asylum applications South Korea 2017
- Inter-Korean summit effects on Kim Jong-un's image in South Korea 2018
- North Korean physical threats in the future perception South Korea 2018
- Opinion on South Korea attending the 2022 NATO summit South Korea 2022
- Changes in compensation for conscripted soldiers South Korea 2015-2024, by rank
- Opinion of South Koreans on North Korea sending troops to Russia 2024