Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in South Korea
- Pet food import volume in South Korea 2023, by country
- New pet food products South Korea 2014-2018
- Market share of pet food companies South Korea 2017
- Sales value of premium cat food in South Korea 2012-2015
- Dog/cat food import value in South Korea from China 2000-2022
- Market size of dog food South Korea 2014-2023
- Pet food export volume from South Korea 2023, by destination
- Preferred type of cat food South Korea 2020
- Preferred type of dog food South Korea 2020
- Leading pet food brands South Korea 2017, by retail sales value
- Annual amount spent on cat food per household South Korea 2019, by category
- Store-based retailer pet food purchase shares South Korea 2014-2018
- Pet loss care service preference in South Korea 2017
- Dog/cat food import volume in South Korea from the Netherlands 2000-2024
- New pet insurance policies South Korea 2013-2016
- Pet market size forecast in South Korea 2015-2027
- Pet product types purchased South Korea 2022, by age
- Pet ownership rate in Seoul in South Korea 2014-2023
- Main reasons for obtaining pets during COVID-19 lockdown South Korea 2022
- Pet product types purchased South Korea 2022, by gender
- Enjoyment of pet content on social media South Korea 2019, by pet ownership
- Number of insured pets South Korea 2013-2016
- Pet ownership rate single household in Seoul in South Korea 2014-2023
- Reports & dispatches for stray dogs in Seoul, South Korea 2014-2017
- Popular types of pets owned in South Korea 2022, by age
- Share of people who got their pet during COVID-19 lockdown South Korea 2022
- Number of pet cats in South Korea 2010-2022
- Number of pet dogs in South Korea 2010-2022
- Registered dog number in Seoul, South Korea 2013-2016
- Pet ownership rate in Seoul in South Korea 2023, by household size
- Types of premium pet care items purchased South Korea 2021
- Captured stray dogs in Seoul, South Korea 2017, by district
- Animal registration rate in Seoul, South Korea 2013-2016
- Negative opinions on treating pets as people South Korea 2021, by age group
- Forecast: farm animal prepared feeds manufacturing revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Distribution of dog registrations in South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of employees in the pet industry South Korea 2017-2023
- Number of rescued cats in South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of rescued animals in South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of rescued dogs in South Korea 2023, by province
- Distribution of rescued animals in South Korea 2023
- Number of street cats in TNR programs in South Korea 2023, by province
- TNR program expenses in South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of dog registrations in South Korea 2015-2023
- Number of dog registrations in South Korea 2023, by province
- Distribution of registered dogs in South Korea 2023, by province
- Distribution of dog registrations in South Korea 2023, by registration type
- Number of rescued animals in South Korea 2023
- Number of dog registrations in South Korea 2023, by registration type
- Number of pet-related establishments South Korea 2017-2023
- Location for pet product purchased South Korea 2022
- Sources for getting a pet in South Korea in 2023
- Share of dog-owning households in South Korea 2010-2023
- Share of households owning a pet South Korea 2010-2023
- Pet monthly expenses in South Korea 2023
- Abandoned pet number in South Korea 2010-2015
- Pet funeral establishment number in South Korea 2012-2015
- Dog number in Seoul, South Korea 2016, by registration type
- Pet food import value in South Korea 1988-2023
- Number of employees in the pet industry South Korea 2023, by category
- Dog/cat food import value in South Korea from Germany 2000-2024
- Animal registration agency number in Seoul, South Korea 2016, by type
- Problems caused by stray dogs in Seoul, South Korea 2014-2017, by type
- Captured stray dogs in Seoul, South Korea 2011-2017
- Pet product types purchased South Korea 2022
- Number of dogs per household South Korea 2010-2023
- Number of cats per household South Korea 2010-2023
- Sources for getting a dog in South Korea in 2023
- Number of pets per household South Korea 2023, by pet type
- Reasons for not adopting pets from shelters South Korea 2023
- Location for pet product purchased South Korea 2022, by gender
- Share of pet registrations South Korea 2023
- Animal hospitals' income through card payment in South Korea 2011-2015
- Number of pet-related establishments South Korea 2023, by category
- Most owned cat breeds in South Korea in 2023
- Location for pet product purchased South Korea 2022, by age
- Pet care market size South Korea 2017-2026
- Sources for getting a cat in South Korea in 2020
- Share of households owning a pet South Korea 2023, by pet type
- Number of pet owning households South Korea 2015-2020
- Most popular dog breeds in South Korea in 2023
- Pet industry market size South Korea 2017-2027
- Animal pharmaceutical market size South Korea 2016-2023
- Dog/cat food import volume in South Korea from Canada 2000-2023
- Dog/cat food import volume in South Korea from U.S. 2000-2023
- Dog/cat food import volume in South Korea from France 2000-2024
- Number of registered dogs in South Korea 2023, by province
- Forecast: prepared pet food manufacturing revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Pet care expenditure distribution South Korea 2023, by type of care
- Popular types of pets owned in South Korea 2022, by gender
- Opinions on spending time and money on pets South Korea 2021
- Pet insurance penetration South Korea 2013-2016
- Dog/cat food import value in South Korea from Australia 2000-2024
- Average pet item spending online South Korea 2022, by type
- Experience with raising pets South Korea 2021
- Pet seller number in South Korea 2012-2015
- Popular types of pets owned in South Korea 2022
- Average pet care spending online South Korea 2022, by type
- Pet product design patent number in South Korea 2009-2016
- Dog/cat food import value in South Korea from U.S. 2000-2024