Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Oman
- Air freight in GCC by country 2014
- Market size of the logistics sector in Oman 2013-2015
- Logistic market share in GCC by country 2015
- Logistic market CAGR in MENA 2020-2026, by country
- Logistic market value in GCC 2018-2026
- Logistic market growth in GCC 2015-2020
- Passenger movements at Muscat International Airport 2005-2016
- Share of transport services purchased by GCC visitors during the UK trip by type 2016
- Number of EV charging stations MENA 2024, by country
- Market share of leading car brands Oman 2022, by selected brand
- Vehicles sold in the Oman 2010-2020
- Growth rate of vehicle sales in the Oman 2010-2020
- Road density in GCC by country 2015
- Annual growth rate of new vehicle sales Oman 2023, by brand
- Annual growth rate of new vehicle sales Oman 2023, by model
- Vehicles sold in Oman 2010-2015
- Salalah Port: container throughput 2017-2022
- Cargo capacity in GCC by seaport 2015