Statistics about Economy & Politics in Myanmar [Burma]
- China's outward FDI flows to ASEAN 2023, by country
- Total tax rate for medium sized businesses Myanmar 2012-2020
- China's outward FDI stock to ASEAN 2023, by country
- Time required to start a business Myanmar
- Growth rate of GDP contribution Myanmar 2019, by sector
- Share of GDP contribution from the mining sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the agriculture sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of construction sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of communication sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of financial sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Share of GDP contribution from the construction sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of social and administrative sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of GDP from the electric power sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the livestock and fishery sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the total service sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from the energy sector sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Number of employed people Myanmar 2010-2018, by gender
- Share of GDP contribution from the transportation sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from processing and manufacturing Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from the communications sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of processing and manufacturing sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of energy sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of value added in industry Myanmar 2014-2023
- Growth rate of value added in agriculture Myanmar 2014-2023
- Labor force Myanmar 2010-2019, by gender
- GDP contribution of agriculture sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from the transportation sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Share of GDP contribution Myanmar FY 2018, by sector
- Growth rate of GDP from the total industry sector sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of GDP from the mining sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of GDP from the total services sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Share of GDP contribution from the trading sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Distribution of FDI inflows Myanmar 2018, by industry
- GDP contribution of rental and other services sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the total industry sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of total industry sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the forestry sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of transportation sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of electric power sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from processing and manufacturing Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Share of GDP contribution from the electric power sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the communications sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the financial sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- GDP contribution of total service sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth of GDP contribution from overall agriculture sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Distribution of FDI inflows Myanmar 2018, by country of origin
- GDP contribution of trade sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Number of employed people Myanmar 2010-2019
- Growth of GDP contribution from forestry sector Myanmar FY 2011-2020
- Growth rate of GDP from the construction sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Labor force participation rate Myanmar 2010-2019, by gender
- Employment rate Myanmar 2010-201, by gender
- Working age population Myanmar 2010-2019, by gender
- Employment rate Myanmar 2010-2019
- GDP contribution Myanmar 2019, by sector
- GDP contribution of total agriculture Myanmar FY 2011-2020
- Share of GDP contribution from total agriculture sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Labor force in Myanmar 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of livestock and fishery sector Myanmar FY 2011-2020
- Growth of GDP contribution from agriculture sector Myanmar FY 2011-2020
- Labor force participation rate Myanmar 2010-2019
- GDP contribution of mining sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of GDP from the financial sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from the social and administrative sector Myanmar FY 2010-2019
- Growth rate of GDP from rental and other services Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution from the energy sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Growth rate of GDP from the trading sector Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution of social and administrative services Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Share of GDP contribution of rental and other services Myanmar FY 2010-2018
- Perceptions on the future of the economy in Myanmar 2016
- Foreign direct investment net inflows Myanmar 2013-2022
- Growth of GDP from livestock and fishery sector Myanmar FY 2011-2020
- Real GDP growth industry sector Myanmar 2015-2021
- Labor productivity per hour in Myanmar 2000-2018
- Youth unemployment rate Myanmar 2009-2018
- Proportion of seats held by women in parliament Myanmar
- Government defense expenditure as a share of GDP Myanmar 2013-2021
- Defense expenditure as a share of real government spending Myanmar 2013-2021
- Complexity of tax compliance and reporting in Myanmar 2017
- Predictability of tax regimes in Myanmar 2017
- Consistency of tax regimes in Myanmar 2017
- Annual government spending on defense Myanmar 2013-2019
- Official development assistance contribution in Myanmar 2005-2016
- Monthly household expenditure in Myanmar 2012, by state
- Ratio of government revenue to GDP Myanmar 2014-2023
- Most important export partners for Myanmar in 2022
- Inflation rate in Myanmar 2029
- Age structure in Myanmar 2022
- Urbanization in Myanmar
- Population growth in Myanmar
- Unemployment rate in Myanmar
- Life expectancy at birth in Myanmar
- Import of goods to Myanmar 2023
- Trade balance of goods of Myanmar 2023
- Export of goods to Myanmar 2023
- Myanmar: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- National debt of Myanmar 2029
- Fertility rate in Myanmar
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Myanmar 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Myanmar 2029